Satan's grip on Pagans


There are many cultures which tell accounts of demons. I suspect ufo abduction are really demon accounts.

Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Shinto have exorcism rituals
Originally posted by okinrus
There are many cultures which tell accounts of demons. I suspect ufo abduction are really demon accounts.

Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Shinto have exorcism rituals

Why cant they actually be UFO's,
i mean theres a good chance UFO's exist,demons? erm i dont think so.
Or the other way around?

Why can't the "demon accounts" actually be Ufo's?

One of my favorite Ufo/Religion questions is The Madonna and Saint Giovannino, which still makes armchair Ufologists salivate.

In the post-autopsy Ufo boom of the 1990s, I recall some skeptic or another (they're a dime a dozen in that field) pointed out that people always interpreted Ufos according to technology at the time. In the days of the Madonna painting, Ufos were "angels"; in the age of flight, they have variously been balloon-shaped (hot air balloons), cigar-shaped (zeppelins), and then for years a number of different shapes from saucers to v-wings (science fiction & the limits of the imagination), and now triangular (experimental aircraft), always corresponding to actual technology or imaginable technology, and always distinguished by the witnesses' perception. Heck, I saw the coolest Ufo last night; I've seen many a satellite go by, but not vanish like that. Not a big deal, though. Where I live now, I'll see that behavior in various objects again; the only thing unusual about it is that I personally haven't watched an object up and disappear, but that could be a fault of memory, attention span, and so forth. It very easily could have faded out in a region of increased skyborne material including water vapor and dust, and I just blinked or something through that phase. It's worth noting, though, that none of the skeptics who point out the juxtaposition of Ufos and contemporary superstition and technology ever care to comment, especially in the case of angels, on what that would imply.

But we have before us the proposition that reports of extraterrrestrial activity are really reports of demonic activity.

My question is why can't it be the other way around?

What if millennia of demons and devils are actually the alien anthropologists and other scientists mucking around the planet, trying real hard to not be bored out of their skulls?

Tiassa :cool:
Yes, christians can get posessed. Usually those into "magick/paganism" are basically pretending or trying to be "cool".

And those dilluted in the actual religion are also trying to be cool and find a like minded people to make them feel better.

Religion is a cult.
The Cult of Religion

Originally posted by kajolishot
Yes, christians can get posessed. Usually those into "magick/paganism" are basically pretending or trying to be "cool".

And those dilluted in the actual religion are also trying to be cool and find a like minded people to make them feel better.

Religion is a cult.

There are some so enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free.

~ Goethe
Originally posted by okinrus
I'm sure of those measurements and surgery are crude by today's standards.
Actually the circumference was within a percentage point and the cataract removal is performed exactly the same way. Neither of which take away from my point which is simply that the comment is subjective. Many people will say catholic art is crap.

Originally posted by okinrus
Old Catholic art is gorgous, but old science is not. Which tells us that science has always been clumsy compared to art. Only when science becomes an art is it beneficial to us.
I can say: compared with a photograph Catholic art is temporarily beautiful and compared to today’s art is actually crap. However scientific truth is eternal and therefore always beautiful. So this tells us Catholic art has always been clumsy when compared to science. Only when Catholic art becomes scientific will it be beneficial to us (I think we can agree this makes no sense).

On occasion, okinrus, that’s how ludicrous your statements are to me.

1) I didn't understand the link to different religions.
2) Have you have seen in real life an actually possessed individual. How did you know? If not then you can't truly say they none-Christians (nor anyone for that matter) are possessed.

I believe in today’s age of reason all “possessions” are now described in terms of mental disorder and usually “exorcised” by a small does of lithium and/or other psychotropic drugs.
Actually the circumference was within a percentage point
It is impossible to measure something without changing the object being measured.

and the cataract removal is performed exactly the same way.
The only reason why someone would want their cataracts removed is to see the artwork. Other artist like Filippo Lippi like to leave them in inorder to be more creative.

However scientific truth is eternal and therefore always beautiful.
Science cannot define truth. Perhaps this world is all imaginary. Also science cannot be beautiful unless if it is art. Eternal truth cannot be beautiful unless if their is an eternal being I AM who calls it beautiful.

1) I didn't understand the link to different religions.
Many other religions have exorcisms. Usually they go the route given in Tobit.

Have you have seen in real life an actually possessed individual. How did you know? If not then you can't truly say they none-Christians (nor anyone for that matter) are possessed.
Well if I wanted to shell out like 600 dollars for a plane ticket, I could go see non-catholic exorcism. I'm not sure what your point is. I believe in the existance of atoms without seeing them in "real" life. I have of course seen footage and read documents.

I believe in today’s age of reason all “possessions” are now described in terms of mental disorder and usually “exorcised” by a small does of lithium and/or other psychotropic drugs.
In the catholic exorcism there must be a psychological review before it is done. Also the explanation usually given by skeptics is that it is some sort of self-induced possession where the exorcism is needed for psychological relief.
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