Religions are morally wrong.

The aphorism is atmavan manyate jagat which means "One thinks everyone is like him"; thus a liar is suspicious and thinks everyone else is a liar and a fool considers others a fool

That makes sense. Thanks,
Ask your LDS connection about the Outer Darkness.
When I hear the phrase 'outer darkness' I automatically think of Stephen Kings 'macroverse'.

His vision of reality (in his fiction) is that of a multiverse, like a flower with billions of petals, all connected together at a nexus he calls 'the dark tower'.

But beyond...beyond the multiverse lies the macroverse, the void which surrounds and enfolds all of spacetime.
So do I and I married into a Mormon family.
I am a Latter-Day Saint. I am going to get the priesthood. Anyways in Docterin and Converents it said that there is the Celestrial Kingdom which is the highest degree, and the Terrestial is the lowest degree for people that are not followers of satan. There is hell, because in the bible and the book of mormon, it is mention many times the eternal flames for the followers of Satan. If you ask the prophet Thomas S. Monson, he will say we believe in hell.
I've been informed that it's mormanism that's the right one. Yes. Mooooormonism. Everyone else, see you in hell.
I believe that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the right church of the lord ( it is Mormon for the people that don't know ). I believe that Joshep Smith is the prophet of god so is all the latter day prophets. Anyways, proof its not true.
I was talking about the monks but you just qualified yourself.

That's nice.

I was once a monk. During one of my meditations I experienced an epiphany beyond anything you can imagine. In brief, I realized that if I am to advocate the foresaking of material gain then it would be better understood if I actually experienced wealth myself.
No, it just supposes that people claim to know "god" or something about god - as if they should trust their senses to reveal the timeless to a timebound being. Just doesn't seem like good judgement, but I don't condemn the belief in god really, just religion making or people making claims about it.
I would assume that you would consider claims about most any being offensive then. In other words if I claimed to notice you were pissed off even if you denied it and the like.

Also, arent you implicitly claiming knowledge about God. For example
If there were a God no one could have knowledge about such a being or direct contact with such a being.

How do you know this?
How do you know God and/or humans are limited in the ways you seem to be sure they are?
Please explain sir, how everything could happen without god? You can't, there is no logical explaination besides god.
When I hear the phrase 'outer darkness' I automatically think of Stephen Kings 'macroverse'.

His vision of reality (in his fiction) is that of a multiverse, like a flower with billions of petals, all connected together at a nexus he calls 'the dark tower'.

But beyond...beyond the multiverse lies the macroverse, the void which surrounds and enfolds all of spacetime.

Just hear that has made my day. I was beginning to give up hope.
I would assume that you would consider claims about most any being offensive then.

Depends on the claim but generally speaking, that's silly. Why? I don't have to believe those claims, or I can depending on plausibility, etc. Have you read flatland or do you at least get the gist? This gist of the story is the basis of my complaint. If you say you can picture a 5D something or other in your head I say you're full of shit. Same in relation to 'god'.

In other words if I claimed to notice you were pissed off even if you denied it and the like.

Well it might be annoying but surely I'd recover.

Also, arent you implicitly claiming knowledge about God.

Only the definition, omniscients, omnipotence, omnipresence, etc.

If there were a God no one could have knowledge about such a being or direct contact with such a being.

Based on simple analysis of the relation of the definition of the being to what appears to be reality to me. My comments are indirect.

How do you know this?

I don't. Do you? I'm just talking shit that makes sense to me. I don't necessarily expect it to make sense to anyone else, but it's nice when it seems to happen. Knowledge is generally a matter of practicality I'd say. I know I exist, I know I have a wife, two kids, computer, cars, blah blah. Practically speaking, I'd never deny any of it. Philosophically speaking, it's a matter of my perception apparently meshing with theirs but with the twist that it's my perception doing the seeming.

How do you know God and/or humans are limited in the ways you seem to be sure they are?

I don't. Again, I'm speaking as to my perspective which is just as full of shit as anyone I suppose. I can tell you only how things seem to me.
I believe that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the right church of the lord ( it is Mormon for the people that don't know ). I believe that Joshep Smith is the prophet of god so is all the latter day prophets. Anyways, proof its not true.

That's nice.

I was just making a reference to southpark though, pardon.

I don't know much about joseph smith, and don't care to really. I don't believe any man is or ever was a 'prophet of god'.

What would you say if I told you god told me to start this thread?

I'm just sayin.
Please explain sir, how everything could happen without god?

This is where people seem to really lose it. How could anything happen outside of time? Well shit man as time-bound individual, I simply can't relate. My failure to relate however and thankfully, doesn't seem to keep me from existing. Cool deal. The term "happen" doesn't even make sense outside of time, so your question is in itself illogical (in terms of the universe coming to be).

You can't, there is no logical explaination besides god.

But that is no explanation whatsoever. That's just blind faith and grasping for shit... which I should say, has its own value but I have to try to see it for what it is.
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That's nice.

I was just making a reference to southpark though, pardon.

I don't know much about joseph smith, and don't care to really. I don't believe any man is or ever was a 'prophet of god'.

What would you say if I told you god told me to start this thread?

I'm just sayin.
"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God."- James ( from the holy bible )
" Seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened onto you. "- The holy bible.

It means that if you pray you will know. Anyways if you said God told you to make this thread, I would say you are a lier.