Satan is just as powerful as God

Now your calling me a liar...

Or delusional in this specific case.

let me guess, over in that thread about animals lying you think that they do as well...:rolleyes:

I don't know what you're talking about or how it's even relevant. Sounds like a non seq.

And true too.

I know that!

Then we've made progress!! F-in meow baby!

Subjective exists, therefor it is real. That is what I was saying. I never said it means that it is in accord with objective reality at all times, only that it is there.

I agree! Progress again woot! Who are you and what have you done with Jobo? :D

That whether the subjective mind sees its objective reality as it is or not is aside the point that it does exist. Even if it is wrong it does exist...with the false perceptive view.

You've got it correct! :).

I think putting your hand in the fire is a silly 'experiment'. Testing predictable and demonstrable theories is not.

I'll explain the reasoning behind the experiment and I think you'll fully understand given your last 3 points. The claim that reality isn't 100% objective literally means that subjective thought can alter reality. The experiment (although extreme) shows this not to be the case; however, I now think you already realize this. I suspect the issue was probably that the claim "reality isn't 100% objective" wasn't worded well. It looks like you meant was that that reality is what it is and a person may perceive it correctly and / or incorrectly.

Thus it does appear in science as something to consider and understand. Just not every field of science.


Also, I recall hearing several times in several different places that some predictable and demonstrable tests are now using sensitive equipment and that the nature of the test and the measurements involved are showing that the thoughts do have an effect on physical properties outside of itself.

The only experiments I am aware of that comes anything close to this idea health experiments. A person who thinks happy thoughts when sick/injured has measurably better chance of survival. The reason is because unhappy thoughts cause stress and your body has use resources to fight the stress. A stress-less body can focus most of its resources on healing.

The Snowflake tests by that Japanese guy (I can't remember his name right now...) is one of the best examples.

Never heard of it and I didn't find any web references either.

Please rephrase this so I can follow what you mean.

It meant show me evidence that modern psychology thinks there is a "subjective reality" where pure thought can alter actual reality; however, based on this particular set of posts, I don't think that the request corresponds to your actual position.

Read my above reply..

I'll explain. The idea of altering reality using pure thought falls way outside of known observation. Anyone making such a claim would have to provide evidence for it (and such a claim is easily falsifiable). On the other hand, the idea of a person peeing is completely within the realm of known observation. Whether or not you personally have to pee when claiming so isn't a concern because you either do (i.e. you're telling the truth) or you dont (i.e. you're lying). Telling the truth or lying are both within the real of known observation as well as humans peeing. Nothing would be unusual enough to scrutinize.
Based on what I've read up to this point, I'd say we appear to agree on the nature of subjectivity and objectivity. Interpretations were probably confused, and so it lead to this discussion. If there was something I left undressed simply remind me of it.

Otherwise, the topic wasn't on objectivity and subjectivity. Supposing there is a God, then would there be Devil of equal power. If God is seen as Good, likely so. If God is Absolute and Absolute is beyond good and evil, unlikely.
Ok ok i never read the thread or the original post, but satan may be as powerfull as jesus christ, in no way is he even close to being as powerfull as god.
Ok ok i never read the thread or the original post, but satan may be as powerfull as jesus christ, in no way is he even close to being as powerfull as god.

Then why does God tolerate him?
Why not eliminate him and get his Divine Plan back on track?