
satanism is about the lack of growth , mentally , emotionally

satanism is about savagery , primative thinking .
I have an idea for a movie..It opens me talking to me in the car I will appear to be driving and passanger..the invisable friend thing hinting ar the dellusions to come...I tell me my imaginary friends hiw i had I a dream and that God talks to me and gives me an address, after three nights of the same dream I am going to go to the address I argue wuth my invisable fruebd who tells me I am imaginging things...and admitted I will use what is at hand ( my house and I play all parts) any music I use the three string so I dont infringe a copywrite....I go to the house and the imaginary friend may ir may not come in ..maybe both with time warps thriwn in☺... and in the house there is God (me in a robe) I (me) and maybe the imaginary friend is or are surprised how we look alike and "I" as God says "I know what your thinking...I made you in my image of course you will look like me"..laughs...he then calls out "Jesus" and I appear from around the corner blood on my hands etc and say "yes Dad" camera on a tripod trip.."wher are my street clothes" god says.."drying Dad" .."Jesus Chris just bring them they will be dry"..I edit to do a quick change flash from robe to trendy street clothes in on frame..and we proceed with the interview☺....OF course it will be tastful and most jokes politically correct and God can answer all questions and in doing so will project my beliefs and feelings on everything.☺.

The flood will be explained how it was a bloke who actually got washed away in a boat with his cattle and the story grew over the years and he looked old about 35.

Proceeds from the movie will go to improved security.

Autographed photos will be available to followers I mean fans for only 5% of turnover not this 10% some of the larger companies charge...I mean some contributions by believers.

There will be a new commandment for each day of the decade selected at random from a box of 100 useful reminders. Old cards will be avaiable fir pirchase aithographed of course.

I was all set for some astronomy and it rained so all wound up the creative juices are flowing ... but last night I nailed an object I have had three goes at getting so happy but sleep deprived 3 am two nights and again tonight..

To be honest I know very little about it, yet it seems counter intuitive. What is there to be gained by worshiping evil?
Your question is a non-sequitur. Satanism, in any of its forms, don't worship "evil" either as an abstract concept or as a concrete figure. Most modern Satanists are LaVeyan Satanists, or otherwise an offshoot of LaVey's ideas or organization. The Church of Satan, as founded Anton LaVey in 1966, uses the imagery and iconography of Satan, combined with the spectacle and theatre of high religious ceremony, as both a path of spiritual fulfillment and as a philosophical grandstanding. LaVeyan Satanists aren't theistic, they generally don't believe in any gods, let alone the Christian god or Satan, as literal beings, though they often do integrate elements of the Western Occult tradition and Ceremonial Magic into their rituals. LaVey was also rather interested in Ayn Rand Objectivism, Social Darwinism, and a host of might-makes-right ideas; LaVeyans have distanced themselves from those extremes since his death, but LaVeyan Satanism nevertheless emphasizes personal liberty, self-actualization, autonomy, and personal will. Satanists of that stripe, while not worshiping Satan as a deity, effectively worship the concepts that the literary Satan stood for: the apotheosis of the Self.

Now, that's probably the largest branch of modern Satanism. There are numerous spinoff groups, some of whom are more or less distant from LaVey's non-theism. Theistic Satanism is another form, sometimes based on LaVey's ritual structure, sometimes wholly original; the main difference being that Theistic Satanism actually believes in a god or gods. These are the ones that actually worship Satan as a literal figure, though pretty much all of them interpret Satan as a liberator figure or a trickster god, emphasizing his literary role as an accuser or challenger.
Zeena Schreck, one of LaVey's daughters, split from the Church in 1990, rejecting their self-centered teachings and started a new religious movement framed around the Egyptian trickster god Set. LaVey's eldest daugher Karla LaVey founded the First Satanic Church in 1999, as kind of a "traditionalist LaVeyan" group after a schism within the CoS surrounding the settlement of Anton's estate. There's some acrimonious family stuff in there too, with Zeena conveying her home life as very dysfunctional; and after her very public split, the CoS kinda went on a smear campaign. It's all died down now, but their organizations aren't half of what they used to be.

Probably the most prominent in the news these days is the Satanic Temple, which eschews its forebears' occult practices entirely. They are much closer to spidergoat's interpretation on page 1: a satirical religion designed to ridicule mainstream religion and point out the hypocrisy of Christianity. Not that LaVey's religion didn't do that, but it was a secondary goal next to self-actualization. In fact, the founder of the Satanic Temple described their project as a modernized, progressive update of LaVey's organization. Not exactly a schism or splinter group, but one that recognizes the faults of its predecessor while taking influence from it. For what it's worth, ST has been very successful in courting publicity and doing good work for religious freedom and social activism. I'm just peeved by their abandonment of Western esoterica.
LaVey was also rather interested in Ayn Rand Objectivism, Social Darwinism, and a host of might-makes-right ideas; LaVeyans have distanced themselves from those extremes since his death, but LaVeyan Satanism nevertheless emphasizes personal liberty, self-actualization, autonomy, and personal will. Satanists of that stripe, while not worshiping Satan as a deity, effectively worship the concepts that the literary Satan stood for: the apotheosis of the Self.
...which is evil.
...which is evil.
Not in their viewpoint. You have to consider things from others' point of view, at the very least to understand where they're coming from or why they're doing what they're doing. But this isn't like some kind of extremist political ideology. Self-actualization and self-love are very positive, powerful things.

Unless you're talking about LaVey's penchant for Objectivism and social Darwinism. I wouldn't quite call it "evil", but it's certainly shitty.