Satan is just as powerful as God


seeker of lies
Valued Senior Member
I know this assertion seems immature and I almost feel like one of those insolent children that shouts controversial things just to be controversial. Given the subject this is inevitable. I intend this not as a joke but as a serious train of logic.

If there is such a thing in the universe as "good" and a diametrically opposed force called "evil", the former represented in purity as God, the latter as Satan, then they must be of equal power - for there can be no opposites in existence that do not perfectly balance and compliment each other. There may only be the illusion of an imbalance from certain narrow perspectives but ultimately they must be equal.
Nope. God kicked satan's ass years ago. God is the almighty, all-powerful, great I Am. Satan is a wanabe punk. He is defeated. Haaaaaaaaa!

Nope. God kicked satan's ass years ago. God is the almighty, all-powerful, great I Am. Satan is a wanabe punk. He is defeated. Haaaaaaaaa!


M*W: Oh, the crazy things you people create in your desperate and needy minds.
There is no such thing as Satan. And God is neutral.

I'm assuming that they both exist for the sake of argument. I should have been more explicit about this in the OP.

In this thread Satan and God undeniable exist. Continue.
can you attribute good and evil to a god, good and evil are abstracts anyway and have no bearing on a god as if a god was worried about what anyone thinks anyway. and according to the books, satan was cast out so isn't as powerful as god, but god allows him to do what he does. I believe that satan also means accuser, so I don't think it's so much evil as it is a different idea about how things should be done.
I read something years ago called the "Reverse God Syndrome" or something like that.

Anyway, in this thing, it postulated that God is evil and Satan is good.
Satan (From here out referred to as Lucifer) essentially wished for the creation to have free will. He wished them to have intelligence and to feel the joy of creation.
God was opposed to this idea, preferring absolute control and demanding absolute worship.
Lucifer bucked God and spoke out against the repressive nature of it.
He called God a dictator, cold and selfish and demanded that he free the creation to explore.
God rebuked Lucifer and cast him out, but now, unfettered by Heaven, Lucifer sought to influence and save as many people as he could.

So God launched a massive P.R. campaign against Lucifer, claiming that Lucifer was the ACTUAL evil one and warning people to ignore his words. He called him a temptor, and bade his creation to distrust him.

Lucifer was determined. Knowing he could not save everyone and knowing his once good reputation was now tarnished, he resorted to the best means necessary to rebuke God- To convince others that there was no God at all. If there was no God, then the people would be freed of his shackles.

You can try googling it but I tried. Maybe i got the name wrong, but it was a short story I encountered many years ago. I cannot remember the author. If I ever knew it.
Lucifer seems a much more admirable character. In any case, God could eliminate Lucifer, but he doesn't, so he must play an important role. Without the threat of hell, why wouldn't people sin?
Lucifer seems a much more admirable character. In any case, God could eliminate Lucifer, but he doesn't, so he must play an important role. Without the threat of hell, why wouldn't people sin?

You assume that God can eliminate him. But is that assumption valid?

Define Hell-- What God SAYS it is? How do we know that is not more of the P.R. Campaign? What if Hell is actually that free place, not that "jealous kiss my feet place?"

The grass is browner in the yards of people you don't like.
If God cannot eliminate Lucifer, then he is not omnipotent.

And to take it further, if they are both pure manifestations of good and evil then they must have equal power in order for there to be balance or else some third entity would have to exist to balance them out but that would be kind of ridiculous. Why do christians ignore this fact?
"Satan is just as powerful as God" - Probably not, but he is a lot more fun. Eat, drink and make Mary (or Jane)
If there is such a thing in the universe as "good" and a diametrically opposed force called "evil", the former represented in purity as God, the latter as Satan, then they must be of equal power
Why must they?
Given that they exist could one not be slightly (or even significantly) more powerful than the other?

for there can be no opposites in existence that do not perfectly balance and compliment each other.
This is speculation piled on supposition, and is contradicted by the actual evidence.
Matter/ anti-matter.
Levo-rotatory/ dextro.