Revised hell poll

The poll question is in the first post of this thread.

  • There is no hell, or 0%

    Votes: 20 71.4%
  • 0%<X[u]<[/u]25% (Greater than 0%, less than or equal to 25%)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 25%<X[u]<[/u]50% (Greater than 25%, less than or equal to 50%)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50%<X[u]<[/u]75% (Greater than 50%, less than or equal to 75%)

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • 75%<X<100% (Greater than 75%, less than 100%)

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • 100%

    Votes: 6 21.4%

  • Total voters


Registered Senior Member
All religions have a permanent, or final "hell" which occurs at the end of the universe as we know it.

The Poll Question:

Assuming a God, an eternal heaven, and an eternal hell, a finite number of individual human souls, and that one goes to hell if one is rejected or unaccepted by God for heavenly access, how many of these individual human souls will end up in "hell" when the earth or material universe ends or is destroyed as we know it, meaning there will be no more human souls created or left to go through the “material universe” process or experience weeding out process.

NOTE: If you don't believe in hell, then choose option 1.

Explanation of terms:

1) Heaven - Spiritual realm of ultimate enlightenment and eternal happiness. This would be "hell" for Satanists.

2) Hell - Spiritual realm of eternal suffering. For Christians, the Lake of Fire. For Muslims, Hades. For Hindus, one of the 136 hells. For Buddhists, whatever you believe this concept to be. Satanists, for you hell would be heaven.

3) A finite number of individual human souls - This concept is true of basically all religions. In Christianity, God has already created every individual human spirit/soul, and all of these individuals are currently being sequentially incarnated to the earth over time. When all of them have gone through the "material universe" process or experience and have been weeded out, the process will be over and Jesus will return. Hindus believe that humans will stop reincarnating when the Universe ends in 300 trillion or so years.
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Yeah well, I posted option 1 for people like you would have put option 1 on this poll no matter what the assumptions were. That's why I had to make a new poll, because everyone was ignoring the assumptions and just putting 0-25% because they didn't believe in a hell. Or at least I'm pretty sure that's why. Now we'll know for sure.
Yeah well, I posted option 1 for people like you would have put option 1 on this poll no matter what the assumptions were. That's why I had to make a new poll, because everyone was ignoring the assumptions and just putting 0-25% because they didn't believe in a hell. Or at least I'm pretty sure that's why. Now we'll know for sure.
You made the question too complicated. Why not just,
"Assuming the existence of heaven/hell, what percent of human souls will go to hell?"​
I tried to make it that simple in the first one. Little did I know that everyone had a different concept of hell and everyone thought hell was something different. Take a look at the thread entitled "One way ticket to hell" to see what happened. Since semantics is vital in this question, I have to assure that the question covers all religions and all beliefs or disbeliefs of hell or people will say, "wait up, hell means this, not that," or, "hell hasn't happened yet," or "hell isn't eternal," or etc. etc. ect.

Trust me, I wish this question was simpler, but every detail must be taken into consideration to make the question apply to all religions which believe in hell, which I want it to.
All religions have a permanent, or final "hell" which occurs at the end of the universe as we know it.

The Poll Question:

Assuming a God, an eternal heaven, and an eternal hell, a finite number of individual human souls, and that one goes to hell if one is rejected or unaccepted by God for heavenly access, how many of these individual human souls will end up in "hell" when the earth or material universe ends or is destroyed as we know it, meaning there will be no more human souls created or left to go through the “material universe” process or experience weeding out process.

NOTE: If you don't believe in hell, then choose option 1.

Explanation of terms:

1) Heaven - Spiritual realm of ultimate enlightenment and eternal happiness. This would be "hell" for Satanists.

2) Hell - Spiritual realm of eternal suffering. For Christians, the Lake of Fire. For Muslims, Hades. For Hindus, one of the 136 hells. For Buddhists, whatever you believe this concept to be. Satanists, for you hell would be heaven.

3) A finite number of individual human souls - This concept is true of basically all religions. In Christianity, God has already created every individual human spirit/soul, and all of these individuals are currently being sequentially incarnated to the earth over time. When all of them have gone through the "material universe" process or experience and have been weeded out, the process will be over and Jesus will return. Hindus believe that humans will stop reincarnating when the Universe ends in 300 trillion or so years.

and if hell is not eternal?

basically the argument is that the living entity is part and parcel of god, which means for the living entity to draw on the quality of eternality from god they must be situated in direct connection to him (ie be situated in transcendence/ the eternal heavenly abode) - there is no scope for eternally residing in hell since ignorance (what one is required to possess to enter into hell) is not a quality of the soul

(ps - after 300 trillion years the entire cosmic manifestation - which is actually a bubble amongst many other similar bubbles, gets absorbed into the body of maha visnu (an expansion of god that deals with universal management on a grand scale) and then gets re-emitted - kind of like respiration. In other words the whole thing is cyclic and not linear - the state a living entity is in during such acts of respiration is a dormant state - it is not hell

BG 9.6: Understand that as the mighty wind, blowing everywhere, rests always in the sky, all created beings rest in Me.

BG 9.7: O son of Kuntī, at the end of the millennium all material manifestations enter into My nature, and at the beginning of another millennium, by My potency, I create them again.

BG 9.8: The whole cosmic order is under Me. Under My will it is automatically manifested again and again, and under My will it is annihilated at the end.
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Question 1:

Is there a finite number of souls going through the reincarnation process right now, meaning eventually all of them will have united with God and left the material world eventually? So will there be a day when there are no souls left to reincarnate, or is God continuously make new souls?

Question 2:

Do we (our souls) have an unlimited amount of chances to become a human and try to go into a state of transcendence and eventually to "heaven"? So when this universe ends, what happens to all the souls who haven't reached the heaven state yet? Do they die physically, and then their souls go dormant and become reincarnated in the new universe?
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If the majority of the Worlds population believe in a God, does that mean God definately exists?

M*W: Well, first we need to clarify which god we're talking about. The christian god has between 25-33% of the world's population duped, so the remaining 67-75% don't believe in the christian god. In other words, the christian god does not hold the majority.