Religion Is A Pop-Culture

murder and slay?

*Xev cranks up Davar*

They are different. Do not ask me for this, my knowledge of Hebrew does not go this far. But slaying implies something you do to another human in wartime - with the lapse of rules that goes with war - and murder is a unlawful killing.

so- If I want to kill smone I better declare war on him, so I wouldn't be punished by Jahve

thnx, Xev:)
so- If I want to kill smone I better declare war on him, so I wouldn't be punished by Jahve

I think you have to be one of YHWH 's chosen people too.

*Xev grins evilly and muses that it would be very easy for her to return to her roots here*

Teehee, I even say YHWH now. Fear me! :D
were all crusaders chosen by christian god?

btw- apparently Jahve can choose himself, so if I'm made at the image if him /Elohim/ I should be able to choose myself also- especially after that tasty apple you gave to Eve

edit- sorry for "Jahve"
it's how he is written in Latvian- I'm sorta used to it
I'll be better frm now on


You may be made in God's image, but I'm an antichrist. Neener neener neener. :p
I just have to throw a stick at you and you will annihilate, like all anti particles :p

btw- I'm an incarnation of an ancient god in a human form
it's not so bad
just have to throw a stick at you and you will annihilate, like all anti particles

No no, you'd have to throw Christ at the Anti-Christ to make me annihalate.

btw- I'm an incarnation of an ancient god in a human form
it's not so bad

Yeah, well, ah, I'm part lizard.

Gracious, this is getting weird.
actually no- anything that consists of usual particles- because Christ (or what is left of him) also consists of usual particles

* Avatar becoes thoughtful and takes a big spade and starts to dig a big hole looking for Christs remains

this is getting weird.
of course it is- it's 5am and I'm weird @ nights
ask anyone I know
actually no- anything that consists of usual particles- because Christ (or what is left of him) also consists of usual particles

I start babbling about being the antichrist and you see fit to bring physics into this?

How do you know Christ consisted of normal particles? Maybe He was made of God particles.

* Avatar becoes thoughtful and takes a big spade and starts to dig a big hole looking for Christs remains

*Listens to the firey tree that tells her what to do*

of course it is- it's 5am and I'm weird @ nights

Well, this is fun. It is like D&D on acid. :cool:
I start babbling about being the antichrist and you see fit to bring physics into this?
:D YES:D I'm always serious:bugeye: HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

How do you know Christ consisted of normal particles? Maybe He was made of God particles.
there are no god particles detected, but I'd blow up one if you have, to detect such:D

*Listens to the firey tree that tells her what to do*
*Avatar has made an arrangment with firey tree to give Xev bad advices:p

btw- your roman name would be- Xevious Vicious:p
another weird deep night though

damn- I edited while you were posting

no harm done- (I love this phrase from DeusEx)
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Oh, okay.

*Wanders off to chat-up the Whore of Babylon*

there are no god particles detected, but I'd blow up one if you have, to detect such

*Builds synchotron*

*Avatar has made an agreement with firey tree togive Xev bad advices

Shut up back there, I'm talking to Yahwah!
Atheists/Agnostics always strongly attack those things which are the best proofs that God is alive and working in human society. For instance:
I disagree... If anyone EVER presented me enough evidence suggesting God exists to contradict all the evidence I have stating otherwise, I would stongly concider it. I have no "faith" in being Godless, I just want the truth, and so far, all evidence points to there not being one. You sound as though Athiests are purposely out to destroy God. Well, maybe some are... But the majority just want the truth, and when we realized that there was no reason to believe in a God, creationalists got very defensive (ie: burned them at the stake). I am not out to destroy the idea of God, I'm out to destroy the dogma of God.
Christians believe Humans are the special creation of God. Therefore science says that humans are nothing but animals.
We are just animals. If God created us, but everything else is just animals, why are our internal organs so similar? Did God use animals as a model? And what about evolution? I mean, an insect has the ability to jump thousands of times it's height. An ability we do not have. Does that mean insects are God's diving creation above us? Or that evolution gave them a defense/offensive ability they needed?
Christians believe in a risen savior. Therefore, the atheist tells us that Jesus' never even existed to begin with.
I for one, have never said this. I believe a Jesus existed, and even think he was a hell of a guy. But not "God's" son... And just to make it interesting, you do know Jesus's whole life was spent fighting the idea of "religion" and christians devoted one to him... He's probably rolling over in his grave...
Christians believe in a supernatural revelation from God, called the Bible. The atheist says it is a fabrication.
Depends how you mean fabrication... I don't think it was a joke... I think it's a book of exadurations and myths written over a very long period of time.
Humanity can see the handiwork of God in all of nature. Science tells us it was all the work of random evolution.
Pretty much... Doesn't make it any less amazing... More so if you ask me...
Christians have faith in things unseen. Atheists claim that they do not have, nor do they need faith. Yet both sides need plenty of faith to believe what they do.
I have no faith in anything... If God parted the clouds and said it's time to be judged, I'd obviously believe in God. But a christian sees the world is round, not flat, evolution, not Adam and Eve, and yet they don't budge on their beliefs, as they are continually proven wrong, because of faith... Religion starts with assumption of total knowledge, athiesm/science starts with the assumption of zero knowledge... Take human ego out of the equation and it's the only logical thing to do...
What is your evidence that there is no distinction between humans and animals?
DNA, evolution, similarities in bodies & instincts
What is your evidence that the Bible is a hoax?
The flood, with noah's ark... We have always had the exact same amount of water on this planet. Where is the garden of Eden? Obviously we've gotten back in cause we've been pretty much everywhere without a real problem. Evolution, dinosaurs both don't like Adam and Eve too much...
What is your evidence that the world came about through evolution?
The world did not, our current state of life on this planet did. Evidence: fossils, carbon dating, dna, similarites in body and instincts.
There is no one so religious as the devout atheist
An athiest has no faith. Show me evidence of a God, and I may concider it to be the truth, depending on conditions, significance, etc...
Got anything else?
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If the shoe fits....

I want to say right now that sometimes when I comment, some of you get somewhat offended because you think I took an unfair swipe at you.

I know some of you are very level headed and open minded, but some of you are closed-minded as all get out.

Usually I direct the harsher criticisms at those who do not relent from their dogmatism even the slightest bit, those who seem to be devoid of humor, and those who are on a crusade to rid the world of foul Christians. (it's okay Cris, I'm done. Settle down)

Avatar... have you been taking happy pills lately? You used to act like a phallus, but now you are cool. What gives? Has Xev's confident-nifty-ness rubbed off on you?

Xev, Thanks for the clarification about James R... Judging by his replies and posts "agnostic" must mean "vehemently disagree with every freakin' thing that ekimklaw says"!

Also Xev, you're right, I am very peaceful. I am not like the whacko Christians you mentioned. I'm often told I am "too nice". I would never lift a finger to hurt another human being unless I was defending myself, or a loved one.

Just remember, I do not with to tar all atheists with the same brush. Blanket statements are a drag. I will attempt to clarify myself better in subsequent posts.


Avatar... have you been taking happy pills lately? You used to act like a phallus, but now you are cool. What gives? Has Xev's confident-nifty-ness rubbed off on you?

no- no happy pills:(

interesting- how does a phallus act?

anyway Xev doesn't have any influence on me (may I continue, Xev?) and

I have come to a conclusion that all religions are so below my level of intellect that I better regard them as a joke (even if they are jokes of gods) and not take them seriously. Also I'm pretty fed up with explanation talks (no use of it really - there are people who see what religions are and people who don't) and now prefer a bit of distanced irony.

so be a christian- whatever
I'm an atheist - whatever

Intelligent debate? Okay. I'll bite. Where?

Sorry to bug you all but it seems that Notme in the guise of Empty Dragon has advised that there is intelligent debate to be found here. Mostly because Notme doesn't feel like defending his silly topic post elswhere. But he did say there was intelligent debate going on in this topic, so I thought I'd stick my nose in with a simple question:


Xev ... the only thing I wanted to mention directly was that wonderful point of Adam's which you happened to repeat in this topic, that atheism is the state in which we are born. Well, when we are born, we cannot walk, cannot even breathe on our own, cannot feed ourselves, and we urinate and defecate wherever we sit. Oh, yeah. And, when we're born, we're atheists.

I would say "two cents", but I"m not sure these comments are worth even that ;)

Tiassa :cool:
Avatar wrote:
interesting- how does a phallus act?

Like a dick. (pardon my French)

Avatar wrote:
anyway Xev doesn't have any influence on me (may I continue, Xev?)

Well, she certainly has an influence on me! I won't get into details here.

Avatar wrote:
I have come to a conclusion that all religions are so below my level of intellect that I better regard them as a joke (even if they are jokes of gods) and not take them seriously.

That's one way to look at it. When something is beyond comprehension, simply mock it, say it is beneath you, and ignore it. That's called a defense mechanism.

Avatar wrote:
Also I'm pretty fed up with explanation talks (no use of it really - there are people who see what religions are and people who don't) and now prefer a bit of distanced irony.

Come on... you don't know... maybe 20 people have renounced God just by reading your posts. Now by turning into "Casper Milquetoast" they will think you are a quitter and scurry back to their pews. You can't let them down. Hows that for irony?

Avatar wrote:
so be a christian- whatever
I'm an atheist - whatever

That's what I said from the very start. To each his own according to his will.

I like you being nice AVATAR, but I don't want you to become patronizing and dull.

Peace to you!

Takes 2 sides to debate

Tiassa wrote:
Sorry to bug you all but it seems that Notme in the guise of Empty Dragon has advised that there is intelligent debate to be found here. Mostly because Notme doesn't feel like defending his silly topic post elswhere. But he did say there was intelligent debate going on in this topic, so I thought I'd stick my nose in with a simple question: Where?

Hey we can't be at the top of our game every time...

Tiassa wrote:
...when we are born, we cannot walk, cannot even breathe on our own, cannot feed ourselves, and we urinate and defecate wherever we sit. Oh, yeah. And, when we're born, we're atheists.

And possibly Democrats. ;)

you take my strong statements for true statements
I can be lying

I like you being nice AVATAR, but I don't want you to become patronizing and dull.
whatever- I really don't care what YOU want ME to become.

anyways- I never have patronised, sometimes just frustrated

When I decide smthing it's democratic decision which is made by me consulting with myself and I......oh and maybe Xev:D j/k

When something is beyond comprehension
I wouldn't say that- I have understood it all- discussions with my fellow christian latvians were a great help

they will think you are a quitter and scurry back to their pews.
I really don't care what others think [except if they think tht I'm a religious person which is extremely unlikely]

Peace to you!
10 4, out
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