Revelation Prophecies- Who or what is the prostitute....

The beast is a man and also an empire on earth he will rule.
M*W: If this is true, where is he?
The Harlot, is a false religion that will be destroyed by the beast.
M*W: So, you are saying that the antichrist will destroy christianity?
I do not think the harlot is limited to any one religion.
M*W: Specifically, are you referring to Judaism? That's the only religion christians rebuked.[/QUOTE]
M*W: So who do you say is the beast? What do you say the empire is that the beast will control? What religion will the beast destroy? Have you ever considered that none of this is true?
Dunn11x said:

Christ died for our sins, so it only makes sense that Gods sacrifice would not be in vain.

I think I know what you're referring to, but I just want to make sure: What sacrifice is that?
The Prostitute represents babylon, as it's written all the nations of the world have tasted her wine and are drunk. (Rev 17:2, 17:6, 18:3) ...

Don't forget about the "seven mountains" in Rev. 17:9. Babylon is on a plain. Rome, on the other hand, has often been called the "city of seven hills."
Don't forget about the "seven mountains" in Rev. 17:9. Babylon is on a plain. Rome, on the other hand, has often been called the "city of seven hills."

There are probably as many theories as to what this means, as there are commentators. Most try and correlate these seven kings to the four great empires of Daniel 7:17, or to the succession of Roman emperors beginning with either Julius Caesar or Augustus down through eight successive emperors, with the supposition that five emperors have come and gone, and that John is writing during the reign of the sixth emperor (the one who is). But although there may be merit to this approach, perhaps it is better not to view this succession of kings historically, but theologically.

The number seven, as we have seen, is the number of fullness or completion. If we look at the angel's words with this in mind, it is possible that the seven kings represent the entire history of fallen humanity. By the time of the coming of Christ, five of these empires have come and gone, with John and his readers facing the sixth (Rome), with a seventh yet to come, who will remain for but a short time. Then following the seven kings one of them will be ressurected (kingdom/empire).
I read a good theory that the book of "revelatons" tells the actual story of failing of the 70AD Jewish uprising and following destruction, quite well.
Originally Posted by Adstar
The beast is a man and also an empire on earth he will rule. ”

M*W: If this is true, where is he?

Well as it is a prophecy the guy might not even be born yet. As you probably know i believe we are in the end times now and i have my candidates of the beast and the empire he will rule.

But i admit i might be wrong with my thoughts on who is the beast and what the beasts empire is.

M*W: So, you are saying that the antichrist will destroy christianity?

Oh yes the beast will persecute true Christians as well as false religion. The only uncertainty i have is the extent of the persecution among those who follow false religion. But there will be a false religion that he will keep I believe that religion will be a united form of false Christianity. The closer we get to the end the more and more islam is looking like the harlot. The beast will destroy the harlot and burn her in one hour. The islamic jihadists are making islam the most hated religion in the world, I am sure that when the time comes the beast will gain much popularity by annihilating the muslims of the world, One of the objective of the beast is to fool the Jewish people into thinking he is their messiah. Destroying the muslims will make him very popular with the jews.

I do not think the harlot is limited to any one religion. ”

M*W: Specifically, are you referring to Judaism? That's the only religion christians rebuked.

Torah adhering Judaism is more like an incomplete religion rather than a false religion because they have failed to recognise and accept their true Messiah Jesus. So judaism to an extent is false because it is incomplete. I believe the beast will deceive the jews for a time, But once he proclaims himself God on earth and calls for all to worship him, then the true Torah compliant Jews will know that they have been deceived and will eject the beast from Jerusalem.

M*W: So who do you say is the beast? What do you say the empire is that the beast will control? What religion will the beast destroy? Have you ever considered that none of this is true?

Well i have no doubt the prophecy is true and has yet to be fulfilled. But my thoughts on who the beast is (both empire and person) and the religion of the harlot, may well be wrong.

Sadly in this world there are a lot of candidates for the Harlot. The world is full of the Harlots and her daughters. The harlot could be false Christianity or islam or even masonry which has it's tentacles in many religions. It would be funny if the harlot of Babylon was the secret religion of masonry. masonry has served satan well over time and they do claim that their religion is ancient all the way back to the days of Babylon.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Christ died for our sins, so it only makes sense that Gods sacrifice would not be in vain.

:) Since when has sense made sense in the mind of a person like Leo Volont? One who has in the past blasphemed the Holy Spirit.

As it has been stated in here already


"do not lay your pearls before swine" and "shake the dust off your feet"

Good advice for a Christian who comes into contact with Leo Volont.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Don't forget about the "seven mountains" in Rev. 17:9. Babylon is on a plain. Rome, on the other hand, has often been called the "city of seven hills."
M*W: I don't think this was supposed to be any mystery. The author(s) of Revelation were well aware of those seven hills.
I read a good theory that the book of "revelatons" tells the actual story of failing of the 70AD Jewish uprising and following destruction, quite well.
M*W: I agree. Somehow, I don't know, but I think there is a connection between the writing of the NT and Jerusalem's fall. I don't know what implication this has, but let's face it, those 'assumed' writers of the NT weren't in Jerusalem. I believe they were in Rome.

The first book of the NT (Mark-not Matthew) was written about 70AD. A coincidence? I think not.
the beast with the 7 heads are the kingdoms of the world, the 10 horns are leaders, the harlot is the church of satan.
This might not interest many people; I’m not to sure how many Christians there are here that read Revelations.

Who or what is the Prostitute and the Beast with seven heads and ten horns that the prostitute rides upon?

Paris Hilton.
Well as it is a prophecy the guy might not even be born yet. As you probably know i believe we are in the end times now and i have my candidates of the beast and the empire he will rule.
M*W: Oh, yes. I now remember our previous conversation about Prince Charles...
But i admit i might be wrong with my thoughts on who is the beast and what the beasts empire is.
M*W: Well, good. It is my understanding that this antichrist of yours is supposed to be a one-eyed Jew. Some say he was born about 1960, I believe in Israel. Have you heard that?
Oh yes the beast will persecute true Christians as well as false religion. The only uncertainty i have is the extent of the persecution among those who follow false religion. But there will be a false religion that he will keep I believe that religion will be a united form of false Christianity. The closer we get to the end the more and more islam is looking like the harlot. The beast will destroy the harlot and burn her in one hour. The islamic jihadists are making islam the most hated religion in the world, I am sure that when the time comes the beast will gain much popularity by annihilating the muslims of the world, One of the objective of the beast is to fool the Jewish people into thinking he is their messiah. Destroying the muslims will make him very popular with the jews.
M*W: I don't believe the traditional antichrist will be Muslim. It would be easy to say it was Osama bin Laden, but I even have my doubts about him.

How will the antichrist know who is a true christian and who is a false christian? Seems to me that they'll all be lumped together. That way, no mistakes will be made.

OTOH, how will innocent people know if they are a false christian or a true christian? People can easily be misled and think they are following the true church when they're not. Believers are like that, you know. They are followers.

If Islam were to be the beast, then why didn't they simply obliterate Vatican City? That would be more appropo to their religious cause, I would think.

So are you saying that the antichrist will be a Jew? I'm not sure I understand if you're saying he'll be a Jew or a Muslim. I don't think I've read anywhere that he was supposed to be a Muslim. I just think it would only be fair that the antichrist would be against all people, not just some. But, then, a really bad guy should be equally bad to everyone. If I wrote about an antichrist, that's what I'd have him to be like.

Torah adhering Judaism is more like an incomplete religion rather than a false religion because they have failed to recognise and accept their true Messiah Jesus. So judaism to an extent is false because it is incomplete. I believe the beast will deceive the jews for a time, But once he proclaims himself God on earth and calls for all to worship him, then the true Torah compliant Jews will know that they have been deceived and will eject the beast from Jerusalem.

I know more peaceful Muslims than Islamic terrorist jihadists, but maybe that's just me.

Well i have no doubt the prophecy is true and has yet to be fulfilled. But my thoughts on who the beast is (both empire and person) and the religion of the harlot, may well be wrong.
M*W: Well, it's pretty clear to me that the Harlot is the RCC, thus making all christianity (the Harlot's daughters) harlots themselves. So, no christian is immune from also being said harlot.

Sadly in this world there are a lot of candidates for the Harlot. The world is full of the Harlots and her daughters. The harlot could be false Christianity or islam or even masonry which has it's tentacles in many religions. It would be funny if the harlot of Babylon was the secret religion of masonry. masonry has served satan well over time and they do claim that their religion is ancient all the way back to the days of Babylon.
M*W: I'm not knowledgeable enough about Masonry. Catholics can't be Masons, so there's some ancient rivalry going on there. Didn't they suspect Masonry as the instigator of the Jack the Ripper murders?

Do you think the Pope could be the antichrist? Of course, I don't believe in any of this. In my astro-theological interpretation, any planet or planetary object that aligns itself with the sun, as in an eclipse, is considered to be an anti-christ. So, the coming of the antichrist could be a major planetary alignment, that's all. It's simple really.
No one commented on my Paris Hilton thread derail attempt. This is so rude.
The prostitute is the woman in the brothel who puts out for cash. Don't they teach kids anything these days?
They don't teach them enough prostitution, apparently.

Well, that's not true of every school, I'm sure. There are probably a few out there with enough grit, devotion and commitment to tradition to keep alive man's memory of the "oldest profession". That and teenage nookie. Why do I think the school would be located in the Netherlands?
The prostitute is the woman in the brothel who puts out for cash. Don't they teach kids anything these days?

"When the kings (political leaders) accept the direction of the religious coalition (prostitute) to gather them for enforcing her decrees, they defy God as Nebuchadnezzar did in building his image (Dan. 3). People are responsible to God alone for their spiritual life � for how they worship. He is their creator. God and the people who have pledged to accept His blessings and direction are like husband and wife in the marriage relationship. When the wife unites herself to the kings, the new relationship is adulterous."
M*W: Oh, yes. I now remember our previous conversation about Prince Charles...


And don't forget Javier Solana. I suppose that gives away my thinking on what the Empire of the beast will be doesn't it.

M*W: Well, good. It is my understanding that this antichrist of yours is supposed to be a one-eyed Jew. Some say he was born about 1960, I believe in Israel. Have you heard that?


The Beast will receive and injury and be blinded in one eye, like the new British Prime Minister LOL. Anyway because he will be claiming to be the Jewish Messiah he will have to claim to be a descendant of King David. I suppose a lot of people could make such a claim but prince Charles actually has a family tree that claims He is a descendant of King David, So if He makes the move in the future he will have a historical record to back his claim.

M*W: I don't believe the traditional antichrist will be Muslim. It would be easy to say it was Osama bin Laden, but I even have my doubts about him.

I don't either. Osama is just a pawn, as islam is itself a pawn in satans plans for great deception. Its an old macavellian trick, You create a big bad monster to scare the people then you slay the big bad monster and say hey people i am your savior and hero follow me and you will be safe. I think the masonic powers that rule the USA have played a similar game with the people of the World with their war on terror but they are not as polished in their execution as the Beast will be in the future.

How will the antichrist know who is a true christian and who is a false christian? Seems to me that they'll all be lumped together. That way, no mistakes will be made.

Simple. The False christians will bend down before His moving image and worship it and true Christians will refuse to do it and get their heads chopped off. A simple and fail safe test as far as i know.

OTOH, how will innocent people know if they are a false christian or a true christian? People can easily be misled and think they are following the true church when they're not. Believers are like that, you know. They are followers.

Yeah but who are they following? If they are following themselves then they will slot into one of the many false religions that suits their opinion of how a religion should be. But if they are following Jesus then they will renounce all of those religions and believe Jesus without compromise. And there are no innocent people except for the little ones who have not come to the knowledge of good and evil.

If Islam were to be the beast, then why didn't they simply obliterate Vatican City? That would be more appropo to their religious cause, I would think.

Yeah they could have. Their Jihad forces nearly reached Paris. But i think if you want to control the world you need to have roughly equal powers in constant struggle against each other so as to justify the elites exploitation and oppression of their own masses. And also more importantly the need to promote war justifying religions and the suppression of the Messiah's teaching of loving your enemies and turning the other cheek. Millions of people want to live in peace but you have to convince them that they are under threat to motivate them to murder others and go against the teachings of Jesus.

So are you saying that the antichrist will be a Jew? I'm not sure I understand if you're saying he'll be a Jew or a Muslim. I don't think I've read anywhere that he was supposed to be a Muslim.

As i said before i don't think the anti-christ will be a muslim but he will claim to be a descendant of King David (irrespective of the truth of the claim) So the anti-christ will claim to be a jew.

I just think it would only be fair that the antichrist would be against all people, not just some. But, then, a really bad guy should be equally bad to everyone. If I wrote about an antichrist, that's what I'd have him to be like.

If he was against all people then He would not be loved and worshipped by people. The anti-christ will provoke the kind of brain washed love and devotion you see on North Korean propaganda documentaries about their dear beloved leader Kim. You know people bursting into tears and running to kiss his statue with absolute veneration.

No the forces of satan are at this moment moving the world into the most fearful and violent times imaginable, they want to world to be terrified and hoping for some kind of savior, And then when all seems doomed presto the man with all the answers and the man with unbelievable influence of world (satans servants) leaders will come forth as save the world from the "religious nutters". I the end he will mass a great force to destroy the Jewish people (you know the ones who started the whole religions nutters movement that has caused all the worlds problems lol) But of course his forces will not succeed in carrying out the final operation in his plans, Jesus will return and turn that army into mince meat.

I know more peaceful Muslims than Islamic terrorist jihadists, but maybe that's just me.

I don't doubt it. Most muslims want to live in peace, but most muslims are false muslims who refuse to heed the call of the quran to wipe out the infidels. But it only takes 1 or 2% true muslims to carry out the massive terrorist attacks that can wipe out millions of people in one go for the World to stir up the kind of mind numbing terror that will be exploited by the anti-christ. Just look at what affect a hand full of Saudi jihadists where able to do on September 11 with a few airliners. and they only killed a few thousand infidels. You wait until a few jihadists get serious and infiltrate a nuclear reactor in the west and blow the core to kingdom come and turn western europe into a nuclear waste ground with tens of millions of dead and dieing. Oh and don't think there aren’t true muslim jihadists who are prepared to do such a thing. They definitely exist. All it takes is a bit of organization, professionalism and the right support; it’s only a matter of time.

M*W: Well, it's pretty clear to me that the Harlot is the RCC, thus making all christianity (the Harlot's daughters) harlots themselves. So, no christian is immune from also being said harlot.

The RCC could be the harlot but i believe she is part of the harlot she was born in harlotry to the Roman empire she went to bed with constantine and prostituted herself for the comforts of the world and the protection of it's kings. But like all harlots once their user has finished using them for his purpose he will discard them with the contempt one reserves for a despicable whore.

M*W: I'm not knowledgeable enough about Masonry. Catholics can't be Masons, so there's some ancient rivalry going on there. Didn't they suspect Masonry as the instigator of the Jack the Ripper murders?

I have heard that. There was some kind of move right? But maybe that’s just smoke and mirrors. There has been a division between the masons and the catholics but it matter not if you’re under the dragons right wing or under the left wing both serve the dragon and the dragon will consume them both in the end.

Do you think the Pope could be the antichrist?

Nope. The anti-christ will be a political figure. But the Beast will have a side kick called the False prophet who will be his main promoter, I suppose a Pope could fill this job, you know running around behind the anti-christ proclaiming him to be the Christ.

Of course, I don't believe in any of this. In my astro-theological interpretation, any planet or planetary object that aligns itself with the sun, as in an eclipse, is considered to be an anti-christ. So, the coming of the antichrist could be a major planetary alignment, that's all. It's simple really.

I never thought you did. But your questions have given me the oppertunity to give my beliefs so thanks. As for your astro-eological beliefs i think they are a load of... Well it comes out of the back end of cows and goes plop plop plop on the ground. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The prostitute is the woman in the brothel who puts out for cash. Don't they teach kids anything these days?

Well in a spiritual sense a prostitute is a religion that follows the will of God but then turns and makes compromises with the powers that rule this world. They turn from being a spiritual virgin bride ready for a kind of marriage with God to a slut sleeping around with the evil powers of the world twisting the truth of God to whatever those powers want.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The beast is a man. He will lead the world during the tribulation. The rapture of the church will end the church age and that will be the beginning of the seven year tribulation. At that time the beast that "was" and "is not" and "yet is" shall ascend out of the abyss. This man "was" which means he once was on earth. He "is not" meaning he was not alive and on earth at the time John was writing. He "yet is" meaning he will ascend out of hades where he was when john wrote the revelation. This man was on the earth, died and descended to hades, and will appear on earth at the last days. He will appear as a world leader. He was one of the twelve disciples of Christ. Paul said there would come an apostasy, or falling away, and that man of sin, the son of perdition, would be revealed. A shadow of this happened when Christ was in the garden. Judas received a band of men to go and bring Jesus to the counsel. as they came to Jesus Judas kissed him betrayal. Jesus said, Whom seek ye. They said Jesus. He said, I am he, and they all fell backward. Judas was not known as the disciple that would betray the lord until this hour. Judas was revealed, and as they that came to take him fell backward, this was a shadow of the falling away and the son of perdition revealed. This was only a representation of an hour of darkness that would occur in the last days. Babylon which is in Iraq will be rebuilt, than totally destroyed as predicted by Jeremiah chapter 50 and 51. The city of babel, called later, Babylonia and the tower of babel was the beginning of opposition after the flood to God. Babylon is the fountain head, or the mother of harlots. Jeremiah said that when Babylon was destroyed it would never rise again. Check it out on the web. Saddam spent 100s of millions on rebuilding Babylon. When Iraq gets stable, Babylon will be rebuild. See (Zech. ch. 5) It will take the form of all wickedness, and this wickedness is in the shape of a woman. If anyone would like more details, just ask and I will try.
This might not interest many people; I’m not to sure how many Christians there are here that read Revelations.

Who or what is the Prostitute and the Beast with seven heads and ten horns that the prostitute rides upon?

Refered to as the prostitute or the GREAT HARLOT or Babylon the Great is a religious organization which has relations with the nations of the world and pretends to be a representative of God and has led many to their deaths.

The best understanding for the Harlot is to associated her with the World Empire of False Religion...or the Roman Catholic Church.

That Roman Catholic Church has commited many attrocities in the name of God and mixes truth and lies such as Christmas, Haloween, Easter and so called "Holy" Days into God's true way misleading many.

Further charges against the Cathollic Church:

Conspiring with Hitler to become the dominant religion after a German Victory in War World II.

Using Religious Presure to motivate politics.

Currently, to cover up dozen if not thousands of minister's participation in sexual abuse crimes on children.

There are more but the Bible's Revelation's are to be used as a peak into the future. It will not show clearly the events but it will give a warning that we might want to heed. In this case the warning whether the Catholic Church is or is not that Great harlot sitting upon the Wild Beast...that God does not get involved politicaly and that true worship to God is not under any organization perpetuating lies and deceptions about the accurate knowledge in the bible.