Sars, aids, whats next? and how devestating will it be?

SARS was a pandemic and we effectively contained it relatively quickly compared to previous pandemics, like the influenza after WWI that wiped out 40 million before it was stopped.
A pandemic is an epidemic that is found in more than one country or over a wide geographic area. "Pan" means "many, or spread out." We have a new posting on The Avian Flu called "Avian Flu Pandemic."

Epidemic over a wide geographic area and affecting a large proportion of the population: pandemic influenza.

You missed out on the 'affecting a large proportion of the population'.
Well, it all depends on what definition you want to use. People have scorned me for using Webster's definitions on a scientific forum but in any case, the Avian Bird Flu is now starting to be considered as a pandemic by both scientists and medical researchers alike, yet only about 115 people have been infected and 60 died.
Dr Lou Natic said:
It is a fact that if you stuff lots of chickens into a small space diseases will arise and spread alot faster than if they are free ranged with lots of space.
Actually, that's wrong. In Europe the bird flu is a problem since the free-range chickens come into contact with diseased birds from asia. Factory style farms, less common in Europe, isolate poultry populations from wild birds.
spidergoat said:
Actually, that's wrong. In Europe the bird flu is a problem since the free-range chickens come into contact with diseased birds from asia. Factory style farms, less common in Europe, isolate poultry populations from wild birds.
Actually that's wrong too. The recent outbreak in bird flu in Turkey and Romania is taking place in a delta region that is a crossover migratory stop for birds migrating from Russia to Africa. Possibly these birds were somehow infected from a different migratory route with Southeast Asian birds. In any case, you can see how far and wide this is going to spread.