Reporting on Gods Visit


Encephaloid Martini
Valued Senior Member
I have had the pleasure of an invitation from one of our distinguished forum members for god to visit me. It is currently unknown as to what form the visitation will take, but it has been assured to me that I most certainly will know. I have also promised this forum member that I will defend any and all arguments they present thereafter as a result of the visit.

Of course, at that point, I will be a theist and a believer in god.

So, from time to time, I'll provide any unusual events that may have happened to me in order to discuss whether or not the event was the visitation. I'm hoping our distinguished forum member will chime in when the time is ripe.

At this time, there is nothing unusual to report, other than a small horse singing, "Hard Days Night" in a German accent.
Well, I guess I can look around too, I suppose. Seeing as in Gods everywhere anyway.
Day 1: God stopped by, we had tea, She gave me a really hot lap dance. God, God has some really really nice tits. Real nice .. .. . .... ;)
Please do me a favour and send him to me too....but no horses at all....hoses scare me to death.....haha !.
It is now day 4,927,500,000,000 after the start of the universe.

Nothing to report.
How will we distinguish between a purposeful visitation and a severe bout of indigestion?
Will flatulence be a sign?

OriginalBiggles, Prime
I have had the pleasure of an invitation from one of our distinguished forum members for god to visit me........

Of course, at that point, I will be a theist and a believer in god.

Not really, as you can maintain your opinion as well know for a fact which you are, as soon as HE/SHE(Cousin IT) answered your questions.

If an appearance comes; ask if you an atheist.

At this time, there is nothing unusual to report, other than a small horse singing, "Hard Days Night" in a German accent.

Hey Lori, was that HIM? (the singing horse)

Q, was it blue and hung deep? (the krishna god guy is supposed to have had 16,000 gopis (wives/girlfriends) and that would make any man (horse) a god to ME)

or did anyone get a desciption so we all can know when our 'cousin' shows up?

be nice if we could verify who or what the 'almighty salami' is.

can we get a 'report' on that?
Day 2 - god not here.

is the god you awaiting, based on the descriptions of the forum members?

do any have a clear description so we all can have the 'look-see' capabilities?

what is your idea of 'the boss'?

is that 'god' to you somewhere else, rather than right here?
is the god you awaiting, based on the descriptions of the forum members?

do any have a clear description so we all can have the 'look-see' capabilities?

what is your idea of 'the boss'?

is that 'god' to you somewhere else, rather than right here?
God apparently has many descriptions, depending on who you ask. Proving any one of which would be sufficient.
I'm just keeping a diary until he shows up, he's already had countless days, which makes me glad I haven't brought a ticket for this show. ;)
I have had the pleasure of an invitation from one of our distinguished forum members for god to visit me. It is currently unknown as to what form the visitation will take, but it has been assured to me that I most certainly will know. I have also promised this forum member that I will defend any and all arguments they present thereafter as a result of the visit.
You can't know for sure that he's about without a God Detector...
God apparently has many descriptions, depending on who you ask. Proving any one of which would be sufficient.

the trinity: the corporeal (mass), the spirit (light/energy), the transcendent (time)

these three can be combined into a mathematical frame describing how they interrelate and the transistions between them (kind of like what E=mc2 does)

I'm just keeping a diary until he shows up, he's already had countless days, which makes me glad I haven't brought a ticket for this show. ;)

don't waste your money

the HE is just a person who combined knowledge

the rest is on you (we the people)

magic is not an option; never was

the only magic there is, is that each can make a choice (rocks that can roll, by choice) and that is only real special when you notice compassionate giving (giving of personal energy for others, with no needs for the self)
Day 3 - Thought I saw god! Turned out to just be a squirrel.

What made you think it was god ?
And how did you find out it wasn't ?
