Religion Vs God

It is impossible to have a God with out a religion they are linked one to the other. Therefore it is impossible to make a judgement for either. It is like trying to discuss plankton with out talking about water eventually you have a over lap.
you are assuming a 'download' of data into your brain when you need it..
if god wants you to know something, god will provide a means to achieve that knowledge,whether it be a formal school or the school of hard knocks..he still gave us the ability to choose for ourselves,if he sets it up for you to learn what he needs you to learn and you do not choose to utilize that path, it is not gods fault you did not learn..

Sure it is, do you blame the machine for its failings or the programmer?
It is impossible to have a God with out a religion they are linked one to the other. Therefore it is impossible to make a judgement for either. It is like trying to discuss plankton with out talking about water eventually you have a over lap.

this is where so many ppl get caught up..god existed before religion..
therefore god does not need religion to operate...religion is mans attempt to control..
How did you come to believe in God?
Do you think you would be in the same place now (regarding belief) if there were no religion?


actually..yes..i did not come to believe in god through religion,i came to believe cause of the circumstances and the ppl he has put in my path..i use religion to further educate myself (history wise) and to question interpretations of the bible..
actually..yes..i did not come to believe in god through religion,i came to believe cause of the circumstances and the ppl he has put in my path..i use religion to further educate myself (history wise) and to question interpretations of the bible..

Would you have known about God without religion?
If yes, how?

this is where so many ppl get caught up..god existed before religion..
therefore god does not need religion to operate...religion is mans attempt to control..

Ah but for religion no one would even know of God or Gods or whatever. Look at it this way God is the media Religion in the Medium.
Ah but for religion no one would even know of God or Gods or whatever. Look at it this way God is the media Religion in the Medium.

god is the most integral part of life and you and the world around you every day.
think about it this way...

in the kingdom, there will be no religion. there will be communion. there will be no learning from books or lectures or pulpits or theologians. there will be living. there will be no convention. there will be freedom.

you won't go to church, you'll be the church! :)
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think about it this way...

in the kingdom, there will be no religion. there will be communion. there will be no learning from books or lectures or pulpits or theologians. there will be living. there will be no convention. there will be freedom.

you won't go to church, you'll be the church! :)

You still didn't answer her question at all usual you have resorted to uttering nonsense.
Ah but for religion no one would even know of God or Gods or whatever. Look at it this way God is the media Religion in the Medium.

without religion ppl would know god better..
you sound like you are trying to give religion authority in all things god..that is not what the bible teaches..
You still didn't answer her question at all usual you have resorted to uttering nonsense.

not nonsense..just cause you don't understand, does not mean it is nonsense..
the bible teaches we are the church..not some building..we the ppl..
not nonsense..just cause you don't understand, does not mean it is nonsense..
the bible teaches we are the church..not some building..we the ppl..

I believe the question was..."would you have known of god without religion?"

So yes, the response is nonsense.