Remote Viewing


Registered Senior Member
Remote Viewing is the state of a body where the soul or inner self is able to leave its body and view anything which existed at any time. For example if i remote viewed i could use my inner self to be at Mars or in a different galaxy or in your sisters bed room. Heck, someone could be watching you read this forum right NOW.

This so called "state" an be obtained through such powerful meditation. Meditation so powerful that even if i were to scream in your ear you would have absolutely no idea that i had done so. Do not mistaken this for sleeping.

Want to call me crazy? then call me crazy there are many people who pay thousands of dollors for lessons on this art and i even know a budhist who is able to do it. I know he is able to because he told me U.S would declare war on iraq a few months before U.S ever announced it to the public. There are websites on this and i heard that U.S intelligence is able to do it. I also heard many countries long time ago did it during the war to spy on enemy plans and tactics.

For those who believe in aliens my friend who can do remote viewing has spoken to "other life forms" through remote viewing since aliens can do it to. Aliens are MILLIONS of years more advance than us.

Do not mistaken this for being pshyic or anything like that. it is a power EVERYONE possess but you must release it or practice/train for it.

kind of like being conciously concious. i myself would like to do it so i can go back in time and see historical events like world war one or religous events etc. i could even go to the future and obtain information like that.

still want to call me crazy? you were in this forum in the first place.


by the way here are a few websites on them>>

*what is remote viewing?
*how can you use it?

do a search for it on google and your bound to find stuff about it
After watching it all I have to say is that your gullible. You need to pay 9.95 for a demonstration of this remote viewing a movie that doesn't even tell you how to prepare yourself for remote viewing. And then they want you to pay more for their movie, classes and books? Yeah Right. This is obviously another scam to gain a quick buck. I truly doubt that any military service was involved in this project let alone the goverment. The fact that no one has ever heard of or discussed remote viewing also shows that this unpopular idea is nothing more than a plan thought up by some con-artist.

What proof is there that such a thing exists. If the ability to see the future and learn about enemy plans were true don't you think that this would be a common factor during war or a time of crisis. Why is it that people who can supposedly see into the future didn't stop events such as pearl harbor or 9/11 from happening? Such things can obviously help with strategic ideas and position especially if you know when and where you enemy is attacking. Do you know why none of this has come into play. I'll give 1 guess, just 1.

Its because it doesn't exist....
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I think there might actually be something to it.
I have attained several different states of consciousness through meditation, and I know of people that make some pretty impressive claims (that I am still waiting for proof on).

I can't say that I DO believe in it, but, in all honesty, I wouldn't be surprised if it were.
Whether it would be an out of body experience or somehow tapping into the Akasa or something else altogether, I couldn't say.

I can, however say that this:
Originally posted by forever.soul
I know he is able to because he told me U.S would declare war on iraq a few months before U.S ever announced it to the public.
Is not proof in any form.
I did the same thing.
Honestly, I did.
If you look at the facts, anyone who follows politics could have easily made this prediction (and I don't really follow it all that closely).

Besides, remote viewing has NOTHING to do with seeing into the FUTURE, only the present in a different place.
I know he is able to because he told me U.S would declare war on iraq a few months before U.S ever announced it to the public.

Lol I didn't even bother taking that statement into effect. Infact you knew that at some point the U.S would go to war with Iraq once Clinton JR. went into office.

But enough of that. While this remote viewing may have some benifits and may some way be real, what forever and that video promotes is not. I believe that this remote viewing can infact be a way to tap into your sub concious, but you cannot view periods into the future or the past, this i cannot believe. That testimony about the woman knowing about that plane crash could have been 2 things.

1. She could have been payed to say those thigns and such (scam).

2. She could have at some point come in some way in contact with that kind of information. Of course it wasn't direct. She could have been passing the store and heard something about this plane crash yet never remembered. Or someone could have been talking about it and she overheard without knowing it. Our sub concious can do many amazing things including storing things we don't even know we encountered. So when she gave those vague details of the plane crash it could have been stored in her mind from a conversion between 2 people in some cafe or something.
I dont know whether remote viewing is possible or not, but this mob that is peddling it seem pretty dodgy. I watched the video and all through it they dropped familiar words and concepts into the speech to make the viewer feel as if they had a connection to what was being said. A common psychological marketing ploy. I dont trust em and I'm certainly not opening my wallet for em. Just my opinion.
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If such viewings exist, then we should be using it to achieve life wonders such as light speed flight, or learning how the universe was created and the advancements we will make in the future. This remote viewing is very dodgy and doesn't even spark a resonable idea of being real, unlike conscepts of astral projection. Even though i believe that you cannot leave your body with AP i do believe that it has some benefits to it and can be very Stress Relieving.
I mentioned something similar here:

however I understand remote viewing is something still different, I distinctly remember reviewing cases of so called remoteviewers they, instead of having the conciousness leave the body, we present and aware in the physical while they through intuitional inference were able to perceive certain truths about the physical world, even 30 minutes ahead of time in one case.
And how exactly is this an argument for what i just said?

Do you realize that there are many scams just like this which use and pay people off to make themselves seem like paranormal genuises. For all we know these people were payed off, or this remote viewing is an advance way of tapping into stored memories. I truthfully doubt that in anyway this person could receive data from an unkown source.

" There are websites on this and i heard that U.S intelligence is able to do it. I also heard many countries long time ago did it during the war to spy on enemy plans and tactics."

Well then - case closed. Seriously, could anyone be this gullible?????

Questions for credo’s if RV actually worked;
1. Why is Osama bin Laden still at large?
2. Why did it take so to find Saddam Hussein?
3. How come they didn’t predict the quake in Iran?
4. Why don’t these “instructors” hit the lottery on a regular basis - or even once?
5. Why haven’t they claimed the JREF $ 1 Million?

All that is is just more unanswered questions towards the list i've already made. exsto_human, since remote viewing actually works why don't you answer the questions for us? I'll relist them for you.

1. Why is Osama bin Laden still at large?
2. Why did it take so to find Saddam Hussein?
3. How come they didn’t predict the quake in Iran?
4. Why don’t these “instructors” hit the lottery on a regular basis - or even once?
5. Why haven’t they claimed the JREF $ 1 Million?
6. Why is it that people who can supposedly see into the future didn't stop events such as pearl harbor or 9/11 from happening?
7. Why are there kidnappers who can't be found?
8. Why is it that serial killers are found by the use of investigators and not by remote viewers.
9. Why couldn't the sniper incident be resolved by remote viewing before so many were killed/injured?
10. Why couldn't the chicago fire be predicted?

In General:

Why are there so many horrible incidents/great benifits that haven't been exposed by these "Remote Viewers"

P.S Please don't give the common, stupid excuses like, "I don't want to spend the time explaining it to you".
It is my understanding that the first remote viewing experiments were conducted by the Soviets. Not to be left behind CIA started the Stargate project to explore the possibilites. Stargate personel were used in conjunction with traditional intelligence gathering methods to locate Gen. Dozier when he was kidnapped by the Red Brigade. In the aftermath of the ending of the Cold War the Stargate project was terminated.
It was probably terminated because they saw the whole thing as complete bs.
That is the same reason the US abandoned it. They realized it was doing nothing for them.

Sure, people can say they are still trying, but that would mainly be a conspiracy theory, without the theory or evidence...
Yoy are ignoring the fact that it was used to pinpoint the location of the kidnapped General just as police departments have used psychics to help solve cases.
Stargate personel were used in conjunction with traditional intelligence gathering methods to locate Gen. Dozier when he was kidnapped by the Red Brigade.

They were being used in conjunctino with traditional intelligence. Who says they were a major factor in gathering the information on where Gen. dozier was. Most likely what happened was, the Stargate personal was used because at the time Remote Viewing was believed to be true. Through out the investigation the idea of Remote Viewing to be true began to dimish from the minds of the investigators. Once Gen. Dozier was found through traditional intelligence gathering, the stargate project ceased to exist because of it's bs and money wasting. If the stargate personal played a large role in finding out where Gen. Dozier was, then it's only logical to use them for other "methods" as well. But obviously they didn't because of some reason or another.
Originally posted by candy
Yoy are ignoring the fact that it was used to pinpoint the location of the kidnapped General just as police departments have used psychics to help solve cases.

It isn't hard to pay off the greedy people of this country. Plus i heard many times that such claims were scams.
In the Dozier case they used traditional methods to confirm the information from the remote viewer. Some "psychics" are con artists but there are a few who have worked with various police departments sucessfully on a regular basis. I think that these people have a right to be paid for what they use their time to do for someone as much as a preforming artist or athlete is paid for what they can do.
I think that these people have a right to be paid for what they use their time to do for someone as much as a preforming artist or athlete is paid for what they can do.

That is not what i ment. When i said they get paid i mean the police get paid to claim that these "psychics" helped them resolve a crime.

In the Dozier case they used traditional methods to confirm the information from the remote viewer.

I doubt it, if such people exist and their powers can be used for such things, then these people would be used in times of need, but they aren't, most likely because their remote viewing is false.

And why are you refering to psychics? i thought remote viewing wasn't a psychic ability. why are you trying persuade me into believe remote viewing when you don't even know what it is?
Sorry to burst your bubble but remote viewing is a psychic phenomenon. The psychic pops that the psychic detectives use are a variant form of remote viewing. It is an intiguing field to read about. There is a lot more documentation than you seem to be aware of.

The fact remains thar the government used a "psychic" remote viewer to find a kidnapped general and confirmed the location with traditional souces before doing the rescue.
Originally posted by candy
I think that these people have a right to be paid for what they use their time to do for someone as much as a preforming artist or athlete is paid for what they can do.

OK. Artists sing, dance, act well or they don't get hired/paid. Athletes perform at a certain level or they get cut/not paid.

They both share 2 things in common that pertain to this discussion;

Psychics/Remote viewers/Tarot card readers/etc./ad naseum, FAIL miserably at these 2 traits when put to the test.

Let me be clear here, EVERY case of so-called psychics assisting police depts. that I have investigated turned out to be BOGUS - every one. Some fraud like Sylvia Brown appearing on Larry King Live and claiming that she assists this or that police dept. just doesn't cut it in the evidence dept.

You keep bringing up General Dozier. Is that all you got?
At this point, that story is little more than an anecdote.

The rules of scientific investigation are very clear:
"Prove it, and then do it again."
