Religion Is A Pop-Culture

on second thought

I suppose greenpeace, WWF and so on are non-affiliated, but on a smaller scale - community-wise, it's still a valid question.
I did generalise, but because it wasn't the point. I mean some Jews recognise Jesus at least as a historical figure (Yeshua), but probably don't particarly like him because he made some scathing remarks about Judaism (although he was a Jew himself).

A: There is a difference between "historical figure" and "prophet". A difference which should be obvious to anyone with an IQ above that of a retarded sea bass.

B: Jesus did not make scathing remarks about Judaism. I suggest you read the New Testament, especially Luke, John, Matthew and Mark.

C: Many athiests believe that Jesus existed as a historical figure. The evidence points that way.

Jews are still waiting for OT prophesies to become fulfilled,

Such as?

and yes they are scattered.

You might have heard of this place called "Isreal"? It's been in the news lately.......

Christians, even in Jesus' time, were drawn mostly from non-Jewish nations (and still are).

There weren't any Jewish nations in Jesus' time, so your point remains a mystery.

Jesus was certainly never accepted within his lifetime as a political or religious leader by any majority of the Israelite nation.

He refused to act as the Messiah should. Like duh!

Unlike Judaism and Islam, Christianity did not start until after the death of its principal prophet.

Huh? Judaism does not have a "principal prophet" and Islam started while Muhammed (PBOH) was still alive and kicking.

So only when Jesus died, did he fulfill his life's work. That means his death is the significant event.

Umm, no. It means nothing. My life's work is to get drunk on Grand Marnier, have sex and read Nietzsche as much as humanly possible.

Won't make me the daughter of God if I succeed.

Christianity did not succeed or envelop Judaism, it is like Judaism with its prophesies fulfilled.

Umm, no it is not. The approaches to God are radically different, for starters.

Christianity has never and likely will never approach Judaism in level of complexity, intensity, beauty, or sheer niftiness.
When was the beginning of humanity?
Depends what you constitute as human, keep in mind I am a believer of evolution.
So when Jesus says “you must love the Lord thy God with all your heart” is he lying?
When he said trust in God, etc... I believe he believed what he was saying. He believed in a God, therefore when he referred to one he wasn't lying, just wrong (in my opinion). The powerful message I am referring to is the many lessons you can learn from his teachings and actions.
Do something about what?
What he believed in. He never waged war, except on war. He showed that peace can work, if you'll let it. Unfortunately, some were not willing to let it work.
Even though you may be an “atheist” by definition, why do you regard yourself as an “atheist” or if you were a theist by definition, a “theist.” You are a person and when you express yourself, it is actually the “person” that expresses, a pure atheist or theist expression is a fallacy.
Very true! That you know this shows you are a very open-minded person. When one refers to another as an athiest or theist, all that means to me as proven or unprovable (though still possible). Other than that one thing, everything else I will have to learn about each individual person.
Another great reply, Jan! Keep em coming, this is an interesting debate!

Depends what you constitute as human, keep in mind I am a believer of evolution.

You raised the point.

just wrong (in my opinion).

In my opinion, you are wrong.

The powerful message I am referring to is the many lessons you can learn from his teachings and actions.

Such as?

What he believed in.


Unfortunately, some were not willing to let it work.

And nothing has changed.


Jan Ardena.