Russell's teapot

you have reason to believe that animals exhibit, say, existential despair?

No, but I do have reasons to believe that existential despair in humans finds it's origin in structures that are similar to those found in animals, only more developed.
Thank you.
Just to be clear, the difference between humans and other animals is that humans have a higher intelligence.
Agree ?

Depends on how you define higher. I don't see any dolphins forcing themselves out of bed at an early hour to meet a deadline that he has to meet so he can get paid to eat, do you?
No, but I do have reasons to believe that existential despair in humans finds it's origin in structures that are similar to those found in animals, only more developed.
so in terms of hard nosed empiricism, not even you can point it out in the human body?
so in terms of hard nosed empiricism, not even you can point it out in the human body?

Depends on how accurate you want my answer to be.
Do you have any reason to assume that it has its origin in something other than the brain ?
speech can be empirically verified .... unlike existential despair

Existential despair is a description of a state of mind and is , therefore, potentially open to empirical verification . It is , of course, important to recognize that the mind is brain-dependent.
Existential despair has nothing to do with fear ?
It's little hard to find research that exactly matches any odd emotional state you come up with LG.
The point is that they are similar processes and that there is no reason to believe existential despair is not a mental state produced by biochemical processes in the brain, just like any other mental state.
Existential despair has nothing to do with fear ?
It's little hard to find research that exactly matches any odd emotional state you come up with LG.
well we were talking about states distinct in humans from the onset - I mean animals also experience fear - trying to close the case by blurring the distinction between despair and existential despair doesn't help your case
well we were talking about states distinct in humans from the onset - I mean animals also experience fear - trying to close the case by blurring the distinction between despair and existential despair doesn't help your case

Why not.. maybe it has something to do with intelligence ? :rolleyes: