Remote-sense: Intelligent Earth Modification

As You may have noticed there is a high-testosterone battle going on between Skin-walker the Screen/pseudoman and basic science.
SW is practically foaming at the mouth ,but that has little to do with the Fact that A Meter Exists.
What a heretic am I ...espousing the Meter over the Yard.
The Yard sucks.
Go Metric System...that's how science truly measures reality.
Demand at your next PTA meeting that your children learn TRUE Scientific Measures.
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Electric_Ashalar said:
As You may have noticed there is a high-testosterone battle going on between Skin-walker the Screen/pseudoman and basic science.
SW is practically foaming at the mouth ,but that has little to do with the Fact that A Meter Exists.
What a heretic am I ...espousing the Meter over the Yard.
The Yard sucks.
Go Metric System...that's how science truly measures reality.
Demand at your next PTA meeting that your children learn TRUE Scientific Measures.
That's totally beside the point of what you apparently originally wanted to point out with those pictures. Do you actually have something you wanted to discuss or do you just want to ramble around with other unrelated (as far as I can tell) things?
More specifically,regarding the Meter...

Skinwlkers little member(tee-hee!)is not a constant.

Is the "Meter" derived From actually measuring the planet Earth?
independantly Having nothing to do with my Woo-Woo?
Relatively speaking Light.
What is Light?
and I want your answer in the Metric System.ya yankee test-scores leave you to be global instead of insular?
Whaddayou? Skinwalkers pet?
What System are you aware of that deals with circles outside of 360 degrees?
Transpositional to a sphere once you progress from here?
The picture of mars illustrates a very common thing in these types of photographs. If you take a look at Enceledus pictures by the Cassini spacecraft, you will find hundreds of these "squares". Simply, high resolution photographs are not taken in one big picture. Instead many pictures are taken and stitched together to form a large high res photo.

The photo you've presented illustrates a prime example when the stitching isnt done correctly or some uncontrollable element steps in when taking a photograph.

So no, you have nothing.
Electric_Ashalar said:
Relatively speaking Light.
What is Light?
and I want your answer in the Metric System.ya yankee test-scores leave you to be global instead of insular?
Whaddayou? Skinwalkers pet?
Oh, well. So much for having an intelligent conversation with you. Shove off, mate!
Please refrain from tainting the forum membership with what you believe is the point or "besides" the point.
As far as Earth Science goes...There is NO earth "SCIENCE" unless there is a Metric System.

I laugh at this forum for even providing an "Earth-Science" sub-criteria.
You use Imperial measures!!!LMAO!!!!
America has no claim to an Earth science(unless they admit the Metric Superiority)

Tell Skinwalker's lady that his lil' pecker is humongous in metric measures.

Locate Washington D.C. for me.
Latitude / Longitude
You sure of that claim?
I won't strip you to the bone in front of the forum at least until you verify your own bilge.
Get yer ass researching and don't come back until you mean it.
THEN we'll have along now,big boy fun may hurt ya innocent by-standers. : Subcultures : Pseudoscience - Remote-sense: Intelligent Earth Modification

Welcome home. The psuedoscience topic from the woo-woo finds its way back to the appropriate forum. If there was truly evidence, would it not have stood on its own merits in a real science sub-forum?

Instead of making a real point, the disgruntled woo-woo attempts to bait in juvenile manner with comments about his perceived enemy's loved ones and reproductive anatomy.
Woo-Woo said:
Over the next few weeks...I'm gonna destroy your credibility merely by letting yer big fuckin' yap -a-keep-a flappin!
Yes. I've been utterly destroyed. I shan't sleep the night.
No. They're on two different planets. Moreover, one is actually square. The other is "square" only in illusion. In addition, their dimensions are significantly different.

Nothing about these images is similar.
SkinWalker said:
Except it isn't "square." Its an illusion that the human eye pics up on. Any one with a bit of critical thinking and analytical skill will notice that there are only a few features that almost come into alignment.

With the bottom of the screen being south, the SW "side" is comprised of two ridges that run in similar but different directions (the uppermost ridge is tilted slightly more southward);

the NW and SE "sides" are probably leeward side features of the two ridges - the wind blowing to the left and right of the two ridges removing the top layer of sediment to reveal craters/rocks/etc -all giving the illusion of "sides" to a "square;"

the NE "side" is only a short edge created by the windward side of a slope that meets horizontal ground -only a very short edge is noticed and it isn't perpendicular to any of the other sides.

I have to say I thought this looked square at first. But your explanation makes sense. The more I look at the 2nd picture the more I see the features as you say.

I think there are some things are Mars that are difficult to explain as natural, but the wind blowing the dirt explanation fits.

Also EA, I find it hard to take you seriously with all the banter that you are allowing yourself to be a part of in this thread. Most of it seems created by you, though Skin is definitly trying to get under your "skin"
Damn! that yap of your digs you deeper.
they are on two different Planets-You win a prize for observancy

Why is one SQUARE and the other NOT?
(You are a godsend my friend...too easy)
Your problem(like SW's) is personality.
I'm not a member here to win a popularity contest.
I'm cramming EA down your throat(Evidence of Artificiality)
You take the data wherever you find comfort with.

I will ask again:
Do the Squares share co-ordinates irregardless of Earth or Mars?
If so...Wich Co-ordinates?

Nevermind Skinner-he only scares YOU(he is a font of humour to me).
What "coordinates" are supposed to be "shared?" There is only one image that contains anything that could be called a "square." The other does not. I've yet to see where you've demonstrated that.