Russell's teapot

My point is that people are not that different from other animals.
perhaps some people ...

LG and SAM,

do you two believe in evolution ? Do you believe the homonids have a common ancestor ?
If so, can you tell me when homonids first had a soul ?
My point is that people are not that different from other animals.

Thats true, my cat and I share views on karma.

She always runs to the loft after breaking something.

perhaps some people ...

hint : soul = consciousness

If soul = consciousness, why do you say that humans are radically different from animals ?
If soul = consciousness and animals have consciousness, what is so divine about the human soul ?

I would really appreciate if you two just simply answered the questions.
Mostly because we care about such stuff, we evaluate our suffering and seek resolution for it.

We go to work , we want meaning in our existence. Its not enough merely to survive and reproduce, no matter how well we eat.
Mostly because we care about such stuff, we evaluate our suffering and seek resolution for it.

We go to work , we want meaning in our existence. Its not enough merely to survive and reproduce, no matter how well we eat.

But what causes this behavior in humans ?

Btw, I am not convinced animals don't do those things or the equivalent as well to some extent.
If soul = consciousness, why do you say that humans are radically different from animals ?
the consciousness is not covered so much ... or to put it simply, we have the facility for philosophy/self realization/etc as opposed to issues of sleeping, eating, defending and mating 24/7

If soul = consciousness and animals have consciousness, what is so divine about the human soul ?
its more about a special facility offered by the human body
the consciousness is not covered so much ... or to put it simply, we have the facility for philosophy/self realization/etc as opposed to issues of sleeping, eating, defending and mating 24/7

its more about a special facility offered by the human body

Can you point out this facility of the human body ? It seems you now claim it's corporal.
Sure. In either case, we murder to dissect.

And consider it justified.

Thank you.
Just to be clear, the difference between humans and other animals is that humans have a higher intelligence.
Agree ?
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