Religion: Good or bad?

Has religion has a net positive effect?

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im intrigued about your experiences, but i'd like to note one of my opinions. cowboys suck, go redskins
First of all, the cowboys will always be my team; even though they have not done well for too long. The Denver broncos are my favorite team as of right now.
But what does this have to do with religion??????
First of all, the cowboys will always be my team; even though they have not done well for too long. The Denver broncos are my favorite team as of right now.
But what does this have to do with religion??????
not much, but it does show that you always remember the cowboys as your team, no matter how bad they are doing.
its shows your sense of loyalty, and it starts to paint a starting point of your personality in my mind.
Religion is BULLSHIT!

He does bring up an excellent point... God is all powerful, all knowing, all seeing, but he always needs MONEY! Guy has unlimited power, but he can't handle his finances!

This... this is why I dislike most modern "organized religions"... tax free organizations, yet they always need a bit more of your money.

I like the way my church does it... they recommend you tithe if you are able, but the emphasis is on putting that money to work and using it in conjunction with your time... as an example, they routinely have projects where they go out and help the elderly/sick/disabled fix up their house, do repairs, etc. Money that comes in is often put into projects of community aide, as well as local aid (case in point, the church has a 'family fund' that members and guests can ask for a bit of financial help from if they find themselves in a tight spot. It's only a few hundred dollars - but they helped my wife and I get our previous vehicle repaired and inspected to keep it on the road long enough for us to be able to continue to go to work and eventually save up to buy a new vehicle to replace the one that was nickel/diming us to death)
He does bring up an excellent point... God is all powerful, all knowing, all seeing, but he always needs MONEY! Guy has unlimited power, but he can't handle his finances!

This... this is why I dislike most modern "organized religions"... tax free organizations, yet they always need a bit more of your money.

I like the way my church does it... they recommend you tithe if you are able, but the emphasis is on putting that money to work and using it in conjunction with your time... as an example, they routinely have projects where they go out and help the elderly/sick/disabled fix up their house, do repairs, etc. Money that comes in is often put into projects of community aide, as well as local aid (case in point, the church has a 'family fund' that members and guests can ask for a bit of financial help from if they find themselves in a tight spot. It's only a few hundred dollars - but they helped my wife and I get our previous vehicle repaired and inspected to keep it on the road long enough for us to be able to continue to go to work and eventually save up to buy a new vehicle to replace the one that was nickel/diming us to death)
What denomination of church is it?
What denomination of church is it?

It's a United Methodist Church, but it is a bit... different... than most. Instead if the real somber and quiet services, it focuses more on being aware and the music and the emotional aspect of feeling His presence in our actions and words. Very contemporary and upbeat, and very welcoming - the pastors have helped several of the young adult members who were gay/bi to come out to their parents and helped mediate more than a few conflicts.

The youth pastors were at my brothers graduation ceremony to support several of the kids whose parents were either unwilling or unable to attend. They... well, they get it. They seem to understand that you have to help a child grow into a mature adult... it doesn't just happen... but that doing so means helping not just discipline them, but to comfort and support them.
What denomination of church is it?

Methodists believe in God, Jesus, the Holy Ghost, angels, demons, prayer, heaven, and hell. Apparently Kittamaru believes in those as well. Not very scientific now is it?
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Methodists believe in God, Jesus, the Holy Ghost, angels, demons, prayer, heaven, and hell. Apparently Kittamaru believes in those as well. Not very scientific now is it?

Says the one who believes in Ghosts, Bigfoot, Anal Probing Aliens, and Voices from the Beyond... the fact that you believe in ghosts and spiritual voices would seem to indicate you have some sort of belief in what many would call a "religious experience"... I dare say, it seems like you simply came here to say that in an attempt at eliciting an emotive response... iow you came here simply to troll the thread. This is unacceptable and you know it...
You are purposely trolling... knock it off.
Says the one who believes in Ghosts, Bigfoot, Anal Probing Aliens, and Voices from the Beyond... the fact that you believe in ghosts and spiritual voices would seem to indicate you have some sort of belief in what many would call a "religious experience"... I dare say, it seems like you simply came here to say that in an attempt at eliciting an emotive response... iow you came here simply to troll the thread. This is unacceptable and you know it...

I see , Kittamaru , so as long as the voices and physical evidence are from the Bible , your good . the bible has been edited hundreds of years ago , you know this ? right

You are being a bit sanctimonious here Kittamaru . You are letting your religious beliefs get in the way , of rational and logical thinking .
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What "religious beliefs" of Kittamaru's are getting in the way of rational and logical thinking?