Religion-for self or for GOD?

But GOD is said to be omni-potent almighty and a cause to all happenings.
Correct, we can only be "passers by", and not judge others, specially try to judge God Himself.

Will love not be an initiation to bonding, whereas GOD may desire ultimate goal for humans-- salvation/nirvana (free from all bondings/modifications)?
Noone can really describe Nirvana, but love makes our ego disappear, and that is the only way we can reach Nirvana.

HE is said to be indescribable. I doubt HE gave us love to others as a bonding but might have given loving HIM or atrraction towards HIM.
HE gave us love, on which all the Wisdom of God is represented. When we love, we do not care for ourselves, we become the love. The Ego is only happy when we hate, because it grows stronger.

In view of GOD is omnipotent, free will looks bit doubtful.
You may perceive the reality like that, but if you decide to kill someone, you can do it, and God won´t strike you with lightning. The thing is, you will pay for that action, because of all the hate your act generated towards others; when your actions could have generated love, you chose to generate hate.

Correct but voluntry towards HIM, though HE is said to be omni-preasent.
HE is omni-present, in each and every one of us, the thing is, we do not listed to HIM... Mostly we can only listed to our society-imposed ego; and our ego enyoys judging.

Everyone may want to go to heaven, but who want to die?
To embrace death, is to be enlightened, to be enlightened, it to reach Heaven.
Correct, we can only be "passers by", and not judge others, specially try to judge God Himself.

Noone can really describe Nirvana, but love makes our ego disappear, and that is the only way we can reach Nirvana.

Is it not that Nirvana, salvation, moksha or other word to it, means "free from all bondages? May it be free from all chemical bondages in body, not even spectrum?

HE gave us love, on which all the Wisdom of God is represented. When we love, we do not care for ourselves, we become the love. The Ego is only happy when we hate, because it grows stronger.

It is to be cleared, whether love or hate is toward GOD or towards wordly things and beings.

You may perceive the reality like that, but if you decide to kill someone, you can do it, and God won´t strike you with lightning. The thing is, you will pay for that action, because of all the hate your act generated towards others; when your actions could have generated love, you chose to generate hate.

Yes, all odd acts and deeds may only be "self effecting". But when you are balanced or you add to balance in any way, you do support HIS desire/system or nature's balance..a perfect harmonly among all things and beings. Not so?

HE is omni-present, in each and every one of us, the thing is, we do not listed to HIM... Mostly we can only listed to our society-imposed ego; and our ego enyoys judging.

In view of HIS omnipotency, how above can become possible?

To embrace death, is to be enlightened, to be enlightened, it to reach Heaven.

Is it on enjoying the death. Pursuing Free from bondings, may be pursuing "to be enlightened".
Is it not that Nirvana, salvation, moksha or other word to it, means "free from all bondages? May it be free from all chemical bondages in body, not even spectrum?

Nirvana is about the completion of our karma cycle. If we accept our karma, with open hands, something wonderfull may happen...

It is to be cleared, whether love or hate is toward GOD or towards wordly things and beings.

But love and hate do happen inside of our body, it is a part of us... It is realizing that we are more animals than nothing. Once we become aware of this.

Yes, all odd acts and deeds may only be "self effecting". But when you are balanced or you add to balance in any way, you do support HIS desire/system or nature's balance..a perfect harmonly among all things and beings. Not so?

If you support, you are going against nature, and if you don´t support, you are going against nature as well. You are right, is about balance, is about acceptance of our own karma.

In view of HIS omnipotency, how above can become possible?

It is indeed very difficult to explain, or understand God, it can´t be done, but it can be experienced. God is an inner-experience, He is inside each of us. But we fail to know God inside us, because a society-imposed ego is not letting us.

Is it on enjoying the death. Pursuing Free from bondings, may be pursuing "to be enlightened".

I Agree, but you need to experience those bondings, BE those bondings, and once you understand them, you may be free from them...
Nirvana is about the completion of our karma cycle. If we accept our karma, with open hands, something wonderfull may happen...

As such, probably we become free from all energetic and/or material bondings.

But love and hate do happen inside of our body, it is a part of us... It is realizing that we are more animals than nothing. Once we become aware of this.

That can be for moving toward god/balance.

If you support, you are going against nature, and if you don´t support, you are going against nature as well. You are right, is about balance, is about acceptance of our own karma.

Yes, going towards balance can have nagating effect on previously accumulated karmas, otherwise not.,,so good acts/punyas and sins/paapas/bad acts respectivily.

It is indeed very difficult to explain, or understand God, it can´t be done, but it can be experienced. God is an inner-experience, He is inside each of us. But we fail to know God inside us, because a society-imposed ego is not letting us.

It can be quite simple to feel HIM, but quite difficult to describe HIM, as may be beyong the capacity of common people. We have yet able to understand four fundamental forces/interactions and elementry particles, but not one mother/rime of all these, as going furthur may be beyong capicities of our measuring instruments. Attaing indicated "Divya drishti", may only be the mean to understand HIM.

I Agree, but you need to experience those bondings, BE those bondings, and once you understand them, you may be free from them...

Yes that can be deviating and moving towards god/balance, sin and good deeds. Good deed should be adding to previouly accumulated excesses of good deeds and so the bad deeds.