Religious Implications


It's good you don't consider the Earth to be at the center of the universe, or the only nursery of life.

Now, if that is so,
1) why do you think that all aliens are some kind of demons, as opposed to merely visitors from elsewhere?
2) why do you think that the Ultimate Truth was revealed to us dumb miserable earthlings, but to no other (possible) sentient species out there?
3) why do you think that Christians are capable of understanding God's word better than some (postulated) visiting alien race? If you propose that the Bible is mere allegory fit for a primitive culture, could not the 'new-age' (or indeed alien) religions be merely more accurate and advanced allegories, also coming from a divine source and targeted at a more advanced culture?
4) why do you think that any alien visitors (assuming they are here) would have first and foremost a religious agenda on their minds?
5) why do you think that your purported demons would specifically target humans on Earth, and not some other species on another planet, for the purposes of carrying on their "seed"?
6) since you believe that humans have a soul (based on who knows what grounds) -- do you believe that animals have souls? do you believe that other sentient aliens (if any) have souls? If so, why all this supernatural frenzy of cosmic proportions over just a tiny subset of all the souls in the universe?

a couple of consistency questions:

7) if your purported world-wide flood really was intended to wipe out demon-offspring, how could it possibly work if the demons possess an ability to pick up millions of people from the face of the Earth (and thus shield them from God's wrath?) By the way, the 'flood' never happened.
8) you must believe in time travel. Because without time travel, predictions or prophecies cannot be reliable. (I thought you didn't go for the science-fiction stuff?)

I am; therefore I think.

Religion does not try to control people. People try to control people by using religion. Let me make an analogy to the democratic form of government for example. A democracy is often thought of as an "ideal" governing system. The people who run the system, and the people who operate within the system though, are sometimes driven to misuse it in the name of greed or power or whatever. At the very least, we all are imperfect and make mistakes and are misled all the time. So just because the people who operate the democracy screw it up all the time, doesn't discredit the ideology of the system. Same thing with Christianity, or probably any religion for that matter.


1) the reason that I think aliens are demons and not just visitors is due to the fact that they have imparted substantial communications regarding spiritual enlightenment to people. Claim to have written the Bible, inspire self-worship, a religion of spiritual heirarchies which is described in the Bible as the "doctrines of demons", channelling, astral projection, telepathic communication, time travel, and mind control. They claim to have all of the answers. What are the odds of that, scientifically? The Bible tells us to look at the fruits of something to determine it's origin or intent. I see those who are being abducted and contacted turning away from Christ, or turning to wicca, or new age religions of some type. It's all of the paranormal stuff, Boris. Plus, I know you're inclined not to believe me, but there really are Bible verses that pertain to these visitors from thousands of years ago.
2) They know the truth, Boris. They used to live it before the war in heaven and the fall of Satan. That's why they are able to impart all of this paranormal spiritual enlightenment stuff. They know their shit, and they know what's going to happen (prophecy wise), and they helped to create us. They just don't know when the shit's going to go down. That's why we started seeing an increased occurrance of sightings and abductions after the nuclear bomb was introduced and detinated. They've been hanging around for centuries waiting....then they saw how far from God we had gotten, and they ramped up efforts. So basically, a lot of the paranormal/medical/scientific/Biblical interpretation/spiritual laws that they impart are true and very real and work. The difference is, and the only difference is, that they have to convince us that they are responsible and not God. They wish to take the place of the true Christ. They will support the Antichrist as their spiritual leader (someone like Maitreya).
3) The question is kind of two-fold. I know that Christians who pray for it have the interpretive advantage of the holy spirit to guide their eyes to see the truth. There really is a huge difference in how you see things when this happens to you, I can attest, and I think that you can to, seeing how differently we see the very same things. Also, I don't think that the Bible is an allegory fit for a primitive culture. The Bible is timeless, in that the message in the Bible clearly implies that it was not written for earlier civilizations only. The prophecy contained in the Bible is sealed. Have you heard this expression? That means that it's literal meaning is hidden until the time in which it SHOULD be interpreted. The alien seal is broken. That is where all of the new interpretations of Genesis are coming from. Before we were even aware of alien presence, it would have been impossible to interpret these passages correctly. As a matter of fact, we have discussed this at length, and you and many others agree, as do I, that the literal meaning of Genesis is not probable or even possible. The message comes alive over time.
4) From what I've read. That's all they frickin' talk about. Prophecy, interpreting the Bible and taking credit for it, cataclysmic earth changes, spiritual heirarchies??? Peace, love, and light?? I didn't make this stuff up; they did! Notice how Maitrey has his space buddies (avatars I believe). Reading this in connection with new age religion allowed me to put the two phenomenon together.
5) I don't know that they don't. All I can speak of is what I know of. If God did create other beings on other planets that are like us (I mean in respect to Him), then I'm sure they are doing the same thing to them. But they are not the ones who are visiting us.
6) I do believe that animals have souls or spirit bodies, but they are not the same as we are. As we are different from angels, animals are different from us. I shouldn't claim to know any more than that. I would have to be or talk to an animal. Ahhhh...because we are very important to God. Our immortality in spirit is important to God. In relation to other souls, I just do not know what is going on, and really it's none of my business. God has a plan for everyone and everything. We just don't know exactly what that is. It's hard enough to figure out our role in relation to God, don't ask me to figure out any and all other life forms too. I don't think that any one soul is any more important than any other though, if that helps.
7)By the way, you just described where our aliens originated, and how they escaped the flood, you know, when the flood happened.
8)I do believe in the possibility of time travel. I think that it may require some type of spiritual assistance or enlightenment, but that is exactly how the prophecy in the Bible was written. That's why it is sealed. A person from 2000 or so years ago, being transported to today would have a very difficult time literally describing what was seen. And who knows, maybe it doesn't require spiritual intervention. I see science as a way of explaining the "physics" behind phenomenon such as this. Science explains what God already knows and created. The two things are definately not mutually exclusive.

Man, I hope this helps a little. I know that you and I, and just about everbody and I, see things very differently, and that I guess I expected. I must admit though, it is not easy for a completely sane person to be called a crazy person on a daily basis. People respond so hideously regarding religion, and in particular, Christianity. I don't come out here and call you guys crazy (ok, I used to, but after I got my ass chewed out a couple of times, I realized I was wrong to do that). I am simply trying to add information and theory to a debate, and I do not see how that justifies the use of words like "sickeningly twitch", and "religious nut", and "crazy religious types", or making assumptions about me in a general sense. Discrimination is wrong. Do we all know that? Do we all remember why we even founded this country? Have some fucking respect, ok, and I'm not just addressing you, Boris, but many others that have refused to even consider what I've written. They just write it off as some insane rambling, and I'm just saying that if you want to do that, then please do it quietly. I don't want to hear it anymore. Actually, the response that you have presented, Boris, I can handle, and some basic respect is all I'm asking for. So thanks for the respectful response, and for the questions. I like the questioning, because it makes me think. That's why I'm here.

God loves you and so do I!

Appreciate the thoughtful discussion. By the way, the 'sickeningly twitch' part was not so much about you personally, as about everybody who keeps reinterpreting their respective religions beyond recognition to keep up with the facts -- nothing but sheer denial, in other words.

A couple more points:
1) As far as I am aware, in the Christian framework the Devil cannot just snatch you up, hypnotically or chemically alter your mind, and thereby enslave your soul. He deceives, but a discerning and righteous individual should be able to see beyond that deceit, and in any case has the capability of choosing the right path. Am I correct? But if I am correct, how does that jibe with the popular types of alien abductions, where people are not given a choice, are in fact taken forcefully, are physically violated against their will, and are even somehow made to consciously forget about the incident so that they cannot make any reasoned deductions after the fact, and are thus deprived of their free will in the matter? I thought women had to make a conscious deal with the Devil to bear his seed, I thought God should protect people from being forcefully and unbeknowingly raped by demons, or having their minds altered and thereby lose free will?

2) As far as I am aware, only a minority of "abductees" claim to have been taught something relevant to Christianity. May I suggest that the information you have been reading, and the people you have been focusing on, represent only a small sect of new-age nuts? How do you arrive at the conclusion that the aliens as a rule tend to preach to their abductees? I should also remind you that much of what Maitreya says (avatars, spiritual hierarchy, reincarnation, etc.) derives from Buddhism and Hinduism. In my view, it is much more likely that the guy and people like him have managed to concoct their own religion, and decided to put some weight behind it by claiming it came from some higher beings (typical...) Besides, would you really think that aliens would want to take credit for the Bible when Christians don't even compose 50% of world population? I mean, doing this the 'aliens' would alienate well over half the human race! May I suggest that it's only Christians (or ex-Christians) who keep hearing the voices of the Devil, just as they have always done for centuries and millennia?

3) As for astral projection, mind control, telepathy, etc. These were not revealed by 'aliens'; at least not since the Atom bomb. These concepts are ages old, and more recently have been widely used, publicized and promoted by 'mystics' during the mystic fad that washed over the world early this century following WWI.

4) People now are no more 'godless' (at least from Christian standpoint) than they ever were. We may have powerful weapons (like nukes) that make genocide easier, but that does not mean we did not engage in genocide when it was hard. In fact, as far as Christianity goes I think it's got the largest following in history, as percentage of world population or territory. And I believe greater proportion of people in the world live in peace and relative security than ever.

5) As concerns the 'sealed prophecy' mind-trick... A prophecy that cannot be understood until a purportedly-predicted event happens is no prophecy at all; it's what I would call a sham. If something is worded vaguely enough, and is considered corrupted and anscient to boot, it can fit almost any event because it can be interpreted to mean well nigh anything.

6) As concerns the 'aliens' escaping the flood... (By the way, I did claim that the flood never happened, and you did not object...) If that is indeed the case, then doesn't God look like a moron in the aftermath? I mean, if he/she/it wanted to wipe out the technologically- or psychically- sophisticated 'aliens', would it not make more sense to just strike them down one-by-one with lightning-bolts, or to infect them all with a highly toxic, contagious and incurable virus, or to do to them all whatever God did to the first-born children in Egypt (which was, by the way, an awfully benevolent and highly moral, and not at all capricious thing to do for a loving God)? I am no divine entity, but even I can think of plenty better methods than trying to slowly drown the 'aliens' over the course of days and weeks, all the while killing countless innocent by-standers (like all the land-dwelling animals, for example)! And by the way, <u>the flood never happened</u>.

I am; therefore I think.

[This message has been edited by Boris (edited September 09, 1999).]
Lori may not have objected, but I will.
The flood DID happen. This is based on scientific evidence put before me, not biblical scripture. Please re-check your sources. I have and a great flood did take place, worldwide.
All right, someone who has evidence for the Great Flood! The discussion is definitely getting better. I think I'm starting a new thread on the issue, I invite you to disclose and debate your evidence there. See ya!

I am; therefore I think.
The proof for the flood was only found in one small area and now it may have been resonsible for the Black Sea growing in size.
What has happened in the Bible could be an alien race as it does fit some of the sightings of today. The people back then, didn't know about space travel and other modern wonders so anything unusual was said to come from God. You will find this is various cultures. Also, remember the church said the Earth was the center of the universe and killed people for believing otherwise. A lot of man's ego seems to be in the whole Bible as we are the only ones here.

I agree, aliens could visit earth, but I don't know how likely it is. I like good hard evidence!

A-B=C=E could be a chemical formula (in their language) eg molecule A connected to B by a single bond connected to C by a double bond which is then conected (also by double bond) to E.

Have you tried hypnosis?

How many intelligent species have you met? Did they say how they got here?

One theory I read says that the greys entered through rip created accidentally by Nazi scientists in World War II. Could be possible!

Have you got the picture scanned yet? I'm interested.

I don't know whether there is a cover-up or not, or why they are here, but I seek the truth about ET life!

[This message has been edited by andyr (edited October 07, 1999).]
No havent got it scanned yet. I know nothing about chemistry or physics so don't really understand what you said lol. We're going home for thanksgiving/x-mas so i'll have my uncle look at it and let you know what he says. He's a dna professor/scientist and has his own books out on genetics and dna,so he might know something. I read this board daily so just cause you don't see me post continually doesn't mean i havent been here lol I check it several times a day actually.
We're trying to get back to Germany next year so i'd love to hear from any Germans on this board. I'm still reading Alien Agenda and learning about the nazi/ufo theory currently.
Over our xmas vacation i'll get the diagram and some other documents scanned to disc so i can send them to various valid people (no jerk-off skeptics on this board) Anyway take care and i'll be in touch. Have a great day

Eric Cooper
C'mon, Mate! ~Move your ass on those scans, will You??!!!!

Still waiting,