Religion Vs God

No all I am saying is you cannot have one with out the other it is a symbiotic relationship. One is no good with out the other. Case and point is logic think logically about what God is and does there is no logic to it the things it has done are not logical. Religion fills the gaps between mystical and logical. What cannot be explained logically can be explained religously.
I believe the question was..."would you have known of god without religion?"

So yes, the response is nonsense.

in the kingdom, there will be no religion.
ther will be no religion cause ppl make religion not god..
god will be in charge in heaven..not man
there will be communion.
(actually i associate communion with eating that little cracker and drinking grape juice..)
there will be no learning from books or lectures or pulpits or theologians.
again its cause god is in charge not man and our understanding will be complete
there will be living. can we live if we are dead?..:D
(just teasing you)our earthly body's will not exist but our conscience will live on
there will be no convention.
you mean im gonna miss the star trek conventions?
(again i jest..)
there will be freedom.
freedom cause man tend to take away our freedoms..
you won't go to church, you'll be the church!
god does not reside in a building..he resides in each of us..
No all I am saying is you cannot have one with out the other it is a symbiotic relationship. One is no good with out the other. Case and point is logic think logically about what God is and does there is no logic to it the things it has done are not logical. Religion fills the gaps between mystical and logical. What cannot be explained logically can be explained religously.

im beginning to think you are a pastor or some such as you do not want to entertain the idea of seperating religion from god..

does gravity exist apart from science?
do we have to have science to have gravity?
same concept..although science helps to explain gravity( like religion helps to explain god) science is not needed for gravity to exist..religion is not needed for god to exist..
You still didn't answer her question at all usual you have resorted to uttering nonsense.

yes i did. my answer was experience. of what? life and god itself.

that's an answer.

and what i have uttered is not nonsense. it's actually what's going to happen in the new age. and if you're keen on religion, it's the foundation of christian doctrine. :bugeye:
I believe the question was..."would you have known of god without religion?"

So yes, the response is nonsense.

scroll back. my answer was "yes", and then i expounded upon it when jan asked me further questions.

you just don't like my answer because it didn't come out of a can.

you want to talk about utter nonsense? how about your line of questioning as if god were a genie in a bottle? now THAT is utter, and self-indulgent, nonsense.
ther will be no religion cause ppl make religion not god..
god will be in charge in heaven..not man

we will be at one with god and each other without resistance.

(actually i associate communion with eating that little cracker and drinking grape juice..)

signifying a marriage of christ and his bride, the church. he was born without sin, and then, we will be too, like him...redeemed, restored, perfected.

again its cause god is in charge not man and our understanding will be complete

i don't know that our understanding will ever be complete. it's a big infinite universe. but it will far surpass what we have now, as there will no longer be anything inhibiting it. can we live if we are dead?..:D
(just teasing you)our earthly body's will not exist but our conscience will live on

i think we'll still have bodies, but they'll be without sin, as christ was. and if the wages of sin is death, then we'll also have eternal life.

you mean im gonna miss the star trek conventions?
(again i jest..)

freedom cause man tend to take away our freedoms..

god does not reside in a building..he resides in each of us..

i mean that there will be no inhibition. complete freedom and individuality and yet at one with each other and god. can you imagine having nothing to impede on that? no pride, no greed, no fear?

it's gonna be great. :)

without religion ppl would know god better..

Without religion people wouldn't know about God.
Why do think people like Lenin, and Starlin went to so much trouble
to abolish it?
Why do you think there is a drive to abolish it, from the modern atheist community?
I don,t think you are making a good distinction between inividual "religions", and, "religion", the immovable basis of these religions.

you sound like you are trying to give religion authority in all things god..that is not what the bible teaches..

How can you serve God, without knowing how to serve God?
If you don,t see it as your duty to serve God, what is your concept/definition
of God?


ther will be no religion cause ppl make religion not god..
god will be in charge in heaven..not man

People make education systems, but without them we would still be
Religion is like an education system for the soul.

Ofc he isn't,he's inside a theist's box.

Example given:

are you talking about my box in the religious forum?! :eek: now mind your manners; religious people are known for being easily offended. :D

People make education systems, but without them we would still be
Religion is like an education system for the soul.


you know the difference between learning something from a book, and learning something from experience? it's like that. :shrug:
How does this relate to my point?


there are different ways to learn the same thing. if you had to choose one, which would you say is best?

i would say that a combination of the two is probably best.

i don't see the bible as a book; i see it as a tool, to be used by the spirit...the author, the interpreter. and the spirit can use many other things as well, as well as communicating directly. i think that religion places limits on this communication and learning.

there are different ways to learn the same thing. if you had to choose one, which would you say is best?
i would say that a combination of the two is probably best.

I would tend to agree.

i don't see the bible as a book; i see it as a tool, to be used by the spirit...the author, the interpreter. and the spirit can use many other things as well, as well as communicating directly. i think that religion places limits on this communication and learning.

I understand what you mean.
As regard to religion placing limits, I would say it depends on who you approach, much like any other field f enquiry.

Originally Posted by earth
In my opinion the "bride" made a dash for the cash.

that's not the bride...that's the harlot.

Matthew 9:15 (New American Standard Bible)
And Jesus said to them, "The attendants of the bridegroom cannot mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them, can they? But the days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast.

John 3:29 (New American Standard Bible)
He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom's voice So this joy of mine has been made full.

From Wikipedia,
The Bride of Christ (or Spouse of Christ) is a metaphor for the Ecclesia (church), likening the relationship between Christians and Jesus to a betrothal pointing to a future wedding, when Christians are re-united with Jesus. John the Baptist talks in the Gospel of John chapter 3 verse 29 in terms of himself as a "best man" with the implication that Christ the bridegroom (see also Matthew 9:15) is coming to meet his bride, but there is nothing specific to identify the bride. It could be Israel or it could be looking forward to the Church, but Church Fathers such as Cyprian applied the image to the Church.

The intent I meant was this bride. The harlot isn’t the church is it?
Matthew 9:15 (New American Standard Bible)
And Jesus said to them, "The attendants of the bridegroom cannot mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them, can they? But the days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast.

John 3:29 (New American Standard Bible)
He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom's voice So this joy of mine has been made full.

From Wikipedia,
The Bride of Christ (or Spouse of Christ) is a metaphor for the Ecclesia (church), likening the relationship between Christians and Jesus to a betrothal pointing to a future wedding, when Christians are re-united with Jesus. John the Baptist talks in the Gospel of John chapter 3 verse 29 in terms of himself as a "best man" with the implication that Christ the bridegroom (see also Matthew 9:15) is coming to meet his bride, but there is nothing specific to identify the bride. It could be Israel or it could be looking forward to the Church, but Church Fathers such as Cyprian applied the image to the Church.

The intent I meant was this bride. The harlot isn’t the church is it?

the harlot is organized religion.;&version=KJV;

the bride of christ is not defined by religion. don't tell the catholics that; they think they own christ. after all, they have bought and sold him. the bride of christ is something that i believe to be determined on a much more personal level.
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