Remote Viewing

Originally posted by candy
Sorry to burst your bubble but remote viewing is a psychic phenomenon. The psychic pops that the psychic detectives use are a variant form of remote viewing. It is an intiguing field to read about. There is a lot more documentation than you seem to be aware of.

The fact remains thar the government used a "psychic" remote viewer to find a kidnapped general and confirmed the location with traditional souces before doing the rescue.

Wow, so what your trying to tell me is that these universities or, the site that forever.soul gave us which deticate their pathetic gullible lives to remote viewing are both wrong, yet someone who can't get their facts straight is right about remote viewing?? Then you must be a hell of alot smarter than i thought to be able to prove people who are obviously smarter than you are to be wrong.

Remote Viewing : A process by which the sub concious gathers information from "The Matrix". This is not a psychic phenomenon. It has no psychic traits to it and can supposedly be used by anyone. And no this has nothing to do with The Matrix the Movie.
If you want to know about remote veiwing I would suggest you read MINDTREK: EXPLORING CONSCIOUSNESS, TIME AND SPACE THROUUGH REMOTE VIEWING by Joe McMoneagle. Mr McMoneagle is the remote viewer who located the general. He named his company Intuitive Intelligence Applications. Intuitive is the term preferred by practioners to the dreaded word psychic because of its misuse by frauds.
Originally posted by candy
Intuitive is the term preferred by practioners to the dreaded word psychic because of its misuse by frauds.

Yea, because we KNOW that these practitioners are the real deal!

Originally posted by candy
Mr McMoneagle is the remote viewer who located the general. He named his company Intuitive Intelligence Applications. Intuitive is the term preferred by practioners to the dreaded word psychic because of its misuse by frauds.

Nope. McMoneagle is nothing more than a scam artist attempting to make a buck on a program the DoD realized it was wasting money on. There has been absolutely no confirmation that remote viewing is a real phenomenon. In all tests conducted, the results were never better than what could be expected by random chance. Except one. In that test, the methodology was questioned by one of the researchers who conducted it and the results were still far from conclusive.

Remote viewing = New Age scam.

By the way, how do you know Gen. Dozier was rescued by remote viewing? I bet you read it in one or more novels on remote viewing.
And how exactly is this an argument for what i just said?

Do you realize that there are many scams just like this which use and pay people off to make themselves seem like paranormal genuises. For all we know these people were payed off, or this remote viewing is an advance way of tapping into stored memories. I truthfully doubt that in anyway this person could receive data from an unkown source.

I'm sorry that my post was missleading, but I wasn't refering to your post... I should have quoted the original post since it was that which I was answereing. It's completely my mistake. :)

However I might just answere what you said anyway as you do bring up some worthwhile points.

This is true that I have personaly not experienced or witnessed remote viewing myself, and I have nowehere in any ancient scrips found allusions to it. Therefore I cannot say wether it's true or not, infact I will never be able to tell unless I myself experience it.
But you asked an important question before 'If such viewings exist, then we should be using it to achieve life wonders such as light speed flight, or learning how the universe was created and the advancements we will make in the future. ' it is possible for each one of us find such information. But, it requires alot of hard work. Only the enlightened will experience the truth of the universe. The distant future is hidden to us because it is subject to change, the near future plays itself out as a series of probababilities.
There exists technology that will alow man to travel faster than light to any point in the universe. But such technology could never be given to such a degenerate race of beings such as ours. The race of the crowds who sleep.
The distant future is hidden to us because it is subject to change, the near future plays itself out as a series of probababilities.
There exists technology that will alow man to travel faster than light to any point in the universe. But such technology could never be given to such a degenerate race of beings such as ours.

This would be true IF other theories didn't counteract it. It's quite obvious you do not believe in predestination. If you did you would realize that the future is already set and such advancements would be able to be made. Lets say predestination is true, then this shows that Remote Viewing is a scam since it hasn't been used benefitually.

Now lets say there is no such thing as predestination.

If this is the case then thank you, you just answered why Remote Viewing cannot be possible and is nothing more than a scam. The founders and researchers of Remote Viewing swear that the future can be seen just as easily as the present while using Remot Viewing. This isn't possible if the future is constantly changing.
I believe that a persons future is guided by sets of possibilities which will eventually lead to around about the same ending. Its just a question of how you get there. Which is what life is about, what you make of the journey and what you learn from it. Examples happen all the time in my life. You have objective X which you are trying to achieve by method A. Someone or something throws a spanner in the works and all plans go out the window. You think "fuck it, wasn't meant to be" but before you know it, method B pops out of nowhere and puts you right back on track.
An example. I've been planning on going to Queensland (aust) for months. The mate I was planning on going there with got an opportunity to go to overseas for 6 months and left before Christmas, throwing all plans out the window. Then, only about a week ago there was a few of us walking down the street after a big night at the pub. I run into these chicks just standing around wondering what to do now the pubs shut. We get talking and it turns out the one I had my eye on is from Queensland and lives about 40 min from where I had planned to stay! Not only that, she's heading back up there the same week. We hooked up and now I've got someone to party with on my holiday! Long story short...You can't fuck with fate, coz shit always has a way of sorting itself out.

The race of the crowds who sleep.

I like that, exsto!
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So basically you believe in predestination? I believe everything is set and the future cannot be changed. THis doesn't mean you still cannot make a future for yourself.

The rules of scientific investigation are very clear:
"Prove it, and then do it again."

so what are you doing in the pseudoscience forums?
ripleofdeath said:

so what are you doing in the pseudoscience forums?

Trying to demonstrate how foolish it is to believe in things (like remote viewing) w/o evidence.

Hello Guys!

Probably Im the only one here that knows quite alot about Remote Viewing

At least Im informed about it..

Ive seen a couple of errors about the nature of Remote View in these posts

Votorx for example, has amazingly gone wrong in most of the "stuff" he said about Remote Viewing.

Im not here to prove that RV is real (if you dont believe, and "religiously" throw it out as some scam without reading some info about it, then do and dont post here please)

There is a lot of evidence that could lead us to believe that RV works...
But everyone, even scammy Psychic scams can self proclaim to be remote viewers and say some CRAP predictions that will not be true.

There is a lot of evidence that coudl lead us to NOT believe that RV works (many fakers around the world defenately)

The fact is that the Remote Viewing term was invented by CIA people, and the protocol and methods too. The project is mostly declassified, and you can read it on public government documents. It worked for more than 20 years, each year funded and each year the Remote Viewers gave enough hard-data to prove that it worked as a method for Intelligence Gathering.

Mr Mcmoneagle as far as I know is not a scam, he presently goes into public tests for some countrys to make double blind experiments and prove that RV does seem to be real.

In the end you believe in what you want, but dont throw out Remote Viewing just because you think psychic/paranormal stuff is a bunch of Bullshit.
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I saw a documentary on remote viewing about 15 years ago, apparently, the CIA were using remote viewers to spy on Russia--no kidding. On the same program, there was something about how they were developing microwave transmissions that could beam sumbliminal messages directly into people's brains--freaky stuff. It was a pretty serious documentary on BBC or Channel 4 (UK).

Once, when I was suffering with a bit of a fever and was taking antibiotics, I smoked a joint and went back to bed and as my mind wandered, I tried to imagine what one would see, if they'd been looking out of the window of a Time Machine as it took off and I had a vision where everything just turned to something like giant soap bubbles, as though I'd become one with the atoms. Made sense to me at the time.
Believe in remote viewing if you want. Do it at home or join a class or buy a book or what ever. I don't care. But please do not, ever, try to promote remote viewing as a tool to be used by any public agency, i.e. police, FBI, CIA. If someone I love gets kidnapped, or even someone I don't even know gets kidnapped, I don't want public officals wasting precious time and resources using this unproven, unreliable source of information. I also don't like the idea of even 1 cent of my tax money going to fund its research and development.
tablestone said:
Believe in remote viewing if you want. Do it at home or join a class or buy a book or what ever. I don't care. But please do not, ever, try to promote remote viewing as a tool to be used by any public agency, i.e. police, FBI, CIA. If someone I love gets kidnapped, or even someone I don't even know gets kidnapped, I don't want public officals wasting precious time and resources using this unproven, unreliable source of information. I also don't like the idea of even 1 cent of my tax money going to fund its research and development.

CIA was the responsible for the funding and creating of the Remote Viewing, and research done to increase its effectiveness

During present time there is no known USA project that uses any kind of ESP phenomena... But still, doesnt mean they dont.

So believe me, CIA used it to recover kidnapped officials during the cold war, spying, etc.. It was one of the purposes for the research and invention of the term "Remote Viewing".

Even if you dont like it, there is a lot of probabilities that black project funding is being wasted in some kind of top secret weapon or program that is bound to cause more death and money waste than a little funding research in the areas of parapsychology..
Ertai said:
Votorx for example, has amazingly gone wrong in most of the "stuff" he said about Remote Viewing.


Ertai I must thank you for being the first to ever spell my name right the first time! Thank you so very much for this.

As for me going amazing wrong on this remote viewing stuff. You can believe what you want im just going by what the universities have told me. You are right, I don't spend hours at a time tyring to figure out more about this crap. I watched the video for around and hour and learned all i needed to know to denounce this stuff. That's all. Im only informing you of what I know.
Ertai said:
Im not here to prove that RV is real


Ertai said:
(if you dont believe, and "religiously" throw it out as some scam without reading some info about it, then do and dont post here please)

Oh yes and you have no right to keep people from posting on here whether it is about religion or not. You do not have any power to discriminate others for their beliefs. You may argue about their belief in god but don't keep them from posting here because they believe in their religion.
I would say the same to you..

You seem to do the same thing regarding remote viewing..

I believe that science (and most scientists do) still cant explain every little thing about our universe, we must keep the scientific research going, even these kind of phenomena that parapsychology researches..

You might not believe but there is a lot of good scientists( mostly physics and biologists) and research centers that study seriously this kind of phenomena.. So lets try to use skepticism to deman better research and more research and not just throw it all away as just a Bunk..

ps. Im a university student and I of course believe in what they teach me, and of course I know there still much for everyone to learn