Right to privacy or mere stupidity?

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Fully Realized
Valued Senior Member
Now imagine this freaking scenario:

A hot chick you used to sleep with gave you the codes to a live camera in her bathroom. Now, granted you are longer sleeping with her, what right does she have to expect that you will still not be looking at that live feed and charging others for that view? I mean, it cannot be your damn fault that she was so naive as to believe you actually have any "honour". Besides, if you are making money, where is the purpose of honour? Isn't business amoral?
the topic post is "mere stupidity"

A hot chick you used to sleep with gave you the codes to a live camera in her bathroom.

toilet games ehh? that explains the foul odor that wafts thru your threads

Now, granted you are longer sleeping with her, what right does she have to expect that you will still not be looking at that live feed and charging others for that view?

hmm, how does this even make sense? it is a live feed. i presume others are tapping into it. perfect strangers at that. why not you? is there some unwritten rule in your world that prevents one from viewing their ex's webcam?

Besides, if you are making money, where is the purpose of honour?
Isn't business amoral?

it is what you want it to be. why do you attribute an abstract concept with morality? do you not understand that a business reflects the policies and attitudes of those than run it? of course you are entitled to your opinions and methods but pardon me if i sneer in contempt and disgust
The dispshit feels his face on an ass and attempts to troll my thread?

toilet games ehh? that explains the foul odor that wafts thru your threads
Weak. So weak as to not deserve a freaking response.

hmm, how does this even make sense? it is a live feed. i presume others are tapping into it. perfect strangers at that. why not you? is there some unwritten rule in your world that prevents one from viewing their ex's webcam?
You presume others are tapping into it? Perhaps more context would help you in not reaching spurious assumptions? Stupid assuming fool. No, there is so such unwritten rule. There is however some crap about trust, honour,etc. Which is why I asked the question.

it is what you want it to be. why do you attribute an abstract concept with morality? do you not understand that a business reflects the policies and attitudes of those than run it? of course you are entitled
Morality does not relate to an abstract?? Also, a society reflects the "policies" and attributes of those that run it. What is your damn point?

your opinions and methods but pardon me if i sneer in contempt and disgust
Your attempt at trolling was so pathetic I feel sympathetic towards you. Therefore, enjoy your supposed "contempt and digust". I will allow you to live with the needed fantasy of yours that you do not indeed worship the hed. Go troll elsewhere you nitwit.
Weak. So weak as to not deserve a freaking response.

the truth will set you free punk

You presume others are tapping into it?

what part of live feed do you not understand.

Perhaps more context would help you in not reaching spurious assumptions?

your inaptitude in developing your topic post is hardly a fault of mine. it is your ineffectiveness in communicating that allows for a subjective interpretation of your garbage ridden topic post

No, there is so such unwritten rule.


There is however some crap about trust, honour,etc. Which is why I asked the question.

this is quite simple, why are the codes still the same? a safe assumption is that she does not give a rats ass about you viewing the feed. your scenario sound unrealistic and bogus. perhaps her side of the story? i know your self- aggrandizing tendencies well enough to take your claims with a gunnybag of salt.

Morality does not relate to an abstract??

why dont you tell me why a business is supposed to be amoral.

Also, a society reflects the "policies" and attributes of those that run it. What is your damn point?

bring your brain along to sciforums.

Your attempt at trolling was so pathetic I feel sympathetic towards you.

ah, what self serving rationale. i would suggest you spare some sympathy for yourself. it might just come in handy

Therefore, enjoy your supposed "contempt and digust".

it is quite real

I will allow you to live with the needed fantasy of yours that you do not indeed worship the hed.

you rarely cross my mind, little man. quite the nonentity as far as i am concerned. your delusions of grandeur are confined to you alone. i do not share in it

Go troll elsewhere you nitwit.

you do not comprehend the terminology that you employ.
secondly, i thought i made it clear i am gonna hang with you for a while
save your breath, boy. i do as i please. i am here for my amusement.

*feels strange being....relatively polite. :D
the truth will set you free punk
I am already free you fool.

what part of live feed do you not understand.
What part of encoded do you not understand?

your inaptitude in developing your topic post is hardly a fault of mine. it is your ineffectiveness in communicating that allows for a subjective interpretation of your garbage ridden topic post
Dishonest fool. Your attempt to imply a misunderstanding is freaking annoying me.

this is quite simple, why are the codes still the same? a safe assumption is that she does not give a rats ass about you viewing the feed. your scenario sound unrealistic and bogus. perhaps her side of the story? i know your self- aggrandizing tendencies well enough to take your claims with a gunnybag of salt.
You stupid fool, to assert "honour' would suggest that I told her I would not show others.

why dont you tell me why a business is supposed to be amoral.

bring your brain along to sciforums.
I suggest you bring your damn brain. I am selling her unapproved image for profit. Morality applies at it would in "cheating".

ah, what self serving rationale. i would suggest you spare some sympathy for yourself. it might just come in handy
You need all the sympathy I can muster-- which is not nearly enough. Besides, I am self-serving, so what?

it is quite real
I suppose you are entitled to your own conception of reality.

you rarely cross my mind, little man. quite the nonentity as far as i am concerned. your delusions of grandeur are confined to you alone. i do not share in it
he he he he. This is all I can muster for the silliness above.

you do not comprehend the terminology that you employ.
secondly, i thought i made it clear i am gonna hang with you for a while
save your breath, boy. i do as i please. i am here for my amusement.
Oh my pitiful friend, I do understand the terminology quite well. You excel at it. And no fool, you are here for MY amusement.

*feels strange being....relatively polite.
Same here
I am already free you fool.

i doubt that

What part of encoded do you not understand?

heh. talk about weak. padding the topic post as we go along eh?

Dishonest fool. Your attempt to imply a misunderstanding is freaking annoying me.

i see absolutely reason to play by your rules. i will define the topic post as see fit. my experience with you has shown me that it is the wisest choice. it is not so much as a misunderstanding that i refer to but rather an issue of stupidity and outright bias that is being presented here. you ask me to trust your characterization of the situation described and i refuse to do so on the grounds it is implausible

You stupid fool, to assert "honour' would suggest that I told her I would not show others.

and your stupidity allows you you claim she bought it


well? floundering? jump back into your little fishbowl and stay there next time if unable to respond

I suggest you bring your damn brain. I am selling her unapproved image for profit. Morality applies at it would in "cheating".

so now we can characterize a business run by you as immoral. see? progress!

You need all the sympathy I can muster-- which is not nearly enough.


Besides, I am self-serving, so what?

umm, you get a negative opinion from me, that's what. that consideration will color all future interactions with you.

I suppose you are entitled to your own conception of reality.

that wasnt too hard eh? unfortunately it gives total lie to your fantasies in which you dictate my reality. i suppose consistency is too much to ask for eh?

he he he he. This is all I can muster for the silliness above.

why am i not suprised?

Oh my pitiful friend,....

consider me the enemy, little man. you parade around here like a puffed up, alcoholic bitch in heat and expect acceptance and approval? that will not be forthcoming.

I do understand the terminology quite well. You excel at it.

heh. my self characterization as a troll is what all you retards picked up and ran with much to my amusement. again, you show your ignorance. even the exaggeration of my trolling capabilities is further evidence you do not comprehend the term

And no fool, you are here for MY amusement.

another mindless fantasy. i suspect pathology

Same here

you lie. you foul mouth is all over this forum at this time
Nobody asked the most important question...

URL and Password please?
You guys with your quote battles:rolleyes:
This doesn't seem to have anything to do with the topic.
Thread closed.

.... aaah yes, seems I didn't win that election, carry on.

PS. you're both lame queers:cool:
to the grinning idiot

so ahh
the bitch dumped you for premature ejaculation? is that what the smiley indicates? eh little man?
It is times like these that I treasure. Statements like these:
1. consider me the enemy, little man. you parade around here like a puffed up, alcoholic bitch in heat and expect acceptance and approval? that will not be forthcoming.

2. another mindless fantasy. i suspect pathology

3. that wasnt too hard eh? unfortunately it gives total lie to your fantasies in which you dictate my reality. i suppose consistency is too much to ask for eh?

4. umm, you get a negative opinion from me, that's what. that consideration will color all future interactions with you.

etc. etc.
Time after time, after time, you show yourself to be a predictable little fool who actually believes he harbors a freaking brain. I again thank you for the many times you have supplied the needed amusement to keep me awake in these times.

Why the blood clot would I care for your acceptance or for your stupid opinion when you cannot comprehend that your stupid "intent" was transparent and that I was actually "helping" in your fucking intent-- regarding where it all started that is. Huff anf puff all you want you little freaking swine, you might just blow a piece of paper my way.

As for your attempt to characterize my self serving nature as negative, I suggest you stick your foot back in your mouth, you hypocritical punk. This thread has degenerated, the one which started it all was already pathetic, and thus it serves one purpose for hed: my fucking entertainment. You are doing quite well. Continue.

By the way, you moron little twat:

you ask me to trust your characterization of the situation described and i refuse to do so on the grounds it is implausible
No, it is very plausible.

and your stupidity allows you you claim she bought it
No, your stupidity would make you underestimate the power of naivety or which POV you are looking at, and which time frame. Stop assuming.

so now we can characterize a business run by you as immoral. see? progress!
Who says you can characterize it as immoral? Surely not I. The fact of the matter you dipshit, is that the notion of "cheating" is an abstract. The act itself is sleeping with someone other than your acknowledged partner. My aim in business is to make profit for myself, regardless of other factors (assuming I ignore them). Now tell me why this "it is what you want it to be. why do you attribute an abstract concept with morality? do you not understand that a business reflects the policies and attitudes of those than run it" is fucking irrelevant.

Nobody asked the most important question...

URL and Password please?
PM me. Also, 6 month subscriptions of $89.97 only.
Mod hat

I see that One Raven's question has been answered, hopefully satisfactory.

And there is a legitimate ethical discussion to be had.

So ... if'n those folks so inclined to not have a legitimate ethical discussion would be so kind as to either drop it or else have a legitimate ethical discussion relevant to the topic post, I'll be inclined to not close this topic.

And Dr. Lou ... I just wanted to mention that I had to do a double-take of my own, merely because without the hyphen, I actually had a second to wonder what "spittake" means in Japanese. ;)

Okay, sorry, that last one doesn't belong under this hat, but I'm not going to waste another post jsut for that minor point.

Thank y'all,

are you serious?
What kind of pathetic loser would pay for that?
Jeez man you gotta eat, here, have these;
Fuck you. I do not appreciate people fucking around with a potential client. Besides, people pay because she's hot, and they know her in "real life". Thus, making her seemingly more "attainable"? Yea, something like that.
Originally posted by thefountainhed
Now imagine this freaking scenario:

A hot chick you used to sleep with gave you the codes to a live camera in her bathroom. Now, granted you are longer sleeping with her, what right does she have to expect that you will still not be looking at that live feed and charging others for that view? I mean, it cannot be your damn fault that she was so naive as to believe you actually have any "honour". Besides, if you are making money, where is the purpose of honour? Isn't business amoral?

Yeah but then you could get back together with this girl and then everyone who subscribes gets to see your bare (_l_) on screen. I'd guess if such a situation arose there'd be a lot of :( around and demands of a refund... lol..

As for the issue itself, imagine if the situation were reversed. If it were you with the camera in your bathroom and your ex-girlfriend selling the rights to view you, would you appreciate it or her argument of business etiquette (or lack of)? Personally, if someone did do something like that, they'd deserve a kick in the nuts and subsequent castration.

As for the notion of business being amoral, well it would depend on the individual. The run of the mill guy who's sitting in front of his computer with his pants down and typing one handed might enjoy that you're selling the rights to view your ex flushing the toilet and her right to privacy down the toilet. But then you will have people who believe in business ethics and would find the behaviour a gross invasion of privacy. Guess it'd depend on the individual who's in that position of power when they are selling the rights to that bath-cam view. And as for that notion of honour, if you portrayed to this girl that you were honourable, then why should she think that you are otherwise?

Mod Hat: Oh, for the love of ....

I do not appreciate people fucking around with a potential client
It might be adviseable in the future to discuss the terms privately.

Thank you,
Personally, if someone did do something like that, they'd deserve a kick in the nuts and subsequent castration.
This is the whole point. Let's assume that someone brought up the fact that the whole situation was not "nice" to the girl being viewed. Why is it not "nice" to her?

But then you will have people who believe in business ethics and would find the behaviour a gross invasion of privacy.
They are those not making any money in business. The intent is to make money. That is the abstract which is business.

And as for that notion of honour, if you portrayed to this girl that you were honourable, then why should she think that you are otherwise?
Because I am no longer sleeping with her. Why then would I care about her?

Yeah but then you could get back together with this girl and then everyone who subscribes gets to see your bare (_l_) on screen
That is if I did not cancel the whole crap.
So ... um ... help me out

So, who's charging who? Or whom, or whatever?
The "moral" issue...

Yes, I do think it would be dishonorable.

Granted, I would have to question how much vlue she palces in her privacy anyway...
She has a live webcam in her bathroom.
She gave you access, and hasn't changed the password.
In all likelihood you aren't the only one with access.

But, when it comes down to it, who should and should not have access to her relative privacy should be her decision alone.

Justifying it with "I mean, it cannot be your damn fault that she was so naive as to believe you actually have any "honour"." and similar statements are akin to, "I'm innocent. Hell, it's not my fault that the dumb bitch trusted me enough to believe that I wouldn't beat her. She should have never dated me."

As far as honor and business not going together...
No, it is not a requirement to be honorable or ethical to be in business.
However, it can play a part in your success and, in my opinion, should more often.
As a general rule that I always try and keep, I will not give any business to a company that I do not respect the business tactics of.
Just as, it is not required for you to be an honorable person to exist, but it very well could (and should) affect the amount of respect people have for you and whether or not they will associate with you or consider you a friend.
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