remember bernie goetz?

Repo Man the problem with that scenario is Justin Parker was actually hit to the ground before he hit the other guy with his skateboard. He acted in self defense. I realize it doesn't say that in the article you read however that in itself might be a good lesson in believing what you read. In the Parker case the 30 year old was drunk and harrassing kids all night in the park where they were partying (Including a 16 year old girl) and when JP asked him to knock it off he pushed him to the ground and when he stood back up he swung his skateboard that was in his hand and happend to hit him in a bad spot. Where he got into trouble is when he hit him once more when he was on the ground. The 30 year old has a history of drunk in public and harrasment charges. So... that said was JP wrong or right?

Lesa :rolleyes: