Right to privacy or mere stupidity?

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stupid punk, you put this on me?
you get into an alcoholic daze, come here lurching around, cussing out everybody in sight. yes! i saw how you treated raith! understand this, punk! your time is running out!
HAH AH AH AH AH AH. You are quite the nitwit. I cursed an200x out because he was being dishonest. He claimed YET AGAIN that his bs nonsense on race were mere jokes. I felt Raithere was being hypocritical and I let him know it. As I let him know, 'because I also can". Besides that, most crap is between the regulars.

if you think i am gonna let some frikkin lush ruin my community with mean spirited filth, you better think again!
Hypocrite. Remember, you showed me the way: http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=26772
IMO, you're a piece of shit if you lie like that. You can get by with me on the technicality of exclusion if you are truthful about the exclusion, in other words if it never occured to you to mention it and she didn't ask that you not show it and you were pretty convinced by her character that she wanted it, blah blah. It's still pretty low, but if you acknowledge and genuinely feel bad about it then you might be okay, but if you're a liar, you fucking SUCK unless you're under duress and forced to lie. Business is no excuse.

now I suppose you could put yourself under duress and then I'd have to think about it for a while.
you lack discernment and an abilty to discriminate. it was a humor filled flame war on my part. notice the abundant usage of smilies. you, however are a controlling and vindictive piece of shit. you presence annoys me. take the fuckin hint and take a hike!. you are unwelcome!
HA HA HA HA !!! You see, that is your problem. All this so called "flame", is all nonsense to me. I believe the vindictive one here would be you-- talking of chasing me around. LOL!!! Am I controlling? Probaby. But what freaking difference? That my presence annoys you, is amusing.

...unless you're under duress and forced to lie. Business is no excuse.
Why is business not an excuse when "duress" might be? Perhaps you'd like to expand on what duress might be?
/Why is business not an excuse when "duress" might be?

(i know you already know what I'm going to say) Because you choose to do business, you do not choose to obe under duress.

/Perhaps you'd like to expand on what duress might be?

(i know you already know what I'm going to say) Holding a gun to your head and saying, you take the porn or else.

Of course gray areas arise.
I am tempted to say fuck to sciforums and decimate your ass. I am weighing all option's all.

go with the temptation. try decimating my ass without cussing. then say fuck you sciforums. then get the fuck out

I am not "pimping" her pics. By this flawed definition of pimping, Bill Gates would be damn pimp.

flawed? pathetic. instead of selling her body (pimp) you sell her pics (pimp). your skanky ass needs to be behind bars

Really? I doubt you have been close to one, let alone two gl chicks who were not family or friends.

it is well known amongst males that the ones that brag are the one that get shit! i have your number and it spells dickless

LOL!!!!!!!Now you are becoming delusional.

no punk. you lack of a response is what prompts that. its right there in black and white. zero zilch, pathetic. all this strutting for what?

heh. You are quite fond of using other people's quotes eh?

especially if it is a hard hitting analysis of your methods

WANDERER ths fool who does not know the difference between Eastern religion and philosophy.......

again on the defensive. you do not seem to understand i do not give a shit about the argument. it is the fact he recognized your bogus tactics and pointed it out.
Originally posted by thefountainhed
Therefore morality applies only when the observer choose to apply it?

Therefore morality applies to the best of the ability of the individual to assert it.
flawed? pathetic. instead of selling her body (pimp) you sell her pics (pimp). your skanky ass needs to be behind bars
So selling her body parts, books, etc would also be pimping. Justify why I need to be behind bars outside your hatred.

it is well known amongst males that the ones that brag are the one that get shit!
No. It is well known amongst males that the one who really gets "shit" needs not brag for his friends already know. It is always the pathetic fool who getting none, aka. you, that feels the need to brandish their one "conquest".

i have your number and it spells dickless
You lie and are again deluding yourself. You do not have my number, and by all things logical, I daresay my dick is bigger than yours.

no punk. you lack of a response is what prompts that. its right there in black and white. zero zilch, pathetic. all this strutting for what?
You expected a response to your claims that I am running "scarad", dug my own hole and am falling into it? When will you not realize that you were doing exactly what I want from you? The fun potential is of course lessened because I cannot employ all my avalaible tactics, but that will do. There is no hole dug, only hoops; and you are jumping them. Also, there is no running being done by the hed; I am quite comfortable. Hence, my assertion that you were being delusional.

especially if it is a hard hitting analysis of your methods
No, when you lack the ability to say what you which to say. It does not suggest truth.

again on the defensive. you do not seem to understand i do not give a shit about the argument. it is the fact he recognized your bogus tactics and pointed it out.
I again detect dishnoesty, or perhaps it is irrationality. An understanding of the entire discussion that was going on would reveal that this so called characterization was mere desperation from one who was shooting darts in the air. I did not waste the time in trying to discuss something potentially enlightening with a fool. I gave it a lot of thought.

Therefore morality applies to the best of the ability of the individual to assert it.
Which would pretty much amount to a choice, where I to hold that business exists as a principle for me only in the attainment of profit, and that all outside my immediate care fall outside any protection my morality may grant.

nervous breakdown? or just a cackling old fool?

You see, that is your problem. All this so called "flame", is all nonsense to me.

liar. your attempts to play down what is transpiring is patently obvious.

Am I controlling? Probaby. But what freaking difference?

are you really this stupid to admit your inadequacies in the middle of a flame?. well, lemme use it

here is the frlkkin spin...you are a nonentity in real life, what are you in cyber? your pic pasted all over the walls, orgy pics pasted as well (3 girls), big dick, athlete, blah blah. "i am hed!, say my name! spell it right!" constant self aggrandizement."i am a stud! i am a pimp!"

poor pathetic fool. i would pity you but my current agenda gets in the way

*note the difference between your imaginary scenarios that you conjure out of thin air and this one

I believe the vindictive one here would be you-- talking of chasing me around.

you came to me. cussed me out without provocation. i now engage and i decide when it is over, kapeesh? it is not vindictiveness on my part. just unfinished business. it is..... guerilla warfare. :D

That my presence annoys you, is amusing.

excellent. prepare to be more amused
nervous breakdown? or just a cackling old fool?

liar. your attempts to play down what is transpiring is patently obvious.
LOL. If it makes you feel any better, you can choose to believe in your "obvious".

are you really this stupid to admit your inadequacies in the middle of a flame?. well, lemme use it
Being controlling is an inadequacy? LOL.

here is the frlkkin spin...you are a nonentity in real life, what are you in cyber? your pic pasted all over the walls, orgy pics pasted as well (3 girls), big dick, athlete, blah blah. "i am hed!, say my name! spell it right!" constant self aggrandizement."i am a stud! i am a pimp!"
I have not posted a pic with 3 girls. I have not directly asserted I had a big dick. I do play soccer. I do value having my fucking name spelled right. I never said I was a pimp. My cyber "persona" is a reflection of me in the "real" world. Your perversed image of me is merely your insecurities in confronting what you deem to be a domintaing personality in I. I could give a shit.

poor pathetic fool. i would pity you but my current agenda gets in the way
Let me be the only pitying someone-- you, as I have already asserted.

*note the difference between your imaginary scenarios that you conjure out of thin air and this one
What is noted is obviously that during the time frame between what you termed a "spin' and the above post, you have attached reality to your spin. In essence what you just spewed is imaginary. My scenario is a "scenario". Continuing on with the scenario however, if you want access, simply PM me. Either way, make up your damn mind. Recall this: flawed? pathetic. instead of selling her body (pimp) you sell her pics (pimp). your skanky ass needs to be behind bars?

you came to me. cussed me out without provocation. i now engage and i decide when it is over, kapeesh? it is not vindictiveness on my part. just unfinished business. it is..... guerilla warfare.
One, I cussed you with provocation: my need for entertainment.
Two, I decide when I have enough and stop responding.
Three, It is vindictiveness.

excellent. prepare to be more amused
If the mods decide that this toned down version of me is tolerable, then indeed, excellente'
Mod hat


You know, FOX got drubbed on the second Joe Millionaire.

This topic ... well, the folks at FOX can sleep a little better knowing it's not theirs.

Done, and done.

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