Religious Implications


Registered Member
If the government let go of a secret like extra terrestrials being here on earth there would be religious implications.There would be rioting, mass suicides, and religious nuts throwing bombs, at the aliens. This is just my opinion on a possible scenario, but I think that its possible for this to happen.
good point. However, my opinion is that
there are no aliens here on earth.
Sure, there are crackpots like ZetaTalk that go to talk about
theories of ufology. However, take note
on the subject that not everything
you hear and read is always true.
Take racist cults for instance.
They go on in detail to talk about how
whites are superier over blacks and
that blacks are evil.

Also, the likeliness of alien species
existing in our galaxy is unlikely.
Ok, scratch unlikely, it's possible.
However, the most I can begin to expect
should range around 2 - no more, no less.
As for those scrawny grey things,
I think that they're the work of the
imagination. In reality, there are so
many variables involved in the creation
of life that no one alien race would
even begin to resemble us.

However, I do have one theory that
is supportive of ufology views. Although
the possible work of other individualistic
minds, the theory has some good thought
to it which is why I've kept it in mind.
If aliens are infact here, they must
have come from an alternate reality
of some sort. That is kind of interesting
since an alternate race of humans could
resemble us, but possess different
physical characteristics in body color,
eyes, and muscular build.

Ufos definitly exist, but not in the form
that many believe them to be. Yes, its
true, un-identified objects do exist.
Anything object we cannot identify can
be called a ufo - lockness, goverment
test craft, new animal specie, etc.

If there are odd shaped crap zooming from
washington to australia and around the
world, then its definitly got to be
goverment test craft. Yes, Area-51
does exist - it's probably nothing
more than a top-secret military weapons
development, manufacturing, and
testing facility.
Try to think this one from the eyes of
a U.S. Marshall or U.S. General.
If the U.S. suddenly found a way to
cloak aircraft (litteraly have them
disappear infront of people) would
you want unstable countries such as
iraq finding out about it?
Perhaps the U.S. would use such
technology to keep better watch on the
world or in the terms of war prevention.
If you want a good, hard example, try
looking at the decades pass after the
atomic bomb was revealed to the world.
Today, decades after that day when
hiroshima was bombed, countries all over
the world have strived to gain nuclear
capability, but for what? A small sense
of power? If you think that's scary,
just image what it would be like if
a fleet of ships decloaked over a city
and leveled it in a matter of minutes
with a slew of bombs.


Sorry guys,
I screwed up about the Ufo part.
Please forgive me for any mistakes
I made about that as well as any others
I made in that post above.


I'd like to ask if you are aware how many stars there are in our galaxy? If you do know then I'd like to know how on earth you can possibly make such a statement that life is unlikely in our galaxy?

Even scientists are coming round to the idea that life may be a very common occurence in the universe.

[This message has been edited by Spadge (edited August 08, 1999).]
:0 Did I say that?
Sorry if I said that.
Here, let me correct myself.
First off, there are lots of stars
in our galaxy. There are hundreds of
thousands of stars. There are probably
more than 3 alien races in our galaxy.

Sorry about any errors and mistakes.

theres more then 3 races. I can think of the Nordics whom my wife has seen and he spoke to her telepathically while she was at a military hospital in California.Youve got the Greys who have been abducting my wife and i too many times to count in the last 5 years that i can consciously remember, who knows how many times before we became aware of it.Then you've got the Reptilians whom i have spoken with one of them as he attempted to attack me later that night but i was rescued by the Greys. I realize this all sounds farfetched but i know it happened and thats all that really matters to me. Anyway, i have spoken with a Subterranean species as well as they used my wife as a conduit, but no knowledge was learned. We had a run-in while stationed in Germany of a species that travels via lightning, that was a weird one, even the dog responded to that one by following it around obediently. The latest occurrence was just Friday night 3 September when yet another species used my wife as a conduit and we spoke for about 3 hours,it spoke cryptically somewhat and drew me a diagram of its genetic structure, wish i could post it but i have no photo scanner i will once i get one but finances wont allow right now. It also said all species will be here in 326 days for a war which i figured to be 26 July 2000 so i guess we shall see what happens, hopefully it was full of shit. Anyway, no i dont drink, and i have had 2 diff psyche evals given to me by the army because of course the military doesnt care for people who investigate the existence of ET life. Just wanted to interject here that there are many more than 3 species Xeno lol. Oh and after having 2 psyche evals i still hold a security clearance and am still on active duty army in atlanta. I'll be in touch yall take care and have a great day.

Eric Cooper
I found your post very interesting.
Have you been checked for implants which
any of the races you described could have
placed either in yourself or your wife?
yes alien, i have a bb type device at the base of my neck which rolls around under my skin when touched, my wife had nosebleeds on a nightly basis during the intense abductions summer of 94 and the military dentist was astounded to find an unusual filling in her teeth, especially unusual in that she had never been to a dentist in her life. Keep the questions coming lol i love talking.

Eric Cooper
Did your wife have any signs of
abnormal wear on the front of her teeth as if caused by citric acid which the
dentist may have commented on?

I have to say I'm quite intrigued by your posts, please forgive me if I'm a bit sceptical, I've heard/read a lot of things that turned out to be complete fantasy.
Don't get me wrong I _want_ to believe, and I do believe that ET's have the capability to visit our planet, and communicate with humans.
I would love to see some proof of what you are saying, it is my understanding that the ET's are quite carefull about giving their human friends any proof, so I will understand if you can't :)
I've been wondering around with basically 3 questions:
1. What do "they" want? Why are they approacing us in the way they are?
2. What will it take, what has to happen for the communication between us and "them" to be more open.
3. (more practical) What is their propultion based on? Where does it get it's energy etc. did they give you any hints? can you ask ? ;-)

Basically I want "in", I've never in my life seen a UFO, let alone something I could classify as extraterrestrial, probably because I'm always in or near densly populated areas. I would give almost anything to have the opertunity you have, to communicate.

Gerard Saraber

"Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else."
-- Ambasador Delenn of the Minbari
No unusual wear, negative only a filling which is unknown how it got there as she had never been to a dentist before and a hole in her nasal passage which a doctor commented on and a missing pregnancy which was later followed by dreams of an alien child in an alien nursery. Another incident occurred where while in Germany she came home with complete amnesia and had it for 3 days. German friends brought her home and didnt know how it developed but while having amnesia she commented on the strange 'man' in our room and later pointed to a star in which she had been taken to.

Eric Cooper
Well miz, 1. sometimes its better not to be int the know. We didnt ask for all this to happen believe me. Often i find myself wishing none of this had happened but other times glad it did. Its assholes (not you) but some are--that have to ridicule and slander, thats one reason i left this board for 3 months, but now im back and noone shall deter me. As for agenda, theres many species so its hard to say, this last one i conversed with (i have to laugh) its weird when they come cause its always unexpected they dont give you warning, and im talking to my wife so its hard to comprehend its an alien at times. I wish they would warn me so i had a list of questions prepared but they never do.Have no knowledge of their propulsion system,Bob Lazar in my opinion was probably right on in his theories,whether he actually worked on Area 51 or not. To my knowledge there are diff. species of the Grey, one is working for the Reptilians which annoys the hell out of me as Reptilians in my opinion are the sinister ones. The initial Greys are the ones who seeded this planet but to my knowledge, our govt released the Reptilians from their dimension and made an agreement with them during the Philadelphia Experiment. Will post more later as i remember more as wife wants to take a walk now and a thunderstorm is approaching so must go lol take care all and i shall return.

Eric Cooper
And that is exactly what I didn't want to hear :)
Everyone including the US govt. tells me "Oh no, it's much better if you don't know".
I want to know, I'm tired of living in a fantasy world where everything looks different from what it really is, because someone thinks I can't handle the truth.
I'm pretty confident I can deal with whatever is going on and if not, I can learn :) I'm not religious, I don't think I'll lose control in blind panic.
If you feel this information is too disturbing to be on a public message board, feel free to email me, use encryption if neccesary.

Your comment about the Greys having seeded this planet, I don't hear that a lot, I had adopted a similar theory into my view of the universe, it's quite reassuring when sources that _appear_ independent confirm eachother.

PS. Enjoy your walk.

Gerard Saraber

"Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else."
-- Ambasador Delenn of the Minbari

[This message has been edited by miztic (edited September 07, 1999).]
Well, where to begin lol im not religious in the religious sense either. My wife and i are wiccan so we are very open-minded when it comes to paranormal events anyway.The Greys we've met have mostly good intentions other than taking us against our will. I personally dont remember my abductions, but wife i'll call her hiccup--her yahoo screen name-- woke up one night and bed was surrounded with Greys going to take me--she left her body--she can dream travel also--4th generation witch she has many gifts, anyway this confused them and they left.Wife remembers most of her abductions and dreams many things as well,much comes back in dreams.Such as alien nursery etc. There has been missing time as well.Only reason i said some things you dont want to know--def. not trying to sound like the damn govt. is because i'd love to live a somewhat normal life but cant -- i go through knowledge spurts where i crave knowledge and must learn. Oh, i got my pager today so if it works and someone here wants to get in touch with me but dont want to leave a number page me at 770-224-7774 especially if you are having an emergency at the moment,i love helping people when i can in this area. Dont claim to know it all, im learning like everyone else and despise people who think they do know it all, cause noone ever will. Next visitation we ever receive im gonna ask about the various species and why they are abducting. Like i said if i had a scanner id post this genetic diagram which seems to be nuclear atoms,if anyone knows what this formula could mean--please enlighten me its part of this diagram and its algebra of some sort. A-B=C=E Pie makes no sense to me, anyway enough for now will write more later. E-mail me if youd like i answer all responses

Eric Cooper
Where the heck do I begin???
1. You are in the army. You must know SOMEONE who has a scanner. Find a buddy who has one <u>today!</u> Scan your drawing and post it!!
2. Sit down and prepare a questionare tonight, before you go for your walk. Get yourself organised! You say it's been going on for longer than you can remember....well it's about time you start making it a procuctive event.
No excuses, please.
No "The world isn't ready for what I know" speeches.

The reason I will not slander your statements is that your story bears a remarkable parallel to someone I know in a different country. This person says almost to the letter the same content as you've posted, yet the person told me this almost a year ago now. I am always demanding proof, Eric, it's the only way to silence a skeptic - but it's kind of spooky to hear the same stuff from a stranger on a different continent!
Dave,lol didnt mean to friek you out. I cant get to a scanner tonight as now its somewhat late and i am moving stuff to an AFB at an early hour in the morning. I'll see what i can do tomorrow,have many drawings wife did while in a trance state and under alien influence. Our main story begins in 1994 when i was presently out of the army and living with my fiance (now my wife) she woke one morning with puncture marks in her lower navel in a triangular pattern. That morn we just happened to be watching a talk show on alien abduction--had no interest whatsoever in this topic as i had not seen anything before but what caught our attention was the fact that they were saying the first sign was a triangular formation of puncture marks appearing overnight on the lower navel. She also was having continual overnight nosebleeds and had signs of pregnancy. She took a pregnancy test and discovered she was. Then,2 wks later with pain we went to madigan Army hospital only to discover she suddenly wasn't pregnant, followed by dreams of an alien nursery and an alien baby she was being forced to hold.Iam an only child and was raised on a 40 acre beef farm in Wa State and always felt peculiar from other people--I was a loner but somewhat preferred it that way.
I reentered the army Jan 95,we got married and were sent to Germany. Before she went to Germany my wife went and visited a witch. She had never met this witch before,but the witch was referred by an acquaintence. She went to the womans home and was greeted by name and tea was laid out in anticipation of her arrival. The witch told her that she was a Subterranean warrior hybrid and iam a Grey nurse hybrid. Now,i have the ability to heal with color imagery through visualization--but there are others who can do this as well not trying to say im special--dont get me wrong. lol I have a theory about this and that is that the Subterraneans and Greys are an enemy species and we are an alien experiment to see if our species are compatable in an earthly environment. She was also told that i come from the cow, now my cows were always very protective of me and followed me around our 40 acre farm and would charge whatever they saw as a threat to me. I theorize in this that the cattle mutilations are there attempt at creating human hybrids through cow dna which could be what the witch was referring too.
Anyway, i realize this is bizarre but all this is fact and did happen, if i was a nutcase i would probably be kicked out of the army and on medication by now. lol While in Germany, i had my first ufo sighting which was a large basketball sized orb in the night sky which i watched for approx 10 minutes hovering before it 'blinked out' like a light. Another time, my wife and i watched a 'planet' shoot down towards us at a high rate of speed,hover for 5-10 minutes, then shot back to its original position. My wife had an episode of amnesia for 3 days in which she pointed at a planet and explained how 'they came and took her there. She drew me a childs drawing of what our building looked like as seen from above, and what an alien looked like, once i get access to a scanner i will scan all this for you. She was abducted too many times for me to keep track of. One night while sitting down to coffee, her persona changed and she was staring at me unusually, i asked her what was wrong, she didnt respond, then i realized it wasnt her and asked it what it was, it said Subterranean,there were 3 personalities one sinister,one indifferent,and one child. I was
a bit shook up and got my tobacco pipe to smoke some English tobacco to which it pointed and said 'inhalator' i had to laugh at that and agreed yes you did inhale. I was told that i was watched ever since I was a child by their species and they were quite familiar with me. I stared at the sinister one and it got angry and accused me of pulling 'mindscan' on it which is the proceedure the Greys do with abductees where they get into their thoughts with their eyes.They stayed for about 4 hours and left never to return. We had an encounter with some kind of entity which seems to come by lightning,the cloud to cloud type,you could sense an energy,then a metallic taste would fill your mouth,our chow followed it around and sat obediently whimpering. This entity came by 2x and we never saw it again either.
Oh,while in South Carolina at army mechanic school my wife and i went to bed and saw little prancing lights on the ceiling--this has been seen by other abductees i have spoken with as well. There were no reflections and no lights coming in from outside. They moved about as if on their own intelligence.
We left Germany May 98 and were moved to Atlanta,ga where we currently are now. The last incident was just Friday night with this last entity encounter once again using my wife as a conduit. It was very intelligent and kind which surprised me as the last time they were sinister. I couldnt think of questions the way i wanted too and it told me it was there because i asked it to come which i never did unless it was a subconscious thing. The main thing i recall is it told me all species will come to earth, i asked it when it said 326 days. I asked it if there would be a war and it said yes, and all humans will be destroyed bu what it described as a nuclear blast. The 326 days seems to land on 26 July 2000.
This is some of our experiences based on the time-line, take it for what its worth, i experienced it, im not a crackpot and have nothing to gain from lying as i only enjoy discussing this area of interest mainly because it has a very large impact on our life and i try to help others who have a hard time with their experiences because i do understand what they go through. (breathe) lol anyway yall take care if anyone posts i'll be up for a bit longer than will be back on tomorrow.
Take care,

Eric Cooper
Oh and also--just curious what continent the other person was on and what their experience has been as well as how they cope.

Eric Cooper
Bizarre doesn't begin to describe my reaction to your accounts!!! :)

It's so "out there", I'm having trouble accepting it.
The person in question lives down the road from Plato in Europe. The accounts told to me were of striking similarity to the rest of what you have just posted. Fear not, I have trouble accepting this persons accounts too, LOL!
Have you or your wife ever been shown a NEW map of the world as it will be in the near future?
I'll have to let the rest of your post settle with me. I'll need time to absorb the implications of comparing your post to that of my friends accounts because it's just too coincidentally similar to dismiss as "one mans flight of fantasy" ! ;)
My problem now is....I thought my friend was an absolute nutcase and making it all you come along with the same stuff.....what the hell do I do now??!!


[This message has been edited by Dave (edited September 07, 1999).]
Well done Dave.
Although I have taken a new approach
to how I communicate on this forum,
I will always remain skeptic.

I find it astonishing that after 50 years
there still is no true proof of
e.t. existence on earth.

Stories are just stories no matter how
well they may sound. faerieshaman
may be no more than a well crafted
writer writing up a ton of posts to
fuel the fire to warm the believers.
i wish, if i was such a well-crafted writer i wouldve written a book by now but that is not my plan. I will never write a book as i dont believe in science fiction,sorry. I seek no fame nor fortune in this, i never asked for these events, they just happened to us, sorry to disappoint you.

Eric Cooper