Religious Implications

Well Dave lol now i dont feel so alone and 'out there' at least someone else has had such bizarre accounts. I was hoping we werent the only ones. makes one think he is a nutcase like you said but i know we arent so that still doesnt help lol life is a day to day event never knowing what is going to happen next. As far as the earth.....i was told after all this happens next year...all that can live here is bug life, the earth will be devastated by something equivelant to nuclear. i'll try to talk this entity into coming back as now im getting some questions together. In the heat of the moment its hard to think of questions when you just want your wife back lol and yer talking to another species. Oh and i just got a pager today so i'll post this # down if someone wants to try and reach me i'll call them back if the pager works. 770-224-7774

Eric Cooper
Wow and I thought my few experiences
were bizzare!! I for one believe your
experiences after all, as you said,
you have nothing to gain like the rest
of us by posting your experiences. Also
it sounds like you can back a lot of what you say up as far as the physical traces
and medical exams go. Thank you for deciding to come back to the board and
discuss what you have seen and have been through not too many people have the courage to do so in a subject such as this. So far in my investigations throughout my life with this subject and
others I've come to understand one thing for sure- truth is stranger than fiction.

"You cannot teach a man anything,you
can only help him find it within himself" Galileo
Well good morning folks,early day for me will be on late afternoon/early evening. Thank-you alien, would like to hear some of your experiences as well. have a great day

Eric Cooper

I think that what you've said regarding religious implications is true, but not in the same sense that you do. For example, you envision "religious nuts" with bombs. First of all, you don't have to have a mass landing for that to happen. Ask any abortion clinic employee out there. So do you mean crazy people who just happen to be religious, or do you mean that all religious people are crazy?? Secondly, there most definately will be, and are currently, religious implications of alien contact, but not because the "religious nuts" say so, but because the aliens do. They aren't contacting people left and right to tell them that "hey look, we're just like you guys, except we evolved on a different planet". They are contacting people and claiming to be SPIRITUALLY ENLIGHTENED BEINGS, who can answer all of the questions that we have regarding God and creation and spirituality. And of course, they are teaching a religion of a spiritual heirarchy, of which we and they and Jesus and everybody else are all part of. They have claimed to be our creators, and that they are our gods. Most of the lessons that they've imparted could be directly quoted from the Bible, and are all spiritual principles that are proven to be true. The only difference is who is to get credit for it. They want to take it from God. That is Satan's mission, isn't that clear to us all YET???? That's why a lot of people who have been abducted are following new age religious beliefs, and falling away from the one and true Christ. Thirdly, the TRUE religious implications are the following....aliens are the nephilum, the result of breeding between fallen angels and humans, that has taken place on earth many times in the past, as accounted in the Bible. That is why God flooded the earth in the days of Noah. The way that Satan "infiltrates" us is through genetic manipulation. We have the seed. The seed of woman, which is God's seed, and the seed of Satan, which blinds us to God, and to what is true. That damn seed is why you people can't seem to understand anything I say! LOL! Times are similar now to the days before the flood, and that is why they are here. It's gonna get trippy people, but DO NOT BUY IN TO THE DECEPTION. DO NOT TAKE WHAT THESE BEINGS SAY AS THE TRUTH. Why would you?????? The hard part is that they are so knowledgable about how spiritual matters work, and about us, and yes, they are spiritually enlightened, but just remember that doesn't mean that they are GOOD, and it doesn't mean that their whole purpose is not to deceive mankind, and take souls away from Jesus. There is a book called "God and the gods" by Miriam Hellman on this topic that is a MUST READ. When I'm finished with it, I will post some details regarding what I'm talking about, along with supporting scripture.

God loves you and so do I!

[This message has been edited by Lori (edited September 08, 1999).]
I can't resist, I have to reply to that one :)
I personally "moved away" from the church and everything around it WAY before I knew about ETs. One of the reasons being my complete disgust over things like the crusades, where people were made to "believe" or die, or for example the "god with us" inscription on Nazi uniforms.
At this moment in time I consider supersticion and religion a thing from the dark ages, my wife is into wiccan, and it appears a lot more sane philosophy than any religion I've seen so far.
You are free to believe what you want, just don't try to impose it on me, I don't appreciate that one bit!
Lastly, you have answered one of my questions, "why aren't the aliens landing on the white house lawn? Why are they 'sneaking' around?"
Religious freaks are why, they consider alien presence/influence "the devil" and will do everything in their power to stop it, no matter what the truth, what they believe is "the right way" so they will bomb/assasinate/destroy everything alien they can find, no wonder "they" haven't landed yet.
It is my suspician that the aliens won't openly do anything with us until we get rid of the religious freaks, and start approaching things with a bit more sanity and less violence, there is nothing wrong with religion, just with the way it is practiced by a scary amount of people.

Gerard Saraber

"Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else."
-- Ambasador Delenn of the Minbari

[This message has been edited by miztic (edited September 08, 1999).]
I hate to tell you this sweetheart, but you couldn't be more incorrect. One, no one is "imposing" anything on you. Two, I don't appreciate being called a "freak" of any kind. Three, all of those "religious crazies" will have to decide if they want to be religious or be crazy, because the two are mutually exclusive. And four, if someone is to be truly religious in Christ, and knows the prophecy contained in the Bible, then they would certainly HAVE to know that bombing is futile, and this HAS to happen in order to usher in the return of Jesus. We shouldn't bomb anyone or anything. We're just supposed to tell all you f'ing nuts out there not to believe everything that some being from outer space happens to tell you. You all are hypocrits if you blindly believe in what the aliens communicate....remember? That's why you call religious people crazy. They will lie to provide a false explanation of the rapture of the Church (not a church dummy, THE church), so just remember that when I'm gone. See ya! Wouldn't want to be ya!

God loves you and so do I!
Do you really think you have _ALL_ the answers?
also, please forgive me if it came out that way (reread my post) but I wasn't saying you are a "religious freak", you're just one of those who spreads whatever it is you believe.

I am also not advocating blindly believing what the aliens tell us.
What I am looking for is ALL sides of the story, only then can I truly make a descision/form my own theory, all I ever hear, especially since I've moved to the states, all that religious talk, I've heard enough, I want to hear the other side of the story, and anyone else who has something to say.
Things are rarely black and white, I have my doubts the aliens are telling us everything, but I also doubt that a bunch of people interpreting the bible are 100% correct.

Gerard Saraber

"Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else."
-- Ambasador Delenn of the Minbari
Well, if it makes you all happy to believe
that aliens are on earth, that's your
For the momment, I shall end my posting
here. Nothing has ever happened to
me regarding alien abductions and
I'm certain it will never happen in the
near future.
Believing in aliens on earth is fine,
but living a fairytale can have a real
impact on a person's lifestyle.
Echo the dolphin,
Yes I certainly believe what you
think would happen and more.Many studies
done in he past supports it.Theologians
say contact with a extraterrestrial race
would be disastrous.

I have to agree, "Lori" is evidence of that, everything that is unknown is evil. - lori, or do you have any evidence to support your theories, other than quotes from books ?(bible etc.)

"Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else."
-- Ambasador Delenn of the Minbari
you know... some people who just do not
believe or want to understand things at
face value will rationalize shit over and
over or invent new "theories" LMAO!!!!!!
Doesn't take away from THE TRUTH!
I am proof of no such flippin' thing, and please do not label me as such! Contact would not be disasterous????? God will bring the wrath, not the aliens. Aliens can't lay a frickin' finger on you as long as you know who they are, and denounce them in the name of Jesus. Listen, I do think it's disasterous that so many blind folk will lose their souls, but we all have our chance in life, and if you choose to remain blind, then I pity you, but all in all, I'm looking forward to Christ's return. So the sooner they land, the sooner I'm outta here! (won't you guys be happy then, huh?) Oh yea, you really won't, but you think you will be now.

Please do not put words in my mouth, asshole. Wouldn't it be convenient for your little mind to think that I think that everything that is unknown is evil. That way you can just totally discount my arguement without giving it any thought or research or anything. How clever of you...NOT!

And specifically, what evidence would you like me to present to you? A demon in a test tube? Yea, I just happen to have one right here....I mean, listen to yourself. What the hell do you expect me to offer up as evidence? I told you already that I have information to share, but are you asking for physical evidence or what? Why am I the only one in this forum who is required to display physical evidence of what I'm postulating?? And if I were to have this evidence, then how the fuck would you expect me to shove it into this computer? I'll tell you where I'd like to shove it....

God loves you and so do I!
I have struck a nerve :) lol - I don't think your .sig is appropriate for me.

anyhow .. if you had bothered to read my other previous posts you would have seen that I have asked our alien contacting friend the same thing :)
Give me a well thought out theory/argument with references that I can check..
f.e. "There was a flood 10,000 years ago because so-and-so mountain displays evidence of water being higher than normal at that time period" .. I think you are intelligent enough to understand what I'm saying .. as much as I would like people to mail me physical evidence I understand that this is asking too much.

Gerard Saraber

"Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else."
-- Ambasador Delenn of the Minbari
I would also like to add that you have not even bothered to back your words up with anything, instead you choose to attack me, "asshole"? "little mind" ?
Anyway, the real proof will be time, according to most myths and religions the world will end somewhere between now (sept. 1999) and 2012, ofcourse a lot of those also said the world would end and evil people will die around the year 1000 but that aside, we'll see what happens, if I'm wrong I'll be dead by then, if you are wrong you'll look a bit silly. but we're gonna have to wait at least 12 years ..
ofcourse every profet (spelling?) out there will have revised their predictions if nothing happens and we're back to square one.

Ps. I don't fear "the end" even though I don't believe in a God and sometimes even publicly renounce existence of such. I live my life in good conscious, when I die I will have harmed no living being other then out of selfdefence and I will have written some great software, I will have no part in a religion that punishes (send 'em to hell) people for what they (don't) believe instead of what those people do.

*sigh* how quickly "sweetheart" gets replaced by "asshole", that's what you get for calling people you don't know anything about "sweetheart".

Gerard Saraber

"Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else."
-- Ambasador Delenn of the Minbari

[This message has been edited by miztic (edited September 08, 1999).]
Miztic - I totally agree with you there.. :) Good post!

faerieshaman - You wrote that all races will come here. I have understood that there are over 70 races who interact with Earth. Can you confirm it?

As for your experiences. I many times wish something like that would happen to me. People have trouble understanding the truth, no matter what the truth is, so i would like to know for myself the truth about it all.
I have a feeling what you tell us is the truth, that is MY opinion.. It sounds too weird :), and therefore i believe it is the truth.

Take care
Not sure how many races there are like i said,had contact with approx 7 of them 2 were not so significant,and this last one left me the impression it would come back if i had more questions so i shall try. Anyway,whats up with Peter--dont throw your religion in others faces....damn....everyones got their own beliefs and christians seem to be the only ones to try to stuff it down everyones throat. I'm wiccan and am tired of religious attitudes, i believe Flash and i went through this last time i was on the board. With any luck i shall have a scanner tonight still trying to post the dna scan the alien left me.Anyway yall take care and have a great day

Eric Cooper
H-Kon, thanks for the support :)

faerieshaman, I'm looking forward to your scanned images.. You mentioned that you had conversed with some of the species, did they tell you anything else, apart from the prophesy of war (july 26, 2000) ?
I would love to hear about the aliens culture, their beliefs, their history, what other races they have encountered, what they value in life, what kind of behaviour is considerd polite etc.

A local radio guy is very catholic and very vocal about it.. what he says comes down to "If you don't believe what I believe you go to hell/bad things will come to you". Everyone can believe what they want, that is what a free country is about, just don't expect me to adopt any beliefs. I have met many people with many different religions, but only one group expects me to blindly follow their teachings, that is Christianity.

Gerard Saraber

"Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else."
-- Ambasador Delenn of the Minbari

Still convinced that Earth is at the center of the universe? (Or the only nursery of life?)

I am; therefore I think.

What the hell are you talking about? I never said that because I don't think that's true. What the hell are you talking about dude?

God loves you and so do I!
It has been my experience that religion
these days is used to control people. I
see this happen a lot and now you have
churches "buying" states, large corporations etc. What are we to think when we start to see politics in religion? Another thing I haven't been able to grasp is holy wars both sides
praise god and fellow man one minute and
thousands die the next!! Its human nature
to accept the good and forget the unknown. I've talked with many people in various religions and the thought of other life definately bothers them.I
think there comes a time when we have to stop blaming everything on the devil.
I hope others out there can relate to this post.
