Religion Just Sucks Hairy Balls and then Some


Registered Senior Member
You know, this was actually just a response post, but I thought it'd be a good thread starter as well. Why not? So just read a bit and respond however the hell you want.

All religion is evil in practice. Ireland still has Protestants bombing Catholics and Catholics bombing Protestants. Bush is killing Iraqis in the name of God. Hitler was a Christian; I bet you didn't know that. In the Crusades, Jewish people were raped, murdered, Muslims killed, slaughtered. In China, you can only be Atheists or Buddhists or you are persecuted. In the Middle East, Muslims rape their women and then charge the raped victim of "fornication" which is punishable by death. Mohhammad has invaded many different areas and killed several thousand people to exand Islam. Islam has persecuted people in Lebannon and Jordan and killed millions of Christians. In turn, Nixon's troops in Lebannon killed millions of Muslims in Jesus' name. Thirty Years' War, the Crusades, Manifest Destiny... People all murdered, raped, tortured, desecrated, humiliated... all for religion. Every religion is evil, Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Mormonism, Catholicism, Judaism, Atheism, Greek Religion, Paganism, Wiccanism, Satanism... ALL. All of them fucking religions.

People should just forget everything about religion and live for other people. REligions means nothing. Genocide in Rwanda (now only history) and Darfur means something. Female circumcision in Saudi Arabia means something. 30 million homeless people in United STates, 20% of whom have working jobs, mean something. REligion? It's only religion. Forget about it. Stop believing in stuff that makes you want to harm other people and make you hate other people. Just live and give and take and give some more. That's all you need. Trust me.

That's all you need.
agreed. I'm labeled as a nialist. but hell, atleast i'm living life with my own thoughts. the bible was founded by a drunk viking, jesus walked on water in december. I have quots from the new versions of the bible, that clearly contridict themselves. its hard to believe in a god who lies, and doesn't even have his story straight...
(excuse any mispellings, I'm a bit tired ^^;; )
Your argument is laughable on the following foundations: There has no, nor ever has been, a religious foundation for United States policy in regards to any wars ever fought whatsoever. That someone is Christian and kills someone, does not imply that Christianity is the cause, unless undertaken explicitly for said purpose (the crusaders would be an example of such).

Moreover, upon what moral foundations do you rest your condemnations of some of these practices? And what do you mean "live for other people"?
dont blame god.... for the evils of men...

religions all preqach love and compassion...

dont blame religion for all the fucking assholes who happen to be religious.
and use religion for their own causes... like greed and power.

it has happenned throughout history.

men.. will use anything... to dominate others..

is that gods fault??? no.

all blame lays in the lap of evil men... who as hypocrites... call themselves religious.

hypocracy knows no limits... even for atheists like you.



Your argument is laughable on the following foundations: There has no, nor ever has been, a religious foundation for United States policy in regards to any wars ever fought whatsoever
where did he state this, he only stated what bush had said himself.
That someone is Christian and kills someone, does not imply that Christianity is the cause,
dont we learn by example, is'nt religion a direct cause, just in it's teachings.
Moreover, upon what moral foundations do you rest your condemnations of some of these practices?
so you dont think killing is immoral.
stating things like "kill the unbeliever", "I come with a sword to set father against son", etc etc.
And what do you mean "live for other people"?
it's called humanism.



could you please post links to this history.
the history is well known....

is it the devote godly believer... who rapes? kills? steals??
no... he to scared of gods wrath.

its always some joker who may claim to be religious...

who may even believe in his own mind that he is godly...

but who still... kills.. robs.. rapes... and then goes to church.

atheist come in all colors.... and they hide behind every belief system..

but they dont really care... and have no fear.. no shame.. no guilt.

they.. the unbelieving... have always been the trouble.
even if they say they believe..... hypocracy knows no boundries.

she did ask you to post evidencial links, not hearsay.
if the history was well known, why would she ask for links.
post up the links to the evidence.
Dude, I know people kill people. That's a given. But religion fuels that. What, you think Jesus was killed just because people kill people? No, Jesus went against the Jewish teachings (religion in that time), no one liked that, and since their religion told them to kill the blesphemer (the biggest sin of them all) and they followed their teachings and killed Jesus.

The key thing to note is that though religion does preach love and all that, it also preaches moral standards, which are used to judge other people and their circumstances. Religious people don't look at drug addicts as other human beings bounded by the circumstances they were born in and thus needs forms of rehabilitation, but instead views them as sinners who needs to either change their ways or go to prison as their punishment. REligion makes the religious person feel more superior to others and gives them a firm belief that they will end up in heaven wheareas the people with different opinions around them will end up in hell. With that kind of mindset, religion fuels anger, division, and even to some extent, war.

Christopher Columbus decimated millions of natives here in America for the name of God and conversion. Of course, search for gold and spices and slaves was involved; I don't deny that. But God was used as an excuse, Christianity justified the conquest. When religion is used to justify the deaths and rapes of millions of people, that's when I start to realize, religion is just a piece of shit. And religion also is a waste of time.

Why waste breath arguing, and trying to convert? We should waste more breath trying to destroy racist thoughts in our minds. Life is not a morality play as religions try to make it out to be; life simply is life, and it needs simply be lived, as best as possible.
dont blame god.... for the evils of men...

even for atheists like you.


Unfortumately for you, I'm not an atheist. I believe in the exiestence of God. I just hate that God with all passion there is. I'm a theist with hate. If I had my own religion, I'd call it Fuck-Godist.
Unfortumately for you, I'm not an atheist. I believe in the exiestence of God. I just hate that God with all passion there is. I'm a theist with hate. If I had my own religion, I'd call it Fuck-Godist.
I think youd be clasiffied as Maltheist :)
dont blame god....
who else would you blame IF god created ALL???

do tell,...who and where has ever persecuted tortured murdered burned others at the stake like your religious fucks did IN THE NAME OF ATHEISM??
NO ONE EVER ,so stop jiving shyt,bro.
Unfortumately for you, I'm not an atheist. I believe in the exiestence of God. I just hate that God with all passion there is. I'm a theist with hate. If I had my own religion, I'd call it Fuck-Godist.

well... then you have proven yourself to be a complete moron.

you believe in a god... and recognise your debt to him for granting humans life in the first place...

and yet you hate god for this?

it is clear... you hate yourself... and blame god.

well... then you have proven yourself to be a complete moron.

you believe in a god... and recognise your debt to him for granting humans life in the first place...

and yet you hate god for this?

it is clear... you hate yourself... and blame god.


Look at human life. Is it worth it? It's one of the most miserable gift (if you would call it that) God has ever given. Life is hell in itself. That's why the richer you get, the more you stuff you get, the more you realize that life just sucks. And who created life?!!! God did.

And yes, I do fucking hate myself. But who created me? God did. Thus, God sucks and God is responsible for everything good AND fucking horrible in this world.

Answer me this: How can you claim that God created everything (including cancer) and yet blame a man's sin for getting that cancer which God has crated? How can you worship and love a God has created that pain, that suffering? Tell me how and maybe I'll see your argument in a new light.
and by the way, we're still on the topic that religion creates everything evil in the world and thus should be either forgotten or abolished.

Look at human life. Is it worth it? It's one of the most miserable gift (if you would call it that) God has ever given. Life is hell in itself. That's why the richer you get, the more you stuff you get, the more you realize that life just sucks. And who created life?!!! God did.

Perhaps thats why scripture doesn't advocate material acquisition as the perfection of life

And yes, I do fucking hate myself. But who created me? God did. Thus, God sucks and God is responsible for everything good AND fucking horrible in this world.

Answer me this: How can you claim that God created everything (including cancer) and yet blame a man's sin for getting that cancer which God has crated? How can you worship and love a God has created that pain, that suffering? Tell me how and maybe I'll see your argument in a new light.

seems like you are suffering from tagging eternal spiritual values on temporary material things
You think life is good without material acquision? You're shitting yourself. Let me list all the thigns that make life horrible, just some:

cancer, racism, oppression, slavery (human trafficking still goes on in many parts of the world), rape, AIDS, meningitis, mental retardation, being born transgender and then being discriminated because of that, homelessness, toxic waste, homicide, war, having someone that you love die, heartbreaks, one-way love, divorce, being widowed, earthquake, fraud, identity theft, torture (Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo), restraint and totalitarianism (NOrth Korea), discrimination, sexism, cold virus, white collar crime, emotional depression (pills don't help), drug addiction, being born with a dysfunctional body part, blindness, deafness, mental retardation, acid rain, ultraviolet rays, hot climate (killed 100 people in France in 2001), cold climate (that's how so many Russians in history have perished), etc...

Holy shit! And who the fuck created life?!!!

and you say: "seems like you are suffering from tagging eternal spiritual values on temporary material things."

This doesn't answer my question. You don't tell me how you're able to love God for this life he created. And cancer is not a material thing. Cancer just happens. Man can not be blamed for cancer. Yeah, it's a virus that enters you. But who created that cancer virus, you who believes in God? If you believe God created everything in the world, then God created this virus too and thus caused your loved ones to have cancer. Just telling me that I have tagged spiritual value to a material value -- which may be true -- still doesn't answer the question: Why the fuck should I love a God that created something like cancer? Why? Tell me why. cAn't you just do that for me? Huh?

You think life is good without material acquision?
material acquisition is good for many things however happiness, which seems to be th issue you are addressing, is not one of them

You're shitting yourself. Let me list all the thigns that make life horrible, just some:

cancer, racism, oppression, slavery (human trafficking still goes on in many parts of the world), rape, AIDS, meningitis, mental retardation, being born transgender and then being discriminated because of that, homelessness, toxic waste, homicide, war, having someone that you love die, heartbreaks, one-way love, divorce, being widowed, earthquake, fraud, identity theft, torture (Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo), restraint and totalitarianism (NOrth Korea), discrimination, sexism, cold virus, white collar crime, emotional depression (pills don't help), drug addiction, being born with a dysfunctional body part, blindness, deafness, mental retardation, acid rain, ultraviolet rays, hot climate (killed 100 people in France in 2001), cold climate (that's how so many Russians in history have perished), etc...

Holy shit! And who the fuck created life?!!!

and you say: "seems like you are suffering from tagging eternal spiritual values on temporary material things."

sufferings caused by the environment, sufferings caused by other living entities and sufferings caused by one's own body and mind are inescapable in material existence - this world is like a travellers house and attachment to any of the temporary things does not cause happiness

This doesn't answer my question. You don't tell me how you're able to love God for this life he created.
"the worst is not as long as we can say "this is the worst" - King Lear

And cancer is not a material thing. Cancer just happens. Man can not be blamed for cancer. Yeah, it's a virus that enters you. But who created that cancer virus, you who believes in God? If you believe God created everything in the world, then God created this virus too and thus caused your loved ones to have cancer.

what you say is true - but the pointis that god has two creations - the material realm and the spiritual realm (both of which are eternal) - we however (also being eternal) cannot cut out a comfortable eternal life in the material world - although if we want we can spend an eternity in such material endeavours

Just telling me that I have tagged spiritual value to a material value -- which may be true -- still doesn't answer the question: Why the fuck should I love a God that created something like cancer? Why? Tell me why. cAn't you just do that for me? Huh?
Even without cancer the material world would still be dreadful - many an atheist on this site has even expressed relief at the notion of mortality since an eternity in the same material body in the same material world would probably confer an even greater punishment

As for loving god - love (between any two persons) cannot be legislated or established by logic - it is establsihed by service - so at the moment it seems you're not in a position to render any service to god so perhaps it would be more fitting to discuss why one should render service to god (which can be discussed according to logic etc)
Alright fine. I'll reword the question, you being so technical: Why should I think well of God or even consider giving him some sort of service to him when he's created the spritual and material realm which in the end only amounts to so much suffering? Does that rewording help?

And inescapable my butt. God didn't necessarily have to create cancer in the first place so that no one would even have to think about escaping, am I not right?
Physical life is painful and cruel. You are being tested and your immortal soul is what is up for grabs. God has snuck alot of his beauty into this world as well, but it is easy to be blind to it.
If you believe that when you die, your dead-end of story, then I can understand your confusion, but god promises everlasting life. Look at the biblical Job. God played a number on him. But our life here is short and really meaningless, but holds the key to our destiny.
If a man were to rob me of every possesion I had, kill my family, rape my body, torture then disfigure and cripple me-do you think god would care? I don't. He would care how you responded to this as our life is his gift, not our possesion. He might have a word with the perp, though.
Your distaste for religion may not dam your soul, but God wants you to spread his message and be a testimony to his word.