Religion: Ironically the root of all evil?

Originally posted by (Q)
Is that an indirect flame directed at moi ?

Not at all, at worst a slightely provocative challenge.

IF you can think of someone, let me know!


Jan Ardena.

Without knowing the complete history of any one individual that you or I can agree, that would be difficult. If, on the other hand, you're talking about someone known from an historical point of view, I'm sure I could come up with dozens, if not more.

If you're referring to the confines of Sciforums, I could also come up with a number of members.

Whether you agree with my choices or not is an entirely different matter.

Perhaps you may want to start a new thread and take a poll of our members. The poll may also include people of historical nature and the members could debate. Sounds like a real winner. :)
Originally posted by (Q)
Originally posted by (Q)
If you're referring to the confines of Sciforums, I could also come up with a number of members.

Whether you agree with my choices or not is an entirely different matter.

The problem with that is that it would not be objective or honest IMO. The best way I think is to look at the attributes you gave. Most of them I agreed with, except…..“They don't follow prophets and fantasies, they follow thinkers and good ideas.

I think you are being bias if not naïve there, that is clearly not an objective point. :)

Based on that, the idea of creating a poll would just end up in unecassary argument, then eventually the atheists losing control of their tempers, would become loud, obnoxious, arrogant and degrading, then the next few threads would have titles such as “god is a moron” or “is jesus a bastard.” :D

Wouldn’t you agree? :)


Jan Ardena.
The problem with that is that it would not be objective or honest IMO. The best way I think is to look at the attributes you gave. Most of them I agreed with, except…..“They don't follow prophets and fantasies, they follow thinkers and good ideas.

I think you are being bias if not naïve there, that is clearly not an objective point.

Most rational people usually do not follow. But if they did, they would follow the ideas of other rational people. Religion is based on prophets and fantasies. No rational person would ever follow a religion based on the belief of gods or the fantasies portrayed in religion.

In your opinion, what would be objective ?

Based on that, the idea of creating a poll would just end up in unecassary argument, then eventually the atheists losing control of their tempers, would become loud, obnoxious, arrogant and degrading, then the next few threads would have titles such as “god is a moron” or “is jesus a bastard.”

Perhaps, but there would be a couple or three goods seeds of debate amongst all the chaff. Of course, you'll never know unless you create the poll.

I find it interesting you would assume only the atheists would lose their tempers, become loud, obnoxious, arrogant and degrading. I've read many posts from theists who have exhibited exactly those traits. Now you're not being objective. ;)
Originally posted by (Q)
Religion is based on prophets and fantasies. No rational person would ever follow a religion based on the belief of gods or the fantasies portrayed in religion.

That is like saying 'science' is based on test tubes and bunsen burners, :) your analysis of religion falls short of its purpose, but I do agree that modern day religion has mostly become what you say.

In your opinion, what would be objective ?

The objective of religion is as Lord Jesus Christ says, love the Lord Thy God with all your heart, that is the only aim of any bona-fide religion.

Perhaps, but there would be a couple or three goods seeds of debate amongst all the chaff. Of course, you'll never know unless you create the poll.

I can only go on what I see. :p

I find it interesting you would assume only the atheists would lose their tempers, become loud, obnoxious, arrogant and degrading. I've read many posts from theists who have exhibited exactly those traits. Now you're not being objective.

I have read some bad tempered posts from theists, but in all honesty they seemed to be from Kalvin B.
If you were to look at the current religious posts, I’m quit sure you will not find any bad tempered theists….I may be wrong……but I doubt it. ;)


Jan Ardena.