Sad Marriage in America

Are you seriously comparing the way in which people are born to the behavior people choose?

Tiassa, I don't think the communication is working here. I don't have a clue about what you are talking about. :shrug:
Marriage hasn't always been about love. In the middle ages for the nobility, it was about establishing dynasties. Romantic love was an ideal, but it was usually thought of in terms of cheating on your own spouse, to whom you were arranged to be married as a matter of convenience. I think we have come a long way.

Why is it that if marriage is good, more people getting married isn't better? What other good things do you do that other people should stop doing because only you doing it is good?
Marriage has always been a man and a woman, and that's what got us here today.
That's a really stupid and worthless justification for anything: "It's always been this way."
  • "Wolves and humans have always been enemies. Nothing good can come of this foolish experiment of living together."
  • "Humans have always been nomadic hunter-gatherers. If this newfangled idea of building permanent settlements catches on, were doomed."
  • "Animals have always migrated and we have always chased them. Trying to domesticate them and keep them near us so we can just walk out and kill one without any effort, or worse yet drink its milk and allow it to live and keep feeding us more efficiently, will destroy life as we know it."
  • "We have always lived among the people we're closely related to. That tribe in the next valley is our enemy and nothing good can come of cooperating with them."
  • "We have always distrusted people that we haven't known all our lives. Building a city and expecting people to live in harmony and cooperation with total strangers is a dumb idea."
  • "We have always made do with stone tools and sharpened sticks. Why put all the effort into melting rocks to refine metal?"
  • "We have always learned everything we need to know by listening to our elders recite it orally. There's no need to learn this new 'writing' thing and store a lot of useless historical information."
  • "We have always treated dark-skinned people, non-Christian people, aboriginal people, and anyone else who isn't like us as our inferiors. It's a mistake to treat them as equals and allow our children to marry them."
  • "Women have always spent their whole lives giving birth and raising children. It's wrong to make contraception available."
  • "We have always taken what we want from the earth without worrying about giving anything back. This new environmental movement is crazy."
  • "Marriage has always been defined as between one man and one woman... yatta yatta yatta more stupid bullshit just like all that other stupid bullshit."
"We've always done it this way" is NEVER EVER a good reason for doing something.
you forgot a couple there mate.

women have smaller brains so they couldnt POSSABLY understand politics enough to vote or hold political office

women should stay home with the kids, women have no place in the workforce
I thought it was fairly obvious

Woody said:

Tiassa, I don't think the communication is working here. I don't have a clue about what you are talking about.

Okay, let's review:

Woody: "Homophobe" is a pejorative that makes you sound hipocritical. On the one hand you lump a group of people into your "phobe" stereotype, and on the otherhand you tell us we shouldn't judge all gays as promiscuous. It's hard to take you seriously.

Tiassa: Well, here's the thing, Woody: we can only work with what the homophobes give us. The desperation, hypocrisy, and sheer idiocy of the homophobic argument would be stunning were we not so accustomed to it by long and repetitive exposure

Woody: Well as far as I see it you might as well be using the "N" word while debating an african american. It serves no useful purpose in a civil conversation.

Tiassa: Are you seriously comparing the way in which people are born to the behavior people choose?​

It would seem that you're comparing something that people choose (e.g., homophobia) to something that people are (e.g., dark-skinned).

Maybe that's not what you intended, but that's what you posted.
That's a really stupid and worthless justification for anything: "It's always been this way."

So after many many thousands of generations, you are going to come along and say we we're STUPID and you got it right. ok I get the picture now. Nature just mucked it up, and we were all supposed to be hemaphrodites.. :bugeye:
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Okay, let's review:

Woody: "Homophobe" is a pejorative that makes you sound hipocritical. On the one hand you lump a group of people into your "phobe" stereotype, and on the otherhand you tell us we shouldn't judge all gays as promiscuous. It's hard to take you seriously.

Tiassa: Well, here's the thing, Woody: we can only work with what the homophobes give us. The desperation, hypocrisy, and sheer idiocy of the homophobic argument would be stunning were we not so accustomed to it by long and repetitive exposure

Woody: Well as far as I see it you might as well be using the "N" word while debating an african american. It serves no useful purpose in a civil conversation.

Tiassa: Are you seriously comparing the way in which people are born to the behavior people choose?​

It would seem that you're comparing something that people choose (e.g., homophobia) to something that people are (e.g., dark-skinned).

Maybe that's not what you intended, but that's what you posted.

A gay advocate said a monogamous gay relationship is homophobic because it represses one's homosexual desires. I think he had a strong point myself. So when gays talk about monogamous relationships they're just trying to "sound straight" and repressing their gay nature. So in a sense monogamous gays are "homophobic." Anyone that isn't morally abandoned is "homophobic."

BTW, People that have genuine phobias do not choose what they fear.
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you forgot a couple there mate.

women have smaller brains so they couldnt POSSABLY understand politics enough to vote or hold political office

women should stay home with the kids, women have no place in the workforce

You could lighten up on the piss and vinegar there mate. :eek:
Marriage is a cultural invention along with many other cultural inventions. The only thing that has genuinely stood the test of time is the urge to reproduce; the behavioural outcome of which is sexual activity.

If marriage is now regarded as undervalued it may be that it has been overvalued in the past. Hint: A bit like property......
Woody, look, just like you wouldn't want to be thrown into a box and labeled, nor would I. In other words, do you realize how crazy it sounds by going to a forum or reading what some so called gay advocate states, you some how think that represents the gay community as a whole? There are more than a handful of us Woody- and I can guarantee that none of the gay friends that I know fit into the box you keep trying to shove every homosexual into.

I'm not going to take away from what you have heard from other homosexuals, but I do hope you realize that there are also various heterosexuals as well who have different views on marriage that do not fit with what you think marriage should be.

Also, my partner and I have every intention to continue to grow together and be together period. Our relationship is every bit as loving as any heterosexual relationship can be. To think any homosexual relationship can't be-just because they are of the same sex, is ignorance on your part. But, you know, Woody...there are a heck of a lot of heterosexuals who divorce at the sneeze of a hat. I sure the hell don't see you bitching about that near as much. Why is that, Woody?
A gay advocate said a monogamous gay relationship is homophobic because it represses one's homosexual desires. I think he had a strong point myself. So when gays talk about monogamous relationships they're just trying to "sound straight" and repressing their gay nature. So in a sense monogamous gays are "homophobic." Anyone that isn't morally abandoned is "homophobic."

BTW, People that have genuine phobias do not choose what they fear.

In that sense, all marriages are repressions of natural sexuality. Thankfully, it never did dictate who we actually have sex with.
Marriage has always been a man and a woman, and that's what got us here today.
Or between a man and several women. But, hey, whatever.
It’s true that single people are discriminated against through government set-asides for the “married class.” This wasn't your fault, Marriage, but some state governments decided to place you on the altar of sacrifice to pay for their own discriminatory sins – the discrimination they created by establishing different classes of people for taxation. On a tax return you’ll see the classes as “married”, “head of household”, and “single” with privileges in that order. Marriage, this wasn't your fault, and we are truly sorry you've been made the scapegoat for our personal shortcomings. You were getting along just fine the way you were created to be.

You can’t blame gays for wanting their fair share, but did they have to do it with a marriage license? Is that what it took for equal protection under the law? This is indeed sad, as most of them will remain single, and their discrimination will continue in spite of legalized gay marriage. This discrimination shouldn’t have existed to start with. And when their spouse dies, the window, through no fault of their own, will fall into the lower "single" class the government created to discriminate against many of us.
You appear to think that the government shouldn't give married people any sort of advantages over single people. Okay, fine, that's actually a sentiment I might agree with. But in that case, why have the government involved in marriage at all? If there isn't going to be any sort of advantage to being married, why bother having the government give marriage licenses, keep track of who is married, etc? And if the government isn't involved in marriages any more, then all marriage basically becomes a private matter between people. In that case "gay marriages" would effectively be as valid as hetro marriages, because all marriage would be a private matter with no legal significance.
Woody, look, just like you wouldn't want to be thrown into a box and labeled, nor would I. In other words, do you realize how crazy it sounds by going to a forum or reading what some so called gay advocate states, you some how think that represents the gay community as a whole? There are more than a handful of us Woody- and I can guarantee that none of the gay friends that I know fit into the box you keep trying to shove every homosexual into.

How do you explain the results of the poll I just presented? a 3-year relationship where both partners break up for new partners -- this is considered "monogamous".

I'm not going to take away from what you have heard from other homosexuals, but I do hope you realize that there are also various heterosexuals as well who have different views on marriage that do not fit with what you think marriage should be.

It sounds like "monogamy" is just a word you want to use to "sound straight" for family and friends.

Also, my partner and I have every intention to continue to grow together and be together period. Our relationship is every bit as loving as any heterosexual relationship can be. To think any homosexual relationship can't be-just because they are of the same sex, is ignorance on your part.

You can try as hard as you can but you and your partner will never parent children together. Love is completed with the gift of life.

But, you know, Woody...there are a heck of a lot of heterosexuals who divorce at the sneeze of a hat.

As I said in the OP their marriage is really really sad too.

I sure the hell don't see you bitching about that near as much. Why is that, Woody?

Opposite-sex partners aborted 40 million babies too. I don't like that either.
Or between a man and several women. But, hey, whatever.

You appear to think that the government shouldn't give married people any sort of advantages over single people. Okay, fine, that's actually a sentiment I might agree with. But in that case, why have the government involved in marriage at all? If there isn't going to be any sort of advantage to being married, why bother having the government give marriage licenses, keep track of who is married, etc? And if the government isn't involved in marriages any more, then all marriage basically becomes a private matter between people. In that case "gay marriages" would effectively be as valid as hetro marriages, because all marriage would be a private matter with no legal significance.

Some are saying gay marriage is really pretty dumb to start with. Check out this gay-affirming blog.

So why would gays want marriage if it is so badly flawed?
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So infertile couples should not be married?

A man and a woman makes the best family structure for children. It's the way nature designed procreation to work. Some "sterile couples" end up with the children of other family members, and orphans.
A man and a woman makes the best family structure for children.
Prove it.
It's the way nature designed procreation to work.
Procreation and family structure are two different things. Many women used to die in childbirth, leaving the male to raise the children. Many fathers are absent in the relationship. Both situations are "natural".

Some "sterile couples" end up with the children of other family members, and orphans.
So, are there no orphans in our society that could be raised by a same-sex couple? This is a valuable function in our overpopulated world.
Why is it if marriage is so good, the divorce rates are getting higher and higher each year?

I'm not sure it's good, but a stable marriage could be a good thing, sometimes it make take several attempts before a good situation is found. Divorce is necessary to make marriage work.