Satan's grip on Pagans


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Satan's grip on Pagans

I had a horrifying experience of Paganism and I have written this thread to warn others of the path of the Occult. I was employed as a carer, back in Feb 2002, by a young disabled man. His advert read 'Young disabled Pagan man requires carer'.

This intrigued me as I already had an interest in New Age ideas. On my first visit I was offered the job and we got along very well. I found him to be quite knowlegable about Paganism and his home was full of Pagan idols, ranging from suspended witch dolls to a Pagan altar (which he was very protective over).

We became close friends and I would often visit him out of work hours. This man suffers from MS and is confined to a wheelchair and has an assistance dog. He is unable to accomplish normal daily tasks by himself and always requires a carer.

He had virtually cut himself off from the outside world and I found myself in the position of being his only companion. I endeavoured to change his situation by offering him independence.I often offered to take him out and meet more people of his age and to get him out of his dark and depressive enviroment.

I did so much for him that my family life became second-place. I spent at least £1000 on improving his lifestyle including a recliner chair, magnetic therapy pads for him and his assistance dog countless CD's and numerous other gifts of benefit to his health and leisure.

Although I found Paganism interesting I was sceptical of idolising many gods, but the side of spirit guides, tarot, and spell binding I found to be alluring. I filled my home with Pagan items.

This young man resisted in every form of reason when we dicussed Christianity and the flaws of Paganism for although I was not a Christian I liked to question. This would antagonise him and he would become quite verbally aggressive.

Over the period of the year that I was with him I thought I was making headway in leading him to health and happiness. But he became more and more entranced with paganism.

He was able to hear his 'Spirit Guides' and there was more than one occasion when I was present of supernatural activity. It was only when on bathing him one day I noticed deep scratches on his back. I joked and said who is the other woman but he was as suprised as me.

Nothing more was said about it until it began happening reguarly his personality became more volatile and unpredictable. He would become very defensive and cruel as time went on.

We had an argument one day over one silly little thing I attemped to resolve the argument but he overreacted in a way I had never witnessed before. I was sacked from my job but more importantly our friendship had ended.

He refused to pay me my remaining 2 weeks wages and witheld my posessions in his property. He demanded that his Mother would meet me in town to exchange his doorkey for my posessions currently held in his home. I refused on the basis that I felt they treating me like a criminal after all I had done was bring him freedom and joy. He and his Mother admitted only a week before that I had been a good influence on his life.

One day I went round to collect my barbecue and was quite stunned at the reaction I got. I explained through the intercom that I was not interested in collecting anything other than my barbecue. I asked for his carer to allow me in the back gate but he refused finally I managed to calm him down and my barbecue was handed to me by the carer via the back gate.

What I witnessed distressed me at seeing such a demonic change in him it was like something out of 'The Exorcist'. Since very shortly after becoming a Born Again Christian I can see with clarity the real reasons for his change.

I am now happy as a Christian and have found peace in myself but still wish I could save him from his spiritual death. All the signs of Satan's posession are upon him and he has no one to turn to for help.

One thing I can say from experience is that when I was saved my life changed immediatly and for the better. I am assured that Jesus Christ is alive amongst us. But all we need to do is believe and trust in Him and the Lord.

How many among us are victims of Satan's grip?
I think this guy was just psychotic to begin with, then it must have escalated when you started questioning him. He felt threatened and began to reinforce his beliefs.
There is no satan, as far as I'm concerned.
This young man resisted in every form of reason when we dicussed Christianity and the flaws of Paganism for although I was not a Christian I liked to question. This would antagonise him and he would become quite verbally aggressive.
I am now happy as a Christian and have found peace in myself but still wish I could save him from his spiritual death. All the signs of Satan's posession are upon him and he has no one to turn to for help.

Without hearing both sides of the argument, it is difficult to comment. However, it appears that although this man has a physical affliction, his mind is sound. If I had hired you and you began to spout Christianity, verbal aggression would be the least of your worries.

He did the right thing by giving you the boot. Perhaps you are the one who needs help.
Well, just because our newcomer has a different belief than you, then that doesn't justify this other person stealing from him etc.
I seriously don't think this other person was sane to begin with, and perhaps this poster, keeping the headline in mind, could be a bit saner himself too. :)

I know a few friends who hold what may be called Pagan or Wiccan beliefs, and they are still wonderful people. I call myself a Christian, but I hold no grudge versus any other peoples beliefs, as long as they dont hurt others. In my experience, they havent hurt anyone so im fine with that:)
Yes, it is actually possible for people to be devoted to a religion without being insane, as long as they realize that their belief is a choice they have made and that it doesn't present any ultimate truth that needs to be enforced upon other people.
I'm inclined to think that the person had some issues before. But in my spiritual view, there is no Satan. He's too easy an excuse.
In reply to comments left to my opening comments, I can only say that perhaps more explanation is needed of the situation and the point I am trying to put accross.
Firstly, I was not a christian at the time of employment/friendship.
The issues we discussed were of a general nature but when prophesies of the Bible etc. were discussed, only as a debate topic, he was totally narrow minded on the subject to the point of demanding that this was something not to be discussed.
As regards steeling from him, I don't know where your going with that comment, it is not part of the equasion.
The scary thing that I witnessed was seeing such a change in him, wanting to cut himself off to indulge in Paganism.
The result was that he was, maybe, a beacon to bad spirits. This was demonstrated by his behaviour change and potergeist activity around his home and of course the inexplicable deep scratches appearing on his back.
I felt I was also being drawn in, there was a number of times when I befell accidents at his home. Too many to put down just as coincidence.
As a Christian now, I can honestly say that my experience opened my eyes.
However you want to interpret my story, is up to you, maybe you will be intrigued to search the internet for truth about what God and the bible are saying.
It all makes perfect sense to me, the only truth is that which is from Christ, anything else is Anti-Christ.
I was happy before I was saved but now I am empowered with the holy spirit it is a feeling of complete contentment.
(Difficult to explain without sounding like I smoke weed all day)
Anyway I thought this experience I am sharing with you might inspire you to read a little deeper into ideas you follow and give the bible a chance to see if it measures up to your expectations.
Pagans don't 'worship' the devil or 'Satan'. It's just a pre-christian way of life - that's all.
People are always weary of the unknown, and as I've said in a previous post, to me the bible reads like a horror book that's enough to scare the s.. out of anyone.
Did you have any training to care for a disabled man?? He may well be experiencing mental issues that you may not have been equipped for.
Re: his scratches on his back - he may have been self-harming, in which he will not tell you about.
And without sounding rude - what made you spend so much money on him?? That was very generous of you, but not very professional.
Also, not good to get into discussion about religion as a care-giver.
Because he's in a wheelchair etc, his energy has to come out somewhere - and so he WILL get angry and perhaps a little strange.
If you get too close to your clients - you will ultimately suffer consequences in the end.
You know ...

I've known Christians who f:eek:cked their children. So ...

You know, when I was 13, the pastor at my Lutheran church was well known among the youth study for hurling bibles at children and overturning furniture when people didn't give him the answer he wanted, in addition for calling them stupid for not knowing what he's studied a lifetime for.

To be honest, it sounds like a jilted-lover story you're telling. But I defer to both Bebelina and (Q) in terms of judgment.

Tiassa :cool:

The plot thickens:

he was totally narrow minded on the subject to the point of demanding that this was something not to be discussed.

In other words, he got tired of you shoving your worldviews on religion down his throat, especially considering you had such a “captive” audience.

The scary thing that I witnessed was seeing such a change in him, wanting to cut himself off to indulge in Paganism

Or perhaps wanting to cut himself off from your bible thumping.

The result was that he was, maybe, a beacon to bad spirits. This was demonstrated by his behaviour change and potergeist activity

He was beginning to understand that you’re a religious zealot.

As a Christian now… maybe you will be intrigued to search the internet for truth about what God and the bible are saying.

No thanks – there are plenty of good Christians here already giving us their versions of the truth. (Truthseeker?)

It all makes perfect sense to me, the only truth is that which is from Christ, anything else is Anti-Christ.

And here we have the qualifying binding tie. Now your story makes perfect sense. And in typical fashion, you’ve made yourself out to be the victim.

It would appear that you were not interested in helping this person at all but instead, were attempting to convert him to Christianity. Of course, once he recognized your deceit, he promptly sent you on your way. Kudos to him!

It’s amazing what you can learn when you read between the lines. ;)
Originally posted by asofangels

I was happy before I was saved but now I am empowered with the holy spirit it is a feeling of complete contentment.
saved from what?
what's holy spirit?
so you are doing financialy ok,(I'm guessing)so you feel good,make sense dont it?
and since the man you cared for was cripple,unable to enjoy the things you do,dont you think he had good reason to be mad at life/world?
and I seriously doubt that worshiping Jesus would make him feel any better.
ah, I see you've met some of our resident athiests! Welcome to sciforums! I'm one of the (unfortuantely) few christians here. How long have you been a believer?

I think that its entirely possible for this man to have been taken by Satan/demons, etc. Its been known to happen before and I'm sure it hasnt ended yet! Its scary really! All you can do now is pray for him and if God ever brings him back into your life, to met him with Christ-like love!
Friendships break up for a vast number of reasons. Even those who express deep love for each other end up in divorce 50% of the time.

The only difference here is that a fantasy character from mythology is being accused of being the cause.
Satan & and his menials had been defeated for ever and humans were left alone with their 'free will' by Jesus on Cross.. this is what i read about the sacrifice of Jesus..???!!!
Geez, you guys are way harsh. Remember, you are not the only ones entitled to your own opinions.
As far as it goes, I think the captive audience thing probably had a lot to do with what happened. Could it be that you missed some mild signals he was giving off, trying to tell you the subject was not one he wanted to discuss? Some people are more comfortable than others about debating religion, and if you ignored signs that he was not one of the comfortable ones, I would expect the heated reaction.
You never did describe the "obvious signs" that meant he was possessed. Could you elaborate further?
I think it's great that you found a religion that suits you, but don't expect to change too many minds around here, because they are very good at seeing what they want to see, not what you want them to!:D
Not really, Ladybug

Geez, you guys are way harsh. Remember, you are not the only ones entitled to your own opinions.
Well, let's see ... why don't I invent a metaphor for the sum of all evil and then attribute it to people who don't follow my religion?

Answer? Because that would make me like the people who already do that. And I find that brand of hatred a sickness. Why would I choose the Christian sickness if this is what it looks like?

Tiassa :cool:
Yeah, but still Tiassa, unless you let others have power over you, they can't have it. You give others power by getting angry.

I don't care what others think, because I know what I believe in and what I don't. Just because this person says that pagans are controlled by satan doesn't make it so, does it?