Right to privacy or mere stupidity?

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Originally posted by thefountainhed
This is the whole point. Let's assume that someone brought up the fact that the whole situation was not "nice" to the girl being viewed. Why is it not "nice" to her?

So, are you asking whether someone's privacy is their "right" and whether/why usurping that "right" (forcefully or unbeknownst to that person) is "immoral"?

Granted, I would have to question how much vlue she palces in her privacy anyway...
She has a live webcam in her bathroom.
She gave you access, and hasn't changed the password.
In all likelihood you aren't the only one with access.

But, when it comes down to it, who should and should not have access to her relative privacy should be her decision alone.
But why should it be her decision alone? I have access and as you indicate, it is likely that others also have access. Isn't that enough precedence to assume she does not care for her privacy?

Justifying it with "I mean, it cannot be your damn fault that she was so naive as to believe you actually have any "honour"." and similar statements are akin to, "I'm innocent. Hell, it's not my fault that the dumb bitch trusted me enough to believe that I wouldn't beat her. She should have never dated me."
The two situations are not tantamount. "Beat"ing here requires that she knows the harm being done her. Her realization of a "harm" is not necessary in the situation I present.

Just as, it is not required for you to be an honorable person to exist, but it very well could (and should) affect the amount of respect people have for you and whether or not they will associate with you or consider you a friend.
Honour is mere veineer. Eitherway, it is in my view unnnecessary to expect honour from a 'friend". Situations or the context determines the attributes desired in a friend.

So, are you asking whether someone's privacy is their "right" and whether/why usurping that "right" (forcefully or unbeknownst to that person) is "immoral"?
I am asking both-- as one answers the other.

So, who's charging who? Or whom, or whatever?
It might be adviseable to discuss the terms privately.
Originally posted by thefountainhed
This is the whole point. Let's assume that someone brought up the fact that the whole situation was not "nice" to the girl being viewed. Why is it not "nice" to her?

Because she entrusted you with the code to that camera. It does not mean that she wants everyone to see her in the bathroom. It is not nice to her because she has been violated through your actions. She did not consent for others to view her in this manner, only you as she gave you the code. That does not mean that it is a licence for you to then sell that trust to others without her permission. She may have given the code to other guys or girls, and the same would apply to them. She has selected who gets to view her in that bathroom , and you selling the rights to that code have taken her right to choose away from her.

They are those not making any money in business. The intent is to make money. That is the abstract which is business.

Yes, while making money is the general crux of business, it does not encompass the whole notion of business. One of the most important aspects of business is reputation. A business person's reputation is vital if he/she is to make money. If your reputation is tainted as someone is willing to sell rights to view his ex in the bathroom, very few people would wish to do business with you. Sure the perverts may make further business with you, but at what cost to you? Names spread and if one day you decide to do something else with yourself and you're recognised as being the one who sold out his ex, well you'd be shunned. The making of money through illegal means only ends in disaster.

Because I am no longer sleeping with her. Why then would I care about her?

Nothing. But what it comes down to mostly is human decency. Could you sleep with yourself at night with the knowledge that you did this to someone who trusted you enough with that code? In this, business really has nothing to do with it. It only comes down to raw emotion. Can you willingly sell out someone who trusted you enough and cared about you enough to give you those codes? Can you live with the thought that if it ever got out to the general population or to your group of friends and family, you'd probably be shunned by those close to you and you'd probably never get sex again unless you moved far away? Business is only a very small part of it, the part of making a small profit. But it is for you to weigh at what cost.

It's more relevant to the topic than whether anyone makes a sale here at Sciforums

It might be adviseable to discuss the terms privately.
Well, the question is based on this sentence:

Now, granted you are longer sleeping with her, what right does she have to expect that you will still not be looking at that live feed and charging others for that view?

The sentence implies that you are collecting money and granting access. The question arises in that case whether or not you own the broadcast rights. If you do, the fact that you were at one time her lover is irrelevant to ethical considerations unless you make future unethical decisions based on that fact. If you do not own the broadcast rights, you could actually wind up in prison; you might wish to check with an attorney in that case before.

However, I am also prepared for the possibility that I'm reading your sentence too exactingly.

Time after time, after time,

getting hysterical again? i suspect your gender is not what you make it out to be. your repeated posting of your pic on this board might be indicative of that.

you show yourself to be a predictable little fool who actually believes he harbors a freaking brain.

another mindless and unverified assertion. show me predictabilty

I again thank you for the many times you have supplied the needed amusement to keep me awake in these times.

this is a line you rap every frikkin time. it is quite obvious, considering the caps usage, the yelling, ("arggggg") and invective. you are in a mindless state of rage and not amusement. you do not fool me little man ("blood clot" indeed...how telling)

Why the blood clot would I care for your acceptance or for your stupid opinion

it is a given when you address me as "friend"

when you cannot comprehend that your stupid "intent" was transparent and that I was actually "helping" in your fucking intent--

this is a utter miscalculation on your part. i am more aware than you ever will be with regards to my intent. your help is seen as interference. i advised you of this. you ignore. you will suffer

regarding where it all started that is.

create your own space and your own drama little man

As for your attempt to characterize my self serving nature as negative, I suggest you stick your foot back in your mouth, you hypocritical punk.

how so? what is self serving about my responses to your mindless attacks. it is you that created the framework for this flame, not i.

This thread has degenerated, the one which started it all was already pathetic, and thus it serves one purpose for hed: my fucking entertainment.

and this is somehow makes you unique and special? do you not get all others do the same? post for their pleasure? you are worse that run of the mill little man

You are doing quite well. Continue.

tired old tactic

No, your stupidity would make you underestimate the power of naivety or which POV you are looking at, and which time frame. Stop assuming.

again, only a halfwit would create a such an incomplete post and leave it open to all manner of interpretation. you claim to be aware of my intent and yet be unable to communicate your own in a simple scenario? have you noticed how most are asking for clarification and redefining shit as they see fit?

bring your brain along to sciforums. it helps

Who says you can characterize it as immoral?

i have the right. you desperate attempts at creating and controlling my thoughts is pathological. seek help, die, do something other than wasting space here with juvenile topics

Surely not I. The fact of the matter you dipshit, is that the notion of "cheating" is an abstract. The act itself is sleeping with someone other than your acknowledged partner.

i fail to see any point. what specifically prompted this statement of the obvious?

My aim in business is to make profit for myself, regardless of other factors (assuming I ignore them). Now tell me why this "it is what you want it to be. why do you attribute an abstract concept with morality? do you not understand that a business reflects the policies and attitudes of those than run it" is fucking irrelevant.

why do you bother posting dolt? you come here with the express intent of soliciting feedback to an absolutely moronic issue. if it is irrelevant why do you post...."i where is the purpose of honour? Isn't business amoral?"
why solicit opinions you have no intention of considering? you waste everyone's time.
contradiction and disingenuity=the name of the game

You presume others are tapping into it? Perhaps more context would help you in not reaching spurious assumptions? Stupid assuming fool (hed)

it is likely that others also have access. Isn't that enough precedence to assume she does not care for her privacy? (hed)

heh. consistency would help. it is obvious hed took his cue from my analysis..{"this is quite simple, why are the codes still the same? a safe assumption is that she does not give a rats ass about you viewing the feed. " " i presume others are tapping into it" (spookz)}

Besides, if you are making money, where is the purpose of honour?
Isn't business amoral? (hed)

I am selling her unapproved image for profit. Morality applies at it would in "cheating". (hed)

first it is asserted that there is no morality involved then the opposite is implied


Spookz, It is times like these that I treasure.

i sense pathology .treasure? seek help little man

Let's assume that someone brought up the fact that the whole situation was not "nice" to the girl being viewed. Why is it not "nice" to her?

are you incapable of setting up a scenario that even vaguely resembles reality? doesnt the fact that there is a cam in the first place indicate her coolness. the same codes remaining in place. why would this "not nice" even be considered? is this indicative of the level of discourse you indulge in? little man? did you ever happen to mentally graduate out of hs?

They are those not making any money in business. The intent is to make money. That is the abstract which is business.

back your asssertion. tell me why lying, cheating and stealing is the only successful model.

Because I am no longer sleeping with her. Why then would I care about her?

heh, sciforums have morphed into the disney boards. frikkin teen hotline! i suspect stunted emotional development
it is likely that others also have access. Isn't that enough precedence to assume she does not care for her privacy? (hed)

heh. consistency would help. it is obvious hed took his cue from my analysis..{"this is quite simple, why are the codes still the same? a safe assumption is that she does not give a rats ass about you viewing the feed. " " i presume others are tapping into it" (spookz)}
Where is the inconsistency? I say it is likely because Raven said this:
Granted, I would have to question how much vlue she palces in her privacy anyway...
She has a live webcam in her bathroom.
She gave you access, and hasn't changed the password.
In all likelihood you aren't the only one with access.

But, when it comes down to it, who should and should not have access to her relative privacy should be her decision alone.

And so I gave him the benefit of a doubt. How should I know if she gave others the password? Why should I care? Your insinuation suggested an unathourized access besides my "consumers".

Besides, if you are making money, where is the purpose of honour?
Isn't business amoral? (hed)

I am selling her unapproved image for profit. Morality applies at it would in "cheating". (hed)

first it is asserted that there is no morality involved then the opposite is implied
I am saying that to me business is amoral and asking why others might think it not nice(immoral) that the image is being sold. A contradiction exists only in your presumption

, It is times like these that I treasure.

i sense pathology .treasure? seek help little man
Perhaps you do not know what pathology is? Of course I treasure and enjoy flames I start for thepurpose of staying awake at work.

Let's assume that someone brought up the fact that the whole situation was not "nice" to the girl being viewed. Why is it not "nice" to her?
The freakig purpose of thread? To ask others why morality seems to be an issue??

are you incapable of setting up a scenario that even vaguely resembles reality? doesnt the fact that there is a cam in the first place indicate her coolness. the same codes remaining in place. why would this "not nice" even be considered? is this indicative of the level of discourse you indulge in? little man? did you ever happen to mentally graduate out of hs?
Moronic little twat. If you want access, simply PM me. Also, the fact that I suggest I would not let others besides myself look at this cam, and then charge said individuals for the view is really the issue.

They are those not making any money in business. The intent is to make money. That is the abstract which is business.

back your asssertion. tell me why lying, cheating and stealing is the only successful model.
Who said it was the only successful model? In the regards to the model set up, being moral would mean not letting others view the cam. Hence no revenue profit.

heh, sciforums have morphed into the disney boards. frikkin teen hotline! i suspect stunted emotional development
Stunted emotional development in the exploitation of others for profit? LMAO. Perhaps I should sell your pathetic posts for profit as they indicate the lowest form of the human "thought" (for the lack of a better word) process.
enlightening a grown man.

why do you guys bother?

this is not an honest attempt at resolving a moral conflict. rather it is.....

"i am an asshole and i will keep being one! i post only to justify my actions (which by the way, i fully understand)"

hed is trolling for opinions he has no intention of considering. the post serves as a boastful attempt at his pimping skills

thats it!. there is no moral dillemma as far as the mutt is concerned
getting hysterical again? i suspect your gender is not what you make it out to be. your repeated posting of your pic on this board might be indicative of that.
LMAO. I think it is Gendanken who repeatedly posts my pic. Besides, I first posted my pic for an individual on this forum. Subsequent posts of my pic were to produce a response from Gendanken.

another mindless and unverified assertion. show me predictabilty
Perhaps you should look at my responses to your posts and the subsequent responses they produce from you in this, amongst other threads.

this is a line you rap every frikkin time. it is quite obvious, considering the caps usage, the yelling, ("arggggg") and invective. you are in a mindless state of rage and not amusement. you do not fool me little man ("blood clot" indeed...how telling)
You mean this: Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Spookz, you fucking moronic little twat. Is the dick between YOUR LEGS ONLY 2 INCHES LONG AS TO MAKE YOU SO FUCKING INSECURE???????????????

It is called effect, you dumb little shit. Only and2000x and Gendanken have managed to annoy me. And in both cases, it was because of stupidity or insensitivity regarding race. No, pitiful one, you will jump through all my loops, and it is fun.

it is a given when you address me as "friend"
Perhaps the adjective "pity" was missed? Besides, if I actually thought of you as a friend and respected you, this crap would not be going on. I do not engage in flames with those I might equate with "friendship".

this is a utter miscalculation on your part. i am more aware than you ever will be with regards to my intent. your help is seen as interference. i advised you of this. you ignore. you will suffer
LMAO. You really are a fool. How many times will you fall for even my most pathetic attempts to illicit the same crap from you?

create your own space and your own drama little man
I believe I almost always do. What the fuck do you think this is?

how so? what is self serving about my responses to your mindless attacks. it is you that created the framework for this flame, not i.
Did you not have the audacity to suggest you do what you do in your own time?

and this is somehow makes you unique and special? do you not get all others do the same? post for their pleasure? you are worse that run of the mill little man
Who said me getting pleasure from this crap makes me unique? From what you suggested above, I conclude it is you that is riddled with inconsistencies. I applaud any that engage in the irreverent for mere amusement. Why else would any participate in this crap?

tired old tactic
Considering you are still quite entertaining and keeping me from boredom, as "tired" and "old" as the "tactic" is, I shall keep using it.

again, only a halfwit would create a such an incomplete post and leave it open to all manner of interpretation. you claim to be aware of my intent and yet be unable to communicate your own in a simple scenario? have you noticed how most are asking for clarification and redefining shit as they see fit?
You were the first to respond to the post and you said she was stupid to not have changed the codes. Subsequent posters have also gotten the message quite well. Your dishonesty is prevalent in the whole thread.

Who says you can characterize it as immoral?

i have the right. you desperate attempts at creating and controlling my thoughts is pathological. seek help, die, do something other than wasting space here with juvenile topics
The attempts are not desperate, for they work. Perhaps I should PM you what I think your response would be immediately after you let me know yours is posted. Why should I seek help when I excel at this, and am and have used this "skill" for self aggrandizement? Perhaps it is wasting space, but with all the other crap infesting this forum, it is not so bad. Besides, I contribute intellectually when this interest is there.

i fail to see any point. what specifically prompted this statement of the obvious?
Your illogical suggestion that morality does not apply to an abstract.

why do you bother posting dolt? you come here with the express intent of soliciting feedback to an absolutely moronic issue. if it is irrelevant why do you post...."i where is the purpose of honour? Isn't business amoral?"
why solicit opinions you have no intention of considering? you waste everyone's time
Who said I donot have the intent of considering? I expressed my current viewpoint and asked others why my actions may be immoral. I do place a value in morality-- to an extent.
enlightening a grown man.
why do you guys bother?

this is not an honest attempt at resolving a moral conflict. rather it is.....

"i am an asshole and i will keep being one! i post only to justify my actions (which by the way, i fully understand)"

hed is trolling for opinions he has no intention of considering. the post serves as a boastful attempt at his pimping skills

thats it!. there is no moral dillemma as far as the mutt is concerned

BAH. Your pathetic attempt to take quotes out of context shall be ignored. What the hell are you doing, going through all my damn posts?
The Tiss,

The sentence implies that you are collecting money and granting access. The question arises in that case whether or not you own the broadcast rights. If you do, the fact that you were at one time her lover is irrelevant to ethical considerations unless you make future unethical decisions based on that fact. If you do not own the broadcast rights, you could actually wind up in prison; you might wish to check with an attorney in that case before.

However, I am also prepared for the possibility that I'm reading your sentence too exactingly

Let's say that this was presented as a scenario, and therefore I have not actually said that I am actually doing this. Continuing however with the notion of a "scenario", yes I do not have broadcast rights-- which makes the whole situation very dangerous. Nevertheless, one must always look at the probability of "buying" off the individual were they to suggest a court action for the "illegal"use of their image. If said probability is high enough, a business model can be developed and put into effect.
Originally posted by thefountainhed
enlightening a grown man.
why do you guys bother?

this is not an honest attempt at resolving a moral conflict. rather it is.....

"i am an asshole and i will keep being one! i post only to justify my actions (which by the way, i fully understand)"

hed is trolling for opinions he has no intention of considering. the post serves as a boastful attempt at his pimping skills

thats it!. there is no moral dillemma as far as the mutt is concerned

BAH. Your pathetic attempt to take quotes out of context shall be ignored. What the hell are you doing, going through all my damn posts?

you lie. everything i quote from you is in this thread. the topic is the same. nothing is out of context. show me the instances if you can or shut the fuck up with the bogus accusations. c'mon! i dare you little man

the italics are personal opinions i hold about your character and direct addresses to other posters. where are your quotes?
Where is the inconsistency? I say it is likely because Raven said this:

you blame raven for your statement? sorry, the buck stops at your sorry ass.
you ask me again to show the inconsistency but agree it is something that was uttered as a response to another. do you stand by it or were you lying to raven?

again.... i introduce the probabilty of others tapping into the feed. you then demand i refrain from "spurious assumptions" you then go on to make the very same "spurious assumptions" with raven. your refusal to acknowledge this contradiction speaks volumes about your intent. troll!

And so I gave him the benefit of a doubt.

and you trolled me. thanks for pointing out your disingenous tactics for all to see (why point out?)

How should I know if she gave others the password? Why should I care?

heh. care? lemme set something up...." i saw people running on the street! why should i care if they run!" imbecile!

Your insinuation suggested an unathourized access besides my "consumers".

so what? the larger point still stands. namely, access to the feed. legit or illegit has no relevance.

I am saying that to me business is amoral.... A contradiction exists only in your presumption....

you lying little mutt. again, selling the image is asserted to be beyond issues of morality. then at the same time..."I am selling her unapproved image for profit. Morality applies at it would in "cheating". (hed)

your last chance to wriggle and squirm

....and asking why others might think it not nice(immoral) that the image is being sold.

you confess to ignorance of these issues? in the age of the internet? with copyrights/patents/plaigerism/fair use... being hot topics, you pretend ignorance?

you do nothing but strut your questionable manhood in this thread and claim to have pimping skills. your pay lip service to this "issues".
way transparent, little man.

Perhaps you do not know what pathology is?

i know you. you "define" pathology. thus, i know pathology

Of course I treasure and enjoy flames I start for thepurpose of staying awake at work.

ahh i remember this oft repeated refrain. who give a shit about your personal life? who give a shit what you look like?

The freakig purpose of thread? To ask others why morality seems to be an issue??

liar. others might be conned. i wont

Moronic little twat. If you want access, simply PM me.

you do not understand. i consider you the enemy. future dealings will take that into consideration. i told you this. yet you ask me to pm you? i rather not taint myself anymore than is necessary

Also, the fact that I suggest I would not let others besides myself look at this cam, and then charge said individuals for the view is really the issue.

how they fold. this is gibberish

Stunted emotional development in the exploitation of others for profit?

no, the issue of morality. either you have the balls to do shit without moral conundrums at play or you dont. since you pretend to make this the issue of this thread, i know what you lack. the only relevant question here (as you disregard "playing nice"), is how to cover your ass when her lawyer comes a knocking

LMAO. Perhaps I should sell your pathetic posts for profit as they indicate the lowest form of the human "thought" (for the lack of a better word) process.

back to these infantile fantasies as a form of one-upmanship i see
very weak and pathetic.
LMAO. I think it is Gendanken who repeatedly posts my pic. Besides, I first posted my pic for an individual on this forum. Subsequent posts of my pic were to produce a response from Gendanken.

i cannot begin to tell you the level of imbecility that is involved in doing that. a response? so she can comment on your ugliness and while you defend your mug? disney forums indeed

Perhaps you should look at my responses to your posts and the subsequent responses they produce from you in this, amongst other threads.

apart from the flame in one of tiassa's thread and you current interference in my affairs, there has been zero interaction. if you disagree. point the relevant threads/posts out. if you do not......mindless assertions

It is called effect, you dumb little shit.

no, i know otherwise. you are easy to read little man

Only and2000x and Gendanken have managed to annoy me. And in both cases, it was because of stupidity or insensitivity regarding race.

focus punk. i resent the lack of attention

No, pitiful one, you will jump through all my loops, and it is fun.

you are now jumping thru mine little man. yup, keep up with the self serving rationale if that what it take to preserve your sense of self worth. you however cannot fool me

Perhaps the adjective "pity" was missed?

and the relevance if it was or wasnt?

Besides, if I actually thought of you as a friend and respected you, this crap would not be going on. I do not engage in flames with those I might equate with "friendship".

your thought and opinions are worthless here punk
heh, woe is me. why i am positively bereft! again, you primp and preen like the lil bitch that you are. understand this, boy! you are nothing!

LMAO. You really are a fool. How many times will you fall for even my most pathetic attempts to illicit the same crap from you?


I believe I almost always do. What the fuck do you think this is?

you claim ignorance as to why i am in this thread? it can be pinpointed to a single post where you intrude on my space! (that and the need to point out the imbecility of your topic)

Did you not have the audacity to suggest you do what you do in your own time?

ah a random thought? well cmon punk! make me do something! you are frikin insane.

Who said me getting pleasure from this crap makes me unique?

the implication is apparent..
"the one which started it all was already pathetic, and thus it serves one purpose for hed: my fucking entertainment." (hed)

notice how you spit on the other posters and their genuine attempts to find a resolution. lousy troll

From what you suggested above, I conclude it is you that is riddled with inconsistencies.

point it out, boy!

I applaud any that engage in the irreverent for mere amusement. Why else would any participate in this crap?

irreverance? do you know the meaning? your tactics are mean spirited, fraudulent and disingenous along with the abundant use of invectives. no irreverance to be found. sorry little man. i guess it is up to me to define your existence on this board as you appear quite delusional

Considering you are still quite entertaining and keeping me from boredom, as "tired" and "old" as the "tactic" is, I shall keep using it.

go for it. it is easily ignored and will not merit a response the next time around. you were always quite ineffectual in your methods so....

You were the first to respond to the post and you said she was stupid to not have changed the codes. Subsequent posters have also gotten the message quite well. Your dishonesty is prevalent in the whole thread.

heh heh
random musings? appeal to the gallery? make a few connections here. where am i being dishonest? be specific! i dare you boy!

i say

so now we can characterize a business run by you as immoral. see? progress!

you say...

Who says you can characterize it as immoral? Surely not I.

i say

i have the right.

then you quote yourself..

Who says you can characterize it as immoral?

and reply....

holy cow! i am talking to a complete imbecile!

The attempts are not desperate, for they work.


Perhaps I should PM you what I think your response would be immediately after you let me know yours is posted.

spot the flaw, moron

Besides, I contribute intellectually when this interest is there.

not anymore punk. i will slice and dice your posts till you run home crying for mommy! i have'nt trolled your ass yet. so far i have only raised legitimate issues as to your topic and intent

Your illogical suggestion that morality does not apply to an abstract.

i was specifically referring to a business, moron. there is no inherent right or wrong about a business per se until it is imbued with a direction given by humans. then you can characterize it as you wish. yet this qualities attributed to the business are ultimately false. without humans there is no morality

Who said I donot have the intent of considering? I expressed my current viewpoint and asked others why my actions may be immoral. I do place a value in morality-- to an extent.

excellent. on the defensive. you will crawl soon boy!
Good job. I did not realize it was possible for one to say so little with so much text.

i say

so now we can characterize a business run by you as immoral. see? progress!

you say...

Who says you can characterize it as immoral? Surely not I.

i say

i have the right.

then you quote yourself..

Who says you can characterize it as immoral?

and reply....


When I said "who says you can characterize it as immoral? Surely no I". noone else besides yourself had responded to the original post. You repeated the question after Bells and Raven had characterized the actions as immoral, and so I said "others". Even when you try to fabricate a contradiction, you fail.

I came with the POV that business was amoral; others evidently diagree. I questioned and asked for opinions. Surely this is not beyond even you.
Good job. I did not realize it was possible for one to say so little with so much text.

wriggle and squirm in defeat, lil bitch!

When I said "who says you can characterize it as immoral? Surely no I". noone else besides yourself had responded to the original post. You repeated the question after Bells and Raven had characterized the actions as immoral, and so I said "others". Even when you try to fabricate a contradiction, you fail.

heh brain still parked somewhere other than here eh?
listen up an listen good

before the "others", i asserted it can be immoral. you disagreed
however when the "others" assert it is immoral, you tout their opinion as if it now valid. you had already refused to accept my characterization and yet introduce the same from others? what is your frikking point

I came with the POV that business was amoral

what can i say. oh, i know... you are an imbecile

others evidently diagree. I questioned and asked for opinions. Surely this is not beyond even you.

you have been exposed. you know my take on your intentions here. (pimp daddy) expect no mercy. now go start another thread an spout more gibberish. i will be there

now scat! (pun intended)


Surely I should be allowed to have one last run of foulness before I cease????????? Please.


before the "others", i asserted it can be immoral. you disagreed however when the "others" assert it is immoral, you tout their opinion as if it now valid. you had already refused to accept my characterization and yet introduce the same from others? what is your frikking point
You did no such thing. This was your response; "it is what you want it to be. why do you attribute an abstract concept with morality?"

what can i say. oh, i know... you are an imbecile
heh. I must say I am flattered as it comes from you.

you have been exposed. you know my take on your intentions here. (pimp daddy) expect no mercy. now go start another thread an spout more gibberish. i will be there
If my intentions were to show myself for a pimp daddy :rolleyes:, I'd simply post of pic of hed sandwiched between 3 ladies. I believe that would have a better effect. I have been warned too many times by goofy, so if you do come wherever I go and and try to troll me, you shall be ignored.

now scat! (pun intended)
I just finished relieved myself. But if you insist I do so again, but on you, sure why not?
Goofy Surely I should be allowed to have one last run of foulness before I cease????????? Please.

ahh you assume your natural position eh? hands and knees and ass high in the air. desperate to get the last word in too eh? you read like a picture book dolt! snitch!

You did no such thing. This was your response; "it is what you want it to be. why do you attribute an abstract concept with morality?"

Originally posted by spookz
so now we can characterize a business run by you as immoral. see? progress!

4th post by me. check it you pathetic little liar.

If my intentions were to show myself for a pimp daddy :rolleyes:,

punk! you are pimping her pics. the topic clearly reveals this fact. you do not have to make any extra effort

I'd simply post of pic of hed sandwiched between 3 ladies.

you pathetic little dickless shit. i have gone thru hs. i am familiar with the bullshit! :D

so if you do come wherever I go and and try to troll me, you shall be ignored.

i have to invent nothing as far as you are concerned. you, little man, dig your own grave. i merely put you in it. but i like this. pathetic little gasbag running scared.

I just finished relieved myself. But if you insist I do so again, but on you, sure why not?

heh the fantasies. this brings to mind wanderer's characterization of you

Originally posted by WANDERER
But I’m sure you have a ready excuse and smartass quip to avoid any risk.
You’re like those guys watching a fight and screaming directions to the fighters from outside the rink; those guys that throw insulting epithets followed by what they would have done or could have done, yet they don’t have the balls to enter any rink and would probably wet their pants if they were ever face to face with one of those “morons” in the rink.

I have been warned too many times by goofy, so if you do come wherever I go and and try to troll me, you shall be ignored.

stupid punk, you put this on me?
you get into an alcoholic daze, come here lurching around, cussing out everybody in sight. yes! i saw how you treated raith! understand this, punk! your time is running out!

if you think i am gonna let some frikkin lush ruin my community with mean spirited filth, you better think again!
:raised eyebrow:

Tempting. But no cigar.

ahh you assume your natural position eh? hands and knees and ass high in the air. desperate to get the last word in too eh? you read like a picture book dolt! snitch!
What a idiotic fool you are.


You are out of control.

You stupid little cunt
fat bitch:
some napkins to wipe that blood off your asshole
I shit and piss on you.

If you continue the flame wars and insilts at SciForums,
I will recommend that you get bounced out of here.


This is just one of many many many. I am this close to being banished so he says. I am tempted to say fuck to sciforums and decimate your ass. I am weighing all option's all.

4th post by me. check it you pathetic little liar.
You did no such thing. This was your response; "it is what you want it to be. why do you attribute an abstract concept with morality?". This: so now we can characterize a business run by you as immoral. see? progress! was during the "flaming". Your original characterization was that morality cannot apply to an abstarct.

punk! you are pimping her pics. the topic clearly reveals this fact. you do not have to make any extra effort
I am not "pimping" her pics. By this flawed definition of pimping, Bill Gates would be damn pimp.

you pathetic little dickless shit. i have gone thru hs. i am familiar with the bullshit!
Really? I doubt you have been close to one, let alone two gl chicks who were not family or friends.

i have to invent nothing as far as you are concerned. you, little man, dig your own grave. i merely put you in it. but i like this. pathetic little gasbag running scared.
LOL!!!!!!!Now you are becoming delusional.

heh the fantasies. this brings to mind wanderer's characterization of you
heh. You are quite fond of using other people's quotes eh? WANDERER ths fool who does not know the difference between Eastern religion and philosophy and expected a damn lesson from I? I had better things to waste my time on. I suppose you two are quite alike. Instead of adressing the damn issue at hand, you try to raise your dicks for all to see, when the fact remains that you have no dicks. If a fool parades the notion that western philosophy is the only forwad thinking philosophy and attributes it entirely to the Greeks and cannot see the simple references to Eastern philopsophy I provided, I am supposed to indulge???? The crap you posted by WANDERER was his pathetic and failed attempt to diguise his ignrance and to illicit a history lesson from I. He failed. You are likewise failing.
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