Religious Tolerance

Absolutely, it is the one thing you've ever said that I agree with completely.

Beat death and your god becomes some meaningless piece of old poop not worth the paper its printed on - even for the most ardent theists.
and since you can't beat death, I guess that makes all the post dated cheques issued under the banner of "one day we will by the glory of science" meaningless poop
and since you can't beat death, I guess that makes all the post dated cheques issued under the banner of "one day we will by the glory of science" meaningless poop

What cheques are those then? However, your rather odd phrase aside, I would be inclined to disagree. Aspiring to accomplish things you currently can not is far from being meaningless, indeed it is the opposite.
coming soon to a body near you I assume
Whatever happened to the 'body is a vessel' philosophy? Is it still preached?

particularly the glaring faults of declaring common sense being commonly common

Common sense tells me to avoid provocation and that I am not really attuned to philosophy like the true philosopher you aspire to be.
Whatever happened to the 'body is a vessel' philosophy? Is it still preached?
but if deep down you don't think the body is a vessel, issues of death will really spoil your day

Common sense tells me to avoid provocation and that I am not really attuned to philosophy like the true philosopher you aspire to be.
thats ok ... even admirable
in fact ahimsa (or avoiding provocation) is a religious principle
the only hitch is that it is a subreligious principle so it doesn't grant perfection (or ultimate satisfaction) by it's mere practice alone
Basis for religious tolerance...well, we might have to look at history. In the past, when one civilization takes over another, they annihilate the religious beliefs and force the others to convert. Eventually, someone from the religion being purge will go out and martyr himself. Then, everyone else rallies around the religion and fights back which creates domestic problems with the ruler and quashing rebellions is a waster of time and resources. When rulers began to assimilate the different religions into the ruling cultures, they saw less and less of the fanatics and martyrs. As a result, other rulers began to adopt religious and racial tolerance. In fact, it makes it easier to recruit them into your army. The mongols for example, did not just scare others into their military, they also assimilated the conquored into their culture. The defeated accepted the assimilation and joined ranks with the Mongols.

some religious individuals cannot practice it because they have been brainwashed into it. They only see their holy texts as the word of their personal "God". That is why politicans who are able to go outside of the "box" usually have less problems dealing with religion within their practiced regions.