Satan's grip on Pagans

Satan's grip on YOU, or, "How to let rude people get away with murder."

You give others power by getting angry.
I must disagree. You give others power by wasting that anger. I can get angry at a computer or a music box on a shelf or somebody's dog's shite on my lawn as easily as I can a person.
Just because this person says that pagans are controlled by satan doesn't make it so, does it?
This is true. And just because some people believe fried chicken, watermelon, rape, and theft are still the mainstays of a Nigger's survival doesn't make it so.

Nor does the fact that such assertions are untrue change the fact that somebody was stupid enough to try to make a point out of it.

I know, I know, the best way to stop the stupid and unjust is to simply not interfere with them and let them do and think what they want without ever giving a damn about my fellow human being who might suffer as a result of such stupid thought and behavior.

I mean, I could talk about how Christians are rapists, thieves, murderers, haters, slavemasters, and absolute freaking idiots, but the fact that I'm sure they're not all like that ... excuse me ... the inherent faith I have in human beings that indicates to me that not all Christians are like that generally restrains any urge I might have to call Christians the sum of all evil in the Universe. There are better things to do with my day than see how much of a prig I can be. I've got a pretty good idea, and I know that most people are generally impressed by the magnitude of my cock routine. (You can tell by how desperate their responses become.)

Just because I'm really good at being an asshole doesn't mean I need to do it all the time. And if, like our topic poster, I go out of my way to offend people, I ought to expect that people will be offended.
No sense in letting someone's otherwise meaningless opinion get you all upset, right?
True. We could all share recipes for apple butter, mango salsa, and five-star taco meat instead.

Arguing our otherwise meaningless opinions is a general motif around here. Perhaps you've noticed.

Tiassa :cool:
Originally posted by asofangels
Satan's grip on Pagans ... ... This young man resisted in every form of reason when we dicussed Christianity and the flaws of Paganism for although I was not a Christian I liked to question. This would antagonise him and he would become quite verbally aggressive.

AN ASIDE: I was talking with someone not to long ago. He started discussing “his belief” that Australia is “being taken over by all these fucking slant-eyes” and that the “aboriginals were like a bunch of leaches on the country” and something about “lazy islanders . . . ” and he just wouldn’t shut up. No matter that I told him I really didn’t care to discuss it. Nope. He just kept going. Bla bla bla … right full-circle and back to “slant-eyed gooks taking over the universities . . . ”

I can’t stand racism. I can’t stand it. I didn’t give a two fucks about what he wanted to discuss. And guess what? I started to get “verbally aggressive” and started along the lines of “Listen you f*ck, 1 my partner is Asian 2 you’re a f*cking wog from Adelaide - 30 years ago the “real” Aussies didn’t want your greasy arse coming over . .” Eventually the “debate” heated and I knocked him on his arse. He was right-scared-shitless and lucky I just pushed him down and didn’t finish it up with a good kick. So, after that I never wanted to talk to or see him again. You see, I grew up in “typical” white-cornbread-USA and heard enough racism while growing to have had my fill. I probably had all sorts of misconceptions about “blacks” while growing up. Then I moved into the inner city and lived in a “black” neighborhood and realized it was all a bunch of bull shit.

THE TOPIC: Now, if I had been brought up in a Christian community and then realized it was all a bunch of BS (to me) and then found I had a leaning for Wicca or whatever. And some person came into my home and started preaching what “I thought” was offensive BS to me. And worse still I was stuck in a wheel chair and no matter how much I told this person to shut the f*ck up they kept at it. Yeah, I’d fire the person to. And wish I could get up and knock him on his arse. And I’d personally keep his BBQ for the pain of having to put up with him.

So asofangels can you see how offensive you were to this person? In this mans eyes you’re no better than the racist was in my eyes. Next time your “discussing” your beliefs and someone asks you to end it. Then end it. No, people who don’t see eye-to-eye with you are not under the influence of the devil. I mean how pathetic is that? This person wants you to end it and you “think” he’s possessed and go at the poor bed-ridden guy full force. He should have kept your BBQ and his new carer should have “put the fear of God into you” in a new way so that you’d stop coming back and further harassing this poor man.
Blame everything on the devil...

Actually please note only Abrahamic religions believe in Satan or whatever you want to call that being. Also your definion of "pagan" is very vague.
Maybe i shouldn't mention it, but im almost certain i read that exact same story on some christian propoganda site...

I don't mind the stories, they're rather funny, but i do feel the need to give some advice:

Once in a while change the fucking punchline heh?

The ending to the stories are always the same, and personally i find it's getting a little tiresome.

"Now i have found jesus and i'm cool. Find jesus and you can be cool too."

What kind of a punchline is that?? Frankly it's more offensive than funny.
Re: You know ...

Originally posted by tiassa
I've known Christians who f:eek:cked their children. So ...

You know, when I was 13, the pastor at my Lutheran church was well known among the youth study for hurling bibles at children and overturning furniture when people didn't give him the answer he wanted, in addition for calling them stupid for not knowing what he's studied a lifetime for.

To be honest, it sounds like a jilted-lover story you're telling. But I defer to both Bebelina and (Q) in terms of judgment.

Tiassa :cool:

Right on the nose. all Abrahamic religions are psychological trash to be cleaned out in the future.
Pagans or Devils?

Originally posted by kirstykiwi

Pagans don't 'worship' the devil or 'Satan'. It's just a pre-christian way of life - that's all.

Welcome to sciforums! Thank you for stating this iimportant fact simply so that even Xians should understand it! Since Paganism is as ancient as sun worship itself, you'd think Xians would be able to clearly see that their religion was conjured up by self-obsessed charlatans.
Worship of material things

Originally posted by okinrus
All worship of materal things are the cause of demons or a depraved mind.

That also goes for your worship of the Bible, the Eucharist, graven images, and a mythological god.

Ever watch Antiques Roadshow or similar programs?

I saw a guy on the show the other day with a teddy bear he found in a dumpster. Turns out the thing was really old and, even in its rough condition, worth several thousand dollars at auction.

Yes, I know that the appraisers have been investigated before for inflating estimates, but the point is that while I agree the Abramic religions have little to offer, someone will, in the future, rescue the tattered remains from the trash and try to make jewelry out of it.

We'll see.

All it takes is one crowning argument within the confines of any Abramic religion and suddenly they have the ability to adapt and last forever. I don't expect that argument to arrive anytime soon, and yes, if I knew the detail of it I actually would tell people so that we could put religion back in its proper place: something you do in your bedroom when nobody else is around to see.

Tiassa :cool:
That also goes for your worship of the Bible, the Eucharist, graven images, and a mythological god.
No one worships the bible. No one worships the physical artifacts of the Eucharist. There are people who are go to Eucharist adoration etc. but this is to be in the presence of Jesus. I've never seen the Eucharist worshiped despite it having the presence of christ when it is consegrated. No one worships graven images. Anyways I'm suprised you'd think that way. Old Catholic art is gorgous, but old science is not. Which tells us that science has always been clumsy compared to art. Only when science becomes an art is it beneficial to us.
Worshipping art?

Originally posted by okinrus
No one worships the bible. No one worships the physical artifacts of the Eucharist. There are people who are go to Eucharist adoration etc. but this is to be in the presence of Jesus. I've never seen the Eucharist worshiped despite it having the presence of christ when it is consegrated. No one worships graven images. Anyways I'm suprised you'd think that way. Old Catholic art is gorgous, but old science is not. Which tells us that science has always been clumsy compared to art. Only when science becomes an art is it beneficial to us.

I am a devout lover of the arts, especially the ancient works. I have been to museums and art galleries all over the world, even in St. Peter's in the Vatican, and the art is spiritually inspiring. Art is manifested from our soul. It is an expression of the innermost part of our being that comes from God and is God in us. Adoring art is no more vulgar than worshipping God. It is God. (I certainly don't mean ALL art here. I realize there are ungodly works of art, music, dance, sculpture, etc.). I'm only referring to old Catholic and religious art. Even some of the classic works show traces as well as obvious clues that negate Jesus' diety and Xianity. Some even hang in the Louvre! This is not about worshipping graven images. What's a graven image to one is a work of art to another. Until one is able to see and to know (or have the 'gnosis') of God within themselves, how they perceive the universe and all that is in it will be in a negative way or selfish way. With God, everything is art because God is the Artist.
A graven image has always been worshiping something besides the true God, Yahweh, I AM. Jesus also shares the same name and nature as the Father, because the Jewish people would define someone by his or her name. The graven image is a perception of our minds. The Isrealites worshiped the God of fear before the calf was created. God just allowed the spiritual reality to show in the physical realm. Once Aaron threw the Isrealite's possesions in the Calf just came out of the flames.
Originally posted by okinrus
Old Catholic art is gorgous, but old science is not. Which tells us that science has always been clumsy compared to art. Only when science becomes an art is it beneficial to us.
Where did that come from? Anyone can easily say all Catholic art is shit and all old science is gorgeous. Anyway, some Catholic art is gorgeous and some old science ingenious hence gorgeous (measuring the circumference of the earth, measuring the rotation of the earth, removing cataracts from eyes. . . .etc. . . . all ancient science that many simply find beautiful and as elegant as any ancient piece of art :)
Dang! This was a close call. I almost converted to the right religion.
But I think god would be more pleased if you were a skeptic, no? Atleast you are putting some effort into using that brain he/she gave to you. ;)
Xians get possessed too...if you wanna call it that

But don't Xians get posessed too? I've heard of this so many times. I don't think this guy was possessed at all, just a bit strange and a bit too into the creepier sisde of magick/paganism. You know, you Xians have more to do with satan than pagans do. After all, you're the ones who believe in him. There are lunatics in every religon, maybe there are more in poaganism becuase propaganda gives people reason to think that magick will give them unbelievable power (you know, levitation, mind control etc.) and they get into it, call themsellves pagans and jsut mess around with things not to be messed with. Shame about the guy mixing himself up with dark magick but he probably joined with something with glowing red eyes and a black aura.;) (i'm kidding..i don't think that at all) but stop dissing paganism as a whole religon because of one creppy story about a guy who has done soemthing silly with shadows.

Be in goodness and blessed be,

Rachael (a happy, blessed, good, white light filled pagan witch)
But don't Xians get posessed too? I've heard of this so many times. I don't think this guy was possessed at all, just a bit strange and a bit too into the creepier sisde of magick/paganism. You know, you Xians have more to do with satan than pagans do.
Yes, christians can get posessed. Usually those into "magick/paganism" are basically pretending or trying to be "cool".

Where did that come from? Anyone can easily say all Catholic art is shit and all old science is gorgeous. Anyway, some Catholic art is gorgeous and some old science ingenious hence gorgeous (measuring the circumference of the earth, measuring the rotation of the earth, removing cataracts from eyes. . . .etc. . . . all ancient science that many simply find beautiful and as elegant as any ancient piece of art
I'm sure of those measurements and surgery are crude by today's standards. <a href="">Old religion?</a>
the only people i know who believe in the devil, funnily enough, are christians, who funnily enough, are the only ones who seem to be plagued by the devil- example, my friend has dreams of satan and tells me so one day a few years ago. he then askes me if i've ever dreamed about satan and i say no. of course he doesn't believe but i would know if i had dreamed about satan as even in dreams when im falling and i hit the ground i won't wake up, i'll just do this 1000 meter commando roll to compensate for falling from a height. he says to me then that i am not having dreams about satan as he thinks satan already has me so does not waste any energy on entering my dreams. it is my turn to laugh and say i have never dreamed about satan as i am not obsessed with his image nor am i afraid of it. nor am i doing any bad things. i think my friend was threatened by me as i was just as good as any christian he knew, just didn't believe in god- and once again this is not satan trying to deceive people as it has been repeated here in this very forum that the only way people can do good is if god is in them. what's my point? christians are the only ones who are afflicted by the devil, i've never once heard of an exorcism performed on a atheist, or someone from any other religion for that matter.

Over the period of the year that I was with him I thought I was making headway in leading him to health and happiness. But he became more and more entranced with paganism.
and you say you weren't a christian at that time.
Satan has been made the fall guy for every problem.

God is what they say does all the good things while satans the fall guy for the negative.

Nothing is so black and white.

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