Religious group publishes their own version of Origin of Species!


pubic diorama
Valued Senior Member
Holy crap, if you can't be 'em, distort 'em, I guess.

Check out the intro, a basic biography of Darwin, followed by an incredulous analogy between writing a book and DNA that tries to make a case for intelligent design. And get this, this distortion is being endorsed by right wing fundie Kirk Cameron!

I'm not ordinarily in favor of book burning, but I would make an exception in this case. What a slimy approach. Bastards. 50,000 copies are being given out to universities complete with I.D. intro.
I like all the attention to a few fraudulent attempts by con artists.

This of course to taint all of paleontology.

Comedy, after reading this it's off to the creation museum !
However this may sound, I hope you find the message: If this publication in any way makes you feel better and that all is right in the universe, then you have been deceived.
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I hate these people so much.

Ditto. We have a Turkish version published by a sicko living in America who's done the same thing. It's unbelievable. It's been published in ten thousands, I am sure, it will have 'editions'. What a waste of labour and material.

Let's look at it in a funny way. Listen to this 'logic':

In their zeal to provide “evidence” of evolution, scientists
have proclaimed organs as useless simply because they were
ignorant of their functions at the time. They were there all
along, but evolutionists just didn’t know it.
Isn’t it possible that the same could be true with God?
Just because you’re ignorant of His presence doesn’t mean He
doesn’t exist.
Page 29.
i like the idea that we can have freedom to choose. i know that i am intelligent enough to see there are things in the theory of evolution that make me scratch my head. this has nothing to do with religion but i am not one to choose a side and shut everything else out.
i like the idea that we can have freedom to choose. i know that i am intelligent enough to see there are things in the theory of evolution that make me scratch my head. this has nothing to do with religion but i am not one to choose a side and shut everything else out.

I agree. But personally I don't think this one falls into that category.
NO. if i were to sit here and tell you that i believe everything i read with no proof and not acknowledging that it is an opinion THEN that would be an argument from ignorance.

well, i have never been indoctrinated. for this i am thankful.
It makes you scratch your head, so more simplistic notions must be respected as equals.
NO. if i were to sit here and tell you that i believe everything i read with no proof and not acknowledging that it is an opinion THEN that would be an argument from ignorance.

I understand something different from argument from ignorance. As you expressed the difference you are not in that category. And you cannot imagine a position like that, imagining a situation to put that position in. Those people are not arguing between facts, they are building an 'argument' to impose a certain frame of mind. And the nature of it depends on ignorance, because that's the design.
OK, the best one, and my new favourite is from one of the sciforum threads.

"Jews faked Dinosaurs !"

I knew it!

That's unbeatable so far. Seriously.
I mean, the other stuff has an agenda, multiplying like a virus. But what do you do with this? Faking giant reptiles! I can't stop the stupid giggling I just developed. Unforgettable.

More poor thinking skills. I suppose it's great if they don't breed too rapidly. We do need laborers after all.
Ah a bunch of self described secularists getting all worked up about separating church and state when its religious Christians affecting social views on evolution.

Thats a pretty safe plank to take, isn't it?