Religious Extremism

"I'm using the book as an example, I realize it's fiction but tell me faith hasn't caused people to do things far worse then what I've indicated happens in the book?"

Personally, I haven't read the book, but I suggest your next book be a book on logic.
"Really this is the main reason I believe religion is disgusting, it causes people to do things that are beyond normal human ethics and morals."

Yes, and this book of fiction proves it.

"I'm using the book as an example, I realize it's fiction but tell me faith hasn't caused people to do things far worse then what I've indicated happens in the book?"

Personally, I haven't read the book, but I suggest your next book be a book on logic.

Glad to see attacks on religion using fiction are completely futile :rolleyes: seriously, would you rather know of the non-fiction?

Here try this: The Crusades A holy war. Still not convinced? How about the French wars of religion? Or maybe the Thirty years war

This is what I was talking about when I said religion disgusts me, the book only made me further realize how much religion can corrupt the minds of otherwise good people.
11parcal the book only made me further realize how much religion can corrupt the minds of otherwise good people.

Look you are preaching to the choir here, but "'realizing' how much religion can corrupt the minds of otherwise good people" based on a work of fiction is fallacious. Its no different than hating people because the bible says they killed your fictional savior.
I'm using the book as an example, I realize it's fiction but tell me faith hasn't caused people to do things far worse then what I've indicated happens in the book?

I am not going to try and say that religion has not been used as a tool to make people do worse then what your book indicated.

But i will say that my Faith, as a follower of the teachings of the Messiah Jesus has prevented me from carrying out such wrongdoings. It has made me an extreme pacifist to the extent that i would not resist such wrongdoings if they where perpetrated on me. My faith has made me as harmless as a dove.

Matthew 10

16 “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Glad to see attacks on religion using fiction are completely futile :rolleyes: seriously, would you rather know of the non-fiction?

Here try this: The Crusades A holy war. Still not convinced? How about the French wars of religion? Or maybe the Thirty years war

This is what I was talking about when I said religion disgusts me, the book only made me further realize how much religion can corrupt the minds of otherwise good people.

You are a sad brainwashed individual. Let me straighten you out so you can think clearly again. Of all the wars fought in all of history, only 6% can be attributed to religion. And out of those 6%, 3% can be attributed to Islam. This means that religion plays a very small role in war.

Now I can write a book describing some very ugly things the religionists have done and frighten you. But the truth is, through out history, people of all types have done horrific things to other people because it is apparently in the nature of people to do horrific things. Trying to blame religion or faith for this is illogical and likely in your case, self serving.

If we want to bring a rational balance to this discussion, we must contrast the non religionist (atheists) to the religionist. And if we do this the contrast is staggering! Atheists have tortured, maimed, starved and killed more people than all of the wars in all of history! So why a bunch of atheists would want to open this can of worms in defense of their ridiculous faith is beyond me. But hey, what do I care if they want to play into the hands of the theists!

In addition, Christianity has brought many wonderful benefits to this world including modern science, the first written constitutional republic, hospitals, charity etc.. As hard as you try, you cannot find anything positive which atheism has brought to the world. Now of course, this has nothing to do whether there is a God or not (there is). But it does show the complete bankruptcy of the atheist philosophy.
If we want to bring a rational balance to this discussion, we must contrast the non religionist (atheists) to the religionist. And if we do this the contrast is staggering! Atheists have tortured, maimed, starved and killed more people than all of the wars in all of history! So why a bunch of atheists would want to open this can of worms in defense of their ridiculous faith is beyond me. But hey, what do I care if they want to play into the hands of the theists!
Well why don't you give me some examples of these horrible things Athiests have done.
In addition, Christianity has brought many wonderful benefits to this world including modern science, the first written constitutional republic, hospitals, charity etc.. As hard as you try, you cannot find anything positive which atheism has brought to the world. Now of course, this has nothing to do whether there is a God or not (there is). But it does show the complete bankruptcy of the atheist philosophy.
The only reason this was all created through religion is because at the time it was created it was near illegal NOT to be religious.
Originally Posted by Adstar
My faith has made me as harmless as a dove.

Matthew 10
16 “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

If only that were true. If only you were a wise harmless sheep.

Well i must admit i am sometimes very unwise but such is life as a human being, But it is true that is a physical sense i am harmless as a dove, my faith is very much about not taking any part in any physical combat, period,

But i can fight with Words

Hebrews 4:
12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days