All religions have a permanent, or final "hell" which occurs at the end of the universe as we know it.
The Poll Question:
Assuming a God, an eternal heaven, and an eternal hell, a finite number of individual human souls, and that one goes to hell if one is rejected or unaccepted by God for heavenly access, how many of these individual human souls will end up in "hell" when the earth or material universe ends or is destroyed as we know it, meaning there will be no more human souls created or left to go through the “material universe” process or experience weeding out process.
NOTE: If you don't believe in hell, then choose option 1.
Explanation of terms:
1) Heaven - Spiritual realm of ultimate enlightenment and eternal happiness. This would be "hell" for Satanists.
2) Hell - Spiritual realm of eternal suffering. For Christians, the Lake of Fire. For Muslims, Hades. For Hindus, one of the 136 hells. For Buddhists, whatever you believe this concept to be. Satanists, for you hell would be heaven.
3) A finite number of individual human souls - This concept is true of basically all religions. In Christianity, God has already created every individual human spirit/soul, and all of these individuals are currently being sequentially incarnated to the earth over time. When all of them have gone through the "material universe" process or experience and have been weeded out, the process will be over and Jesus will return. Hindus believe that humans will stop reincarnating when the Universe ends in 300 trillion or so years.
The Poll Question:
Assuming a God, an eternal heaven, and an eternal hell, a finite number of individual human souls, and that one goes to hell if one is rejected or unaccepted by God for heavenly access, how many of these individual human souls will end up in "hell" when the earth or material universe ends or is destroyed as we know it, meaning there will be no more human souls created or left to go through the “material universe” process or experience weeding out process.
NOTE: If you don't believe in hell, then choose option 1.
Explanation of terms:
1) Heaven - Spiritual realm of ultimate enlightenment and eternal happiness. This would be "hell" for Satanists.
2) Hell - Spiritual realm of eternal suffering. For Christians, the Lake of Fire. For Muslims, Hades. For Hindus, one of the 136 hells. For Buddhists, whatever you believe this concept to be. Satanists, for you hell would be heaven.
3) A finite number of individual human souls - This concept is true of basically all religions. In Christianity, God has already created every individual human spirit/soul, and all of these individuals are currently being sequentially incarnated to the earth over time. When all of them have gone through the "material universe" process or experience and have been weeded out, the process will be over and Jesus will return. Hindus believe that humans will stop reincarnating when the Universe ends in 300 trillion or so years.
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