Religious group publishes their own version of Origin of Species!

Ah, thats what we call fitna. :)

Yes Sam, it's unfortunate that Muslims don't want to have anything to do with the real world and would rather go kicking and screaming back into the "Golden Age of Islam" when conquering, pillaging and raping were all the rage.

In other words, if there's any violence to be had, the Islamic cult wants their fair share and will lead with the banner of victimization held high.

Fitna. How utterly absurd, Sam.
Is the real world one where you put snarky comments in religious books or use identity theft to send Qur'ans to churches?

Clearly we live in parallel universes. That sounds more like a protracted adolescence to me.
Is the real world one where you put snarky comments in religious books or use identity theft to send Qur'ans to churches?

I'm not so sure you're ready for the real world, Sam. You'll find that things are not anything like the beliefs you hold dearly. In the real world, we can make fun of our imaginations, not stone people to death for it.

Clearly we live in parallel universes. That sounds more like a protracted adolescence to me.

You live in another universe, one filled with the myths and superstitions of cult indoctrination. Your vivid imagination rules your worldview, hence your perception of those who don't live in your universe are bound to appear anything but "normal" within that twisted universe.
I'm not so sure you're ready for the real world, Sam. You'll find that things are not anything like the beliefs you hold dearly. In the real world, we can make fun of our imaginations, not stone people to death for it.

You don't make fun of your imagination, that would require you to first get some. What you and people like you [phlog and psychotic and the now absent godless, to mention a few] do is demonise and insult and assault those who are outside the rigid unimaginative and extremely limited paradigm which you consider thinking and I consider lack of.

Much of your remarks are aimed at and against others in a way that is both personal and extremely offensive. You're incapable of understanding and allowing the wide diversity of human experience because its your opinion that anyone who is not like you is wrong.

hence your perception of those who don't live in your universe are bound to appear anything but "normal" within that twisted universe.

Ironic. You consider 80% if the world as deluded and I'm the one who thinks "others" are not "normal". You're the outlier who thinks he is the mean, or should be.
You don't make fun of your imagination, that would require you to first get some.

Would that help me to understand your delusions?

What you and people like you [phlog and psychotic and the now absent godless, to mention a few] do is demonise and insult and assault those who are outside the rigid unimaginative and extremely limited paradigm which you consider thinking and I consider lack of.

Your considerations for the delusions of your cult and all the cults in the world have been ignored. In fact, the cults of the world could stand with a whole lot more attacking, until they finally just go away.

Much of your remarks are aimed at and against others in a way that is both personal and extremely offensive. You're incapable of understanding and allowing the wide diversity of human experience because its your opinion that anyone who is not like you is wrong.

The power of cult indoctrination has nothing to do with diversity, and everything to do with slavery and oppression, which is far more offensive to the human experience.

It is also part of your cult doctrine that everyone be Muslim, and if they aren't, they are wrong. Clearly, YOU are the one who is extremely offensive, and a hypocrite.

Ironic. You consider 80% if the world as deluded and I'm the one who thinks "others" are not "normal". You're the outlier who thinks he is the mean, or should be.

The power of cult indoctrination has had a stranglehold over the world for centuries. That is now changing, and we will see your cult go the way of the dodo just as the others will some day.

It was also "normal" for cannibals to eat people, that is, normal for the cannibals.
(Q) said:

You sound like a stuck record. :D

Here is some bad news for you:

Study: Muslims make up 25 percent of world population

Sux to be u.
You don't make fun of your imagination, that would require you to first get some. What you and people like you [phlog and psychotic and the now absent godless, to mention a few] do is demonise and insult and assault those who are outside the rigid unimaginative and extremely limited paradigm which you consider thinking and I consider lack of.

Well Sammikins, I'm humbled but not insulted in the least by your little outburst. Even though you just demonized, insulted and assaulted me I see that as an acceptable risk.

For those who don't know my position it has always been that if you believe in God or not then it is strictly a private matter. There is absolutely no reason to expound on yes or no as neither can be proven. I do not wish to have to speak against theists but I will as long as they continue to promote and institute their cause and since I have taken the atheist approach then it is from there that I will speak against.
Here is some bad news for you:

Sux to be u.

It sucks to not be part of a cult? Your condescending statement has all the earmarks of a superiority complex coupled with the paranoia of your hatred towards non-cult members.

There is no doubt that it sucks to be in a world controlled by the delusions of theists, but that will some day come to and end. And, when the people of the future look back (assuming they have survived from the destruction of cults) they will view your cult for what it is. Your children's children will view you with contempt and disdain for your ignorance and lack of foresight. They will see you as a small child that never grew up from believing in myths and superstitions.

Yes Sam, the future is no too bright for you lot and it will "sux to be you" then. :D
Such cowards you are, pretending to be "nice" to people to feather your nests.

Stripped off your public personas, such shallow human beings.
