

Valued Senior Member
I have a solution for an equitable settlement of slavery reparations.

Instead of doling out a cash pittance or 40 acres and a mule, offer all descendants of former slaves a stock portfolio in various large and profitable companies. These stocks would be placed in trusts, so that they could not be sold and be protected from hasty sales to stock manipulators.

This will allow the descendants to receive yearly dividends and introduce them and their children to the concept of stock ownership in a business.
i.e. descendants of slaves on a sugar plantation cutting sugar cane, they would own a small part in the sugar company itself. Fair? Instead of being forever being relegated to the side-lines, these families would be "in the game" and acquire small "estates' which can be passed on to heirs, just like the very rich.

While this would be small time as compared to major stockholders, the concept of owning a little piece of the pie would IMO go a long way in restoring dignity and a sense of participation in the greater economy.

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I have a solution for an equitable settlement of slavery reparations. Instead of doling out a cash pittance or 40 acres and a mule, offer all descendants of former slaves a stock portfolio in various large and profitable companies. These stocks would be placed in trusts, so that they could not be sold and be protected from hasty sales to stock manipulators.

This will allow the descendants to receive yearly dividends and introduce them and their children to the concept of stock ownership in a business.
In my experience, giving money to some people is the surest way to destroy them. You'd have to be very careful with such an approach.

I'd prefer to give them that trust, then designate the proceeds be used only for health care, rent below a threshold and specific foods - payable directly to the providers.
It just might be that; you need not be insane to be a politician-----------------but it certainly seems to be the norm.
I have a solution for an equitable settlement of slavery reparations.

Instead of doling out a cash pittance or 40 acres and a mule, offer all descendants of former slaves a stock portfolio in various large and profitable companies. These stocks would be placed in trusts, so that they could not be sold and be protected from hasty sales to stock manipulators.

This will allow the descendants to receive yearly dividends and introduce them and their children to the concept of stock ownership in a business.
i.e. descendants of slaves on a sugar plantation cutting sugar cane, they would own a small part in the sugar company itself. Fair? Instead of being forever being relegated to the side-lines, these families would be "in the game" and acquire small "estates' which can be passed on to heirs, just like the very rich.

While this would be small time as compared to major stockholders, the concept of owning a little piece of the pie would IMO go a long way in restoring dignity and a sense of participation in the greater economy.


i like your idea
it would never happen though because greed and selfishness have been normalized as a central facet of american political & social culture.
The psychology of the normalised bully psychopath pleading as the victim is entrenched in culture from corporate to public and inside most machines of legal doctrine.

the bully claims that the slaves have no right to get more than what the bully is currently getting as long as that value stays at 0.
when the bully gets more than the slave the bully claims that is just luck.
when the slaves gets more than the bully the bully claims that the dictatorship is not being fair.

this is a normalised religious morality in working model(cultural moral express terms)
who owns dominion over the usa female body ? usa men ! ... = "bully" !
In my experience, giving money to some people is the surest way to destroy them. You'd have to be very careful with such an approach.
No money would change hands. Money is a liquid asset and disappears. That is not the intent of the reparation.
That's just a buy-out without any long term positive benefits.

The idea of owning stock which produces dividends when the portfollio gains in "value" restores the human dignity and personal worth of the memory of the suffering. This is entirely consistent with the concept of "restoration" for the personal and financial indignities suffered at the hands of those who profited from the slavery.
restores the human dignity and personal worth of the memory of the suffering
i think you are selling someone elses farm as a best-buy target priced ego fire sale.

variant culture models dictate that restoration is impossible.
opposing groups also dictate that only compensation can be paid. not restoration.
this moral impasse drives their own agenda.
without the impasse they lose all their perceived power & purpose.

when the government starts to assign fiscal terms to human dignity you place the church as the head of state.
this is one of the biggest moral conflicts in the usa culture currently.

the solution must and can only be devoid of this religious absolutist imperialist conceptualization.

i agree with your method and process, but disagree with the words it is labeled as.
people never refuse free money
but they will only create more anti-establishment with words put down in stone that define a sense of otherist ownership of intangible human emotional psyche.
In my experience, giving money to some people is the surest way to destroy them. You'd have to be very careful with such an approach.

In my experience, the strangest thing about the firewater argument is the occasions on which people attempt it.

Additionally, we ought to remember a significant portion of the current uptick in reparations discourse is certifiable provocateurism, namely a right-wing attempt to stir white supremacist sentiment among conservatives as a counterrevolutionary maneuver postured instead as revolutionary.
In my experience, giving money to some people is the surest way to destroy them. You'd have to be very careful with such an approach.

I'd prefer to give them that trust, then designate the proceeds be used only for health care, rent below a threshold and specific foods - payable directly to the providers.

Why "specific foods".???
No money would change hands. Money is a liquid asset and disappears. That is not the intent of the reparation.
That's just a buy-out without any long term positive benefits.
Ah, so it would just be a fund in the person's name that is never accessible, but continues to accrue value? Interesting idea, but not reparations (or any version thereof.)
Why "specific foods".???
Because if society decides to buy people food, it has an obligation to not buy foods that will sicken them. Given the obesity epidemic, the food should not be exclusively (or even primarily) bacon and chocolate bars.
Ah, so it would just be a fund in the person's name that is never accessible, but continues to accrue value? Interesting idea, but not reparations (or any version thereof.)

Because if society decides to buy people food, it has an obligation to not buy foods that will sicken them. Given the obesity epidemic, the food should not be exclusively (or even primarily) bacon and chocolate bars.

i am fairly sure write4u means an income from the stock
the stock being held in a trust so cant be sold.
this is a guaranteed income dependent on market fluctuations.

"no money changing hands" is the idea of not inflicting loss on to an individual entity while not allowing scammers to charge fees and take bribes etc.
OK. Then my original issues would apply.

not lump sum

if you are referring to the human condition to addiction and reducing returns of stimulation, maybe you could state your idea.
you would cancel all opioid pain killers from the market currently & ban all drugs ?

you would ban personal relationships ?

all marriages end in separation so they are all failed.
starting a relationship is the precise determined and conscious act to seek to disrupt and degrade another humans emotional and psychological condition ...

have you really thought out your moral and ethical concepts?
please explain... ?
I have a solution for an equitable settlement of slavery reparations.

Instead of doling out a cash pittance or 40 acres and a mule, offer all descendants of former slaves a stock portfolio in various large and profitable companies. These stocks would be placed in trusts, so that they could not be sold and be protected from hasty sales to stock manipulators.

Not a bad start... but any such solution must include changes that woud reduce the continued discrimination aganst all people of color.!!!
Instead of doling out a cash pittance or 40 acres and a mule, offer all descendants of former slaves a stock portfolio in various large and profitable companies

Like the idea

From my understanding of the market the profitable company would be sold to a bigger company

Bigger company would strip all assets then sell it off for $1

But if the legality can be overcome great idea

Sounds like a give away to the rich. How about universal health insurance and free child care? Or just cash.
Sounds like a give away to the rich. How about universal health insurance and free child care? Or just cash.
Sure, but we are talking about targeted reparations, not universal healthcare which would automatically include all persons anyway.

And it is not very likely that the bulk of descendants from slaves would be very rich at this time, thus the bulk of the reparations would go to people who might not ever have had a savings account, let alone an investment portfolio, modest as it might be.

To be able to say that one has an investment in the stock market is tremendously empowering to a poor person.
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Like the idea

From my understanding of the market the profitable company would be sold to a bigger company

Bigger company would strip all assets then sell it off for $1

But if the legality can be overcome great idea

Yes, we need only look at the reparations made to Indian tribes, to see how quickly the vultures descend on an opportunity to cheat naive persons of their meager assets or financial windfalls.

I had the good fortune of writing a grant proposal for a native gambling Casino and ever since this small indian tribe has had a better life than they ever dreamed of. All tribal members receive yearly dividends from the Casino operations and the tribe's interests are protected in perpetuity.

This is why I suggested a form of trust which protects the individual stock holder from outside "creative" manipulations and guarantees them a yearly dividend and gives them a stake in the business direction of the company.
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