Revised hell poll

The poll question is in the first post of this thread.

  • There is no hell, or 0%

    Votes: 20 71.4%
  • 0%<X[u]<[/u]25% (Greater than 0%, less than or equal to 25%)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 25%<X[u]<[/u]50% (Greater than 25%, less than or equal to 50%)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50%<X[u]<[/u]75% (Greater than 50%, less than or equal to 75%)

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • 75%<X<100% (Greater than 75%, less than 100%)

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • 100%

    Votes: 6 21.4%

  • Total voters

Question 1:

Is there a finite number of souls going through the reincarnation process right now, meaning eventually all of them will have united with God and left the material world eventually? So will there be a day when there are no souls left to reincarnate, or is God continuously make new souls?

Question 2:

Do we (our souls) have an unlimited amount of chances to become a human and try to go into a state of transcendence and eventually to "heaven"? So when this universe ends, what happens to all the souls who haven't reached the heaven state yet? Do they die physically, and then their souls go dormant and become reincarnated in the new universe?

Thanks for any response.

Question 1:

Is there a finite number of souls going through the reincarnation process right now, meaning eventually all of them will have united with God and left the material world eventually? So will there be a day when there are no souls left to reincarnate, or is God continuously make new souls?

the mechanisms of universal management and population are practically infinite and eternal (BTW the soul is accepted as eternal yet contingent on god)

in response to this by vasudeva datta
CC Madhya 15.162: "My Lord, my heart breaks to see the sufferings of all the conditioned souls; therefore I request You to transfer the karma of their sinful lives upon my head.

CC Madhya 15.163: "My dear Lord, let me suffer perpetually in a hellish condition, accepting all the sinful reactions of all living entities. Please finish their diseased material life."

the lord replies

CC Madhya 15.173: "The uḍumbara tree is filled with millions of fruits, and if one falls down and is destroyed, the tree does not even consider the loss.

CC Madhya 15.174: "In the same way, if one universe is vacated due to the living entities' having been liberated, that is a very little thing for Kṛṣṇa. He does not take it very seriously.

CC Madhya 15.175: "The entire spiritual world constitutes the unlimited opulence of Kṛṣṇa, and there are innumerable Vaikuṇṭha planets there. The Causal Ocean is considered the surrounding waters of Vaikuṇṭhaloka.

CC Madhya 15.176: "Māyā and her unlimited material universes are situated in that Causal Ocean. Indeed, māyā appears to be floating like a pot filled with mustard seeds.

CC Madhya 15.177: "Of the millions of mustard seeds floating in that pot, if one seed is lost, the loss is not at all significant. Similarly, if one universe is lost, it is not significant to Lord Kṛṣṇa.

CC Madhya 15.178: "To say nothing of one universal mustard seed, even if all the universes and the material energy [māyā] are destroyed, Kṛṣṇa does not even consider the loss.

Question 2:

Do we (our souls) have an unlimited amount of chances to become a human and try to go into a state of transcendence and eventually to "heaven"? So when this universe ends, what happens to all the souls who haven't reached the heaven state yet? Do they die physically, and then their souls go dormant and become reincarnated in the new universe?

one gets as many opportunities as one is willing to spend in the material universe - the time one spends here is relative to one's inclination to attain spiritual perfection - someone can do it in a moment and someone else may not be successful after millions of births as a human.

Of course death in inevitable for everyone - but of course such death pertains only to the body - during the interim period between being re-situated in a material universe one remains merged in a dormant state within the body of maha visnu - its just like one may have lived in a dozen different houses that one was forced to leave because they got demolished (the soul is different from the body just as a person is different from the house that they live in)
Why don't you just answer the question instead of resulting to character assasination.

this is the essence of godless's claim - "theistic claims are false because I (or persons I choose to accept as authoritative) cannot perceive them."

I applied this general principle to show how a high school drop out can have 100
% confidence using the same principles to determine that electrons and physicists are "bullshit"

I guess further discussion would lie in godless determining what are the exact general principles he has applied to determine that theistic claims are "bullshit" - since such a discussion would rely on civil level headed thought and projection, I guess we won't get past fanatical claims of confidence and stubborness
He asked you a simple question "what did you base your post on" you simply resorted to character assasination which if I recall correctly is the main thing that irks you in other posters.
He asked you a simple question "what did you base your post on" you simply resorted to character assasination which if I recall correctly is the main thing that irks you in other posters.
the high school dropout analogy answers what I base my claims on

(ask yourself on what basis is it claimed that electrons exist?)
Thank you for the thorough response LG.

So in regards to how many chances we have to reach heaven as a human, would I be wrong if I stated the following statement:

In Hinduism the chances aren't unlimited, it goes on until the end of the universe (supposedly more than 300 trillion years).
Thank you for the thorough response LG.

So in regards to how many chances we have to reach heaven as a human, would I be wrong if I stated the following statement:

In Hinduism the chances aren't unlimited, it goes on until the end of the universe (supposedly more than 300 trillion years).

The material creation is eternal but it goes through periods of creation and manifestation just as the environment thrives in spring but goes dormant in winter - so if one misses out in attaining salvation in one universal manifestation, one ends up in another universe with another 300 trillion years - this can continue on for an eternity, but practically all living entities attain the spiritual abode, since eternal time has a great deal of patience
Okay, thank you. So we (our souls) do have unlimted or infinity chances to live life as a human and gain access into heaven.
the high school dropout analogy answers what I base my claims on

(ask yourself on what basis is it claimed that electrons exist?)

No, the high school dropout analogy snidely refers to a high school dropouts' attitude toward physics and doesn't have anything at all to do with your comments.
Ya! LG your high school drop out analogy is a bit old and useless, tell the fucking kid to get a godamn education already! Besides there's substantial credible evidence in science to determine the existence of atoms, were is the evidence of your god?
No, the high school dropout analogy snidely refers to a high school dropouts' attitude toward physics and doesn't have anything at all to do with your comments.

it explains how evidence is not self evident - one can only make the demand for evidence if one is qualified to perceive it - and since scriptures readily advocate numerous normative descriptions, the question is whether godless fulfills the criteria

Ya! LG your high school drop out analogy is a bit old and useless, tell the fucking kid to get a godamn education already!
will the irony never end?

Besides there's substantial credible evidence in science to determine the existence of atoms, were is the evidence of your god?
the evidence of atom is validated by physicists (ie persons who apply certain processes to determine the nature of atoms)
similarly the evidence for god is validated by saintly persons (ie certain persons who apply processes to determine the nature of god)

Okay, thank you. So we (our souls) do have unlimted or infinity chances to live life as a human and gain access into heaven.
that's correct - an infinite series of opportunity to suffer under the constraints of birth, death, old age and disease (actually you are probably too old to recall the first, and too young to appreciate the implications of the remaining three - anyway complacency is not a strong recommendation in the vedas)

SB 11.3.7: Thus the conditioned living entity is forced to experience repeated birth and death. Impelled by the reactions of his own activities, he helplessly wanders from one inauspicious situation to another, suffering from the moment of creation until the time of cosmic annihilation.
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the evidence of atom is validated by physicists (ie persons who apply certain processes to determine the nature of atoms)
similarly the evidence for god is validated by saintly persons (ie certain persons who apply processes to determine the nature of god)

Godless, LG will always retreat to his failed analogy because it is the way of the coward. Rather than actually bother to discuss how someone can "know" his god, its far easier for him to simply say you aren't qualified and leave it at that.

The pseudo-philosophical/intellectual cloak that LG wraps himself in is designed to stroke his own ego, not ours, after all. Never mind that he has yet to demonstrate with evidence that his "saintly persons" have processes that others do not. Nor has he made any delineation of what is defined as "saintly."

All we get is his snooty, yet cowardly, response to a valid question. We can't possibly know his answer, so he needn't bother with it.

Sorry, LG: you needn't bother with it because you can't answer it and we all see you for the pseudo-intellectual/pseudo-philosophical coward you are.
similarly the evidence for god is validated by saintly persons

These saintly persons?

Seems to me that these "saintly" persons only raped kids! Not claiming that all preist are scumbags, but the evidence shown above, tells me that there's no such thing as fucking saintly persons!!:rolleyes:
These saintly persons?

Seems to me that these "saintly" persons only raped kids! Not claiming that all preist are scumbags, but the evidence shown above, tells me that there's no such thing as fucking saintly persons!!:rolleyes:

M*W: You know, Godless, when I was a catholic, we learned about all those poor young girls who were taken to wife by ugly old codgers. I always felt sorry for them, but in reality, what was so damn wrong with it? They were poor and some kindly old man was willing to take care of them. Just because they were expected to return sexual favors, that catapulted them into sainthood. I just don't get it. What the hell is so wrong with sexual activity? Isn't it a human thing? Now, I understand the old man thing, but after all, most of them were well-fed and well taken care of. I just don't believe in all those apostles, martyrs and saints. There are no real women representing The Vatican. Real women don't have headaches.
M*W, LG seems to think that some people are "saintly" that they have the epistemology, ontologically mind set to know god, that they are pure in spirit, and virtuous morals. I on the other hand just have shown, that they are only being decieved, that no such thing as a "saintly" person exists, these are all a sharade, played out in public, in reality some are good, but lately it has come to light, that a lot of them are scumbags hiding behind the banner of catholicism.

I don't think there's anything wrong with sex, I do think though if an innocent child is being raped against his/her will is wrong, and it's been done under the illusion that these are preist to be trusted, men of virtue, "saintly men" I'm only demonstrating to LG that he/she's full of shit!
M*W, LG seems to think that some people are "saintly" that they have the epistemology, ontologically mind set to know god, that they are pure in spirit, and virtuous morals. I on the other hand just have shown, that they are only being decieved, that no such thing as a "saintly" person exists, these are all a sharade, played out in public, in reality some are good, but lately it has come to light, that a lot of them are scumbags hiding behind the banner of catholicism.

I don't think there's anything wrong with sex, I do think though if an innocent child is being raped against his/her will is wrong, and it's been done under the illusion that these are preist to be trusted, men of virtue, "saintly men" I'm only demonstrating to LG that he/she's full of shit!

M*W: There's no excuse and no forgiveness for child rape whether by priest or pedophile. They should all be taken out promptly.

Sex, on the other hand, is a good thing. It's nurturing, at least for us atheists. It's a guilt trip for those who aren't. So be it. i don't know of any christian I've ever known who has had a healthy sexual relationship. Too much guilt involved.