If I take a _______ in most places, people will be shocked. When I take 1 in the produce area of a grocery store, no 1 notices.
If I take a _leek______ in most places, people will be shocked. When I take 1 in the produce area of a grocery store, no 1 notices.
'You didn't need the question mark.Meat?
At a family reunion, I was cooking stir-fry. I'd done so successfully many times yet had problems that time & found my self between a _____ & a _____ place.
What kind of walk is angry?
Dont mater... they ant gonna come no mater what ya call 'em
Dont mater... they ant gonna come no mater what ya call 'em
Ahhh... You say a dog with no REAR legs...I've seen a dog with no rear legs come when called & a person with no arms or legs get in & out of bed & move thru the house.
Ever wonder why that Frisbee is gettin bigger... and then it hits ya.???