Religion is necessary

The leftist church of today is preached by the leftist cardinals and their main street media priests, which are not an objective source of balanced news. They create their own alternate reality mythology. This mythology is biased left and prefers the bizarre and unnatural, over anything natural and wholesome.

Balanced news would teach people the skills of rational and critical thinking. Balance and complete data is a prerequisite for critical thinking. If news was balanced and objective, it might be a good substitute for religion, for those who don't like religion. But as is, biased media is a very poor substitute for religion since it does not allow a rational connection to reality. This is the main argument so atheism against religion, that also applies to the left.

How is the behavior of the left, different from a holy war, where there is blind fear and hatred? You don't see the religious flocks rioting and busting up town centers link the religions on the left. Others than the extreme violence of the Muslim Extremist, how does the narrow minded bigotry of the left, differ? They think they are righteous based on their preachers, who specialize in alternate reality; mythology. PC is nothing but a knockoff religion that preaches its own version of morality; verbal based, with its heaven and hell here on earth. The gate to the liberal heaven is enforced by the left.

There is a saying that you judge a tree by the fruit it bears. Compare the godless left to the god fearing right. Which fruit is unhinged? The left hand to go back to the past to its point. I can go to to the present. How can you argue that this is better, when that fruit has worms. It is all about leftist mythology.
:rolleyes: Hammer that nail, wellwisher. Hammer that nail.
I agree religion, for the most part, is very problematic for a number of reasons but the 'morals' and 'ethics' aspect is taught mainly through them. Most or many children learn about ethics through sunday school etc.

I cannot agree with this as secular laws are much better than the laws of the Gods.

I cannot see how anyone can get good morals and ethics from a genocidal son murdering God whose religion is intolerant, homophobic and misogynous.

Why, though, do you you say it requires religion to foster positive cultural values? Why can't they grow just from good people teaching good ethics to their children?

By your logic, it would seem that non-religious people should make the up vast bulk of criminals.
And that non-religious people wold likewise make up the vast bulk of those who have/engage in broken homes, shallow relationships/fornication, disrespect, profanity, vanity, alcoholism/drugs.

This is not so.

It is interesting that some religious countries (e.g. USA, India, Brazil) have high rates of murder, teenage pregnancies and other social ills, but the less religious countries (e.g. Denmark, Switzerland) have corresponding low rates and indeed, often score higher in "happiness and well-being" studies. However, the size of country may be a more reliable factor:- Compare Russia with Malta. Studies of prisoners in the UK and USA appear to show a greater proportion of Christians than in the general population.
And they should lock up more of them (christians)
"How come you don't rape, steal, and kill if you don't believe in a punishment after death?"

"Well, given the revelatory nature of your comment, I would have to say that I don't want to act like a Christian."
"How come you don't rape, steal, and kill if you don't believe in a punishment after death?"
An interesting question.
Firstly I have not had a need.
I never had problems with girls as in absence in my life.
My experience has been they chase me so .....
Never had the need to steal as have been content with what I had.

Never been in a fight that required me to kill to stop the fight.

I do the right thing because I want to not feel bad about myself and make my parents proud and certainly not from fear of judgement and punishment by a mythical character.
The first question is addressed to atheists frequently. Evidently the first of punishment in the after-life is what believers claim to be the basis of their morality. This is, quite simply, pathetic.

But, as it so very typical, believers don't realize that atheists know that punishment in the corporeal state is actually real, and we can't get out of it by "deathbed conversions". That's why atheists represent a very small percentage of the prison populations.

And whether or not you get enough nooky isn't germane to the discussion.
It is interesting that some religious countries (e.g. USA, India, Brazil) have high rates of murder, teenage pregnancies and other social ills, but the less religious countries (e.g. Denmark, Switzerland) have corresponding low rates and indeed, often score higher in "happiness and well-being" studies. However, the size of country may be a more reliable factor:- Compare Russia with Malta. Studies of prisoners in the UK and USA appear to show a greater proportion of Christians than in the general population.
Yeah, you gotta be careful about establishing correlations between such things.

It is interesting to note the "relationship" between pirates and global warming too:
Negligences and mispriscriptions shoud not be made basis of any treatment. Only its effects and side effects should be accountable. Like it, main basis of any religion should ne counted not their misuse or misunderstandings esp in vested interests and ignorance.
Main benefits from true religion should come from faith, religious practices, diet control, meditation, physical, mental, natural & social harmony etc. These should at least have proven benefits.
Negligences and mispriscriptions shoud not be made basis of any treatment. Only its effects and side effects should be accountable. Like it, main basis of any religion should ne counted not their misuse or misunderstandings esp in vested interests and ignorance.
Main benefits from true religion should come from faith, religious practices, diet control, meditation, physical, mental, natural & social harmony etc. These should at least have proven benefits.
You appear to be explaining (and now you have opened the religious box) perhaps preaching ideas which amount to reasonable common sense which reasonable common sense people would agree with

However your concept of biology is way way incorrect and you would do well if you improved your understanding in that are

Please if are intending to preach DON'T

You appear to be explaining (and now you have opened the religious box) perhaps preaching ideas which amount to reasonable common sense which reasonable common sense people would agree with

However your concept of biology is way way incorrect and you would do well if you improved your understanding in that are

Please if are intending to preach DON'T

No preaching. Just logical explaination.
I have come to realize religion is necessary for a healthy society and has it's place.

The problems stem, like most, from decievers, con-artists and those who use religion for nefarious agendas. It just has to be controlled or counter-balanced so it does not get out of hand, like anything in society.

The problem with religion is that it can't be defined by legislation as easily as can any other aspect of life, which invites abuse. My experience is that spirituality is free for all, there's no need to try purchasing it with money or effort.