Revelation Prophecies- Who or what is the prostitute....

That aswell GeoffP.

Examining the scriptures closely the Catholic church knows there is no likeness between creation and God and that God did not use such a method as scientifst outline to bring life to the Earth.

Instead of having faith in the evidence avaiable once again they compromised the scriptures and they're partitioners to falsehoods in order to appease the masses. The lost of some many from the church pews is the primary reason the Catholic Church is will to seel as much truth away for the filling of the empty collection plate.

In Europe to day Catholic Churchs must still pay bill. Because the lack of member they sell out their space as office areas. Certainly Religion thanks to the Catholic Church is on a rapid decline.
That aswell GeoffP.

Examining the scriptures closely the Catholic church knows there is no likeness between creation and God and that God did not use such a method as scientifst outline to bring life to the Earth.

Instead of having faith in the evidence avaiable once again they compromised the scriptures and they're partitioners to falsehoods in order to appease the masses. The lost of some many from the church pews is the primary reason the Catholic Church is will to seel as much truth away for the filling of the empty collection plate.

In Europe to day Catholic Churchs must still pay bill. Because the lack of member they sell out their space as office areas. Certainly Religion thanks to the Catholic Church is on a rapid decline.

I agree with all you said. You do however, realize, you would not be a christian right now without the creation of the catholic church? It was all a big lie from the start, you know picking and choosing what books were canon.
I no what you mean but the true origins of Christanity originated from theose that recieved holy spirt in the year 33 CE as a result of them Christianity spread rapidly..

After the apostle died the bible fortold that corruption would enter the congregation and corrupt. So the true Start of the Christians was under persecution. It wasn't untill Constantine made his religion Christian where it started to become popular...afterward was the foundation of the Roman Catholic Church and the subsquent in bed antics of politics and religion as a totaliarian regime.
That aswell GeoffP.

Examining the scriptures closely the Catholic church knows there is no likeness between creation and God and that God did not use such a method as scientifst outline to bring life to the Earth.

Wow. A religion makes a first leap to reasonability and you damn them for it. Well done. Please check your retard hat at the door.
BTW: love the profile quote: "Alive despite Evolution".

That sums it up.
Well in a spiritual sense a prostitute is a religion that follows the will of God but then turns and makes compromises with the powers that rule this world. They turn from being a spiritual virgin bride ready for a kind of marriage with God to a slut sleeping around with the evil powers of the world twisting the truth of God to whatever those powers want.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Exactly! This is why she is drunk with the blood of Gods children; The Church, as in the organization, caused God’s people who are truly the Church, to damn them selves. She is drunk because she has apparant success from doing so.

And the Beast who uses the Prostitute to cause Gods children to sin, will destroy the Prostitute (Corrupted Church’s) once the 8th king (Nation/Gov.) has arrived and no longer needs the Prostitute to corrupt because the 8th king is the full manifestation of the anti-Christ in Nation/Government, and no longer wishes to corrupt Christians, but destroy Christianity, along with Israel. Which Satan, of course, will not prevail because God is the King of King’s!
Wow. A religion makes a first leap to reasonability and you damn them for it. Well done. Please check your retard hat at the door.

There is no reason in evolution. Only the dedication in infinite degrees of inforbidity. Which is unreasonable.
There is no reason in evolution. Only the dedication in infinite degrees of inforbidity. Which is unreasonable.

I don't believe we are alive because of evolution, but I do agree that it does occur to an extent. This is obvious in our immune systems and how they adapt, or how the human race has grown taller.
There is no reason in evolution. Only the dedication in infinite degrees of inforbidity. Which is unreasonable.

Your response is idiotic, and I am demeaned by reading it. "Inforbidity" is not a word.
I don't believe we are alive because of evolution, but I do agree that it does occur to an extent. This is obvious in our immune systems and how they adapt, or how the human race has grown taller.

The immune system?

It shows that adaptation can occur. But where is the evolving?
I no what you mean but the true origins of Christanity originated from theose that recieved holy spirt in the year 33 CE as a result of them Christianity spread rapidly..

After the apostle died the bible fortold that corruption would enter the congregation and corrupt. So the true Start of the Christians was under persecution. It wasn't untill Constantine made his religion Christian where it started to become popular...afterward was the foundation of the Roman Catholic Church and the subsquent in bed antics of politics and religion as a totaliarian regime.

Uhhh huh and Christianity was just one of many many cults before that formation.

You would not be Christian if it were not for Constantine. You might be worshiping Helios, Mithras or Wotan and preaching a totally different primitive believe system right now.

Perhaps even were it not for Constantine, you might be using your own thoughts and internal moral compass to guide your body through a world and universe in a constant state of flux.
I owe nothing to Constantine. Speculation on what could have been is even less usefull than considering the endless possibilities of the future.

As for me this "what if" senario you propose is irrelevent. God has the power to make what ever he sees fit to occur to come to pass. hence his name...He who causes to become.
The immune system?

It shows that adaptation can occur. But where is the evolving?

The Immune System under goes low level evolution when the body is exposed to a foreign invader with a specific antigenic marker sequence, T-cells that match that marker stimulate B-cells that also match to reproduce themselves - in a clonal fashion. Once a particular B-cell is selected for mass replication, the offspring of that parent cell are not exactly the same. The antibodies that are produced by the offspring B-cells are slightly different - usually in their "hypervariable regions". These changes are indeed random changes that were not present in the original pool of immune system options. In other words, they are truly new sequences. In this manner, the specificity of immunity will indeed evolve in a stepwise fashion of improvement over time.

People adore the Pauline Apostasy because it is easier to grasp and more attractive than the ministry of Christ. Take, for instance, the sola fide disaster, and look at what it's led to in modern faith. You'll see even here at Sciforums the occasional argument from an evangelical Christian that seems to separate faith and works entirely. While it is true that works alone will not earn redemption, many American Christians seem to forget that one's faith is reflected in their works; they seem to think that believing Jesus will save them is all that is required, and thus go along their merry way. (Watch the political arguments about religion in this country. Liberals will often cite Christ when querying evangelical conservatives about the appearance of hypocrisy; the conservatives will shoot back with Paul.)

Well, actually people prefer Paul because Paul was Selling Forgiveness of Sins, which is in practice FREEDOM TO SIN.

Where Jesus was preaching a strict morality and indicating that he would be a harsh moral Judge, Paul went in the completely other direction of Selling Moral License.

Also, it was an unfortunate denoument when Jesus had been murdered. Paul came along and offered an appealing explanation == We Pharisees killed Jesus so we could enjoy Free Sin and overrun Heaven without in the least deserving it. Now, who wouldn't prefer that to a Strict Morality.

But what we have is enough to differentiate the Christ from the Anti-Christ. Paul was not so much subsequent to Christ as different from Christ. Where Christ was Murdered for his Ministry, Paul was met with Open Arms and Red Carpets. Why?

Why did people hate Jesus but Love Paul. Not because they had the same Teaching.

Jesus was for the Few.

Paul was the Wide Road to Damnation.

And of course the Damned love Paul. Who wants Forgiveness of Sins most but Satan?
This probably deserves a separate discussion, but I don't think forgiveness of sins and freedom to sin are necessarily the same. If somebody commits a crime, does the time in jail, and is released, they are considered forgiven and allowed back into society. There is no permanent damnation for their actions. But this doesn't mean they're free to commit the crime again without further punishment.
It shows that adaptation can occur. But where is the evolving?

In the genus Tragopogon (a plant genus consisting mostly of diploids), two new species (T. mirus and T. miscellus) have evolved within the past 50-60 years. The new species are allopolyploid descendants of two separate diploid parent species.

Here is how this speciation occurred. The new species were formed when one diploid species fertilised a different diploid species and produced a tetraploid offspring. This tetraploid offspring could not fertilize or be fertilised by either of its two parent species types. It is reproductively isolated, the very definition of a species.

Evolution is a fact. You need to grow up, recognise the facts and accept them regardless to your personal little emotional issues.
Who or what is the Prostitute and the Beast with seven heads and ten horns that the prostitute rides upon?
Revelation was meant to be an indictment of the Roman Empire, especially the corrupt nature of its hypocritical government.
The "Whore of Babylon" is supposed to represent the Roman State, and the "Beast" is the Empire. Following this train of logic, it becomes patently obvious that the Antichrist figure is the emperor Nero, especially considering that the Greek language used an alphabetic numbering system, and the numbers that make up the "number of the beast" spell out "Nero Caesar".