It doesn't work that way.
You have the burden of proof as you are claiming something exists outside of normal measurement.
You must demonstrate your claim.
Sounds like the typical Jame's Randi forumer one liner to me. So official...
Anyways I ain't buying it. In fact, I'll simplify this a great deal.
I can't prove that reality includes subjective. Can't do it.
Your turn! Can you prove that it is all objective! Are you gonna just talk or walk the walk...
If you can't prove it I can't accept what your saying on this point. Simple!
What Neverfly said.
You're definitinon is very incomplete. Here is the evidence:
"Especially, pertaining to, or derived from, one's own consciousness, in distinction from external observation; ralating to the mind, or intellectual world, in distinction from the outward or material excessively occupied with, or brooding over, one's own internal states. "
Maybe it is, that remains to be seen. There are many online turns coming up!
Also, the definition you provide provides evidence that there IS such thing as subjective reality...nice choice!!
CrunchyCat insinuated, though didn't flat out say, that everything in reality is objective. Jozen Bo was asking him to prove this claim. Therefore, unless I'm mistaken about CrunchyCat's claim (and if I am please correct me), CrunchyCat has the burden of proof on him to prove that everything is objective.
I'm seeing this too...
You're wrong:
JB stated that it wasn't, and CC asked for evidence...
I stated that reality wasn't 100% objective, yes. CC insinuated that it is.
And, as noted earlier in this reply I stated I can't prove it. Thus...his turn!!!
CrunchyCat is perfectly fine flat out saying that everything is objective.
It is not necessarily the case that making a claim alone requires the burden of proof. Although it often happens to work out that way...
It's that a claim that is Outside of observation requires support.
Basically, if you don't agree you cry out ''prove it, prove it'' and if you do ''hurray!!!''. Understood!
I see so CrunchyCat is on the fence as to whether subjectivity or objectivity exist at all. Does that mean that CrunchyCat isn't sure if he exists himself? What a crazy experience life must be for him!!
Lol...I think he thinks we are just a bunch of equations and measurements of physical stuff...which not even scientist can really say what it is...that is why they are smashing particles looking for answers.
And that we came about as a consequence of the objective reality farting, as it would every time because the equations and measurements add up like so. And we, consequently are objective equations and measurements that follow the strict orders of the objective reality and are in now way capable of straying from those, even if we think otherwise that would just be another equation of our internal measurements processing.
He apparently isn't familiar with bifurcations...:bugeye: