Religion-for self or for GOD?

That would be a non-sequitur, since it doesn't follow that because even if I admit that there could be a creator, that it must, therefore, be the one that you're deluded about. But you're right, there are things in biblical mythology that are true. Only those not completed educated on the topic would suggest that it is entirely fiction. Asses for instance. People really used them back then and the bible mentions it.

But you still haven't answered my challenge (not unexpectedly) to either show the quote or retract your ad hominem. You reply, instead, with a single non sequitur. Some might characterize that as typical of you, IAC.
I don't know. I only admit that it is possible. I don't, however, think it is plausible, likely, or even necessary for life to exist. But just because I don't know, I don't insert a magical explanation to satisfy my ignorance. That, my friend, would be the true nature of a fool.
We'll await your results "in a few million years," good luck!!!

If there is a Creator, do you suppose He just might leave us a little bitty indication that He exists, such as the Bible, and the fantastic design which we see in nature? Nah, couldn't be, right Skin?
There are lot of "bibles" and myths about 'creators,' so you've again provided us with a non sequitur. It doesn't follow that your bible, which is chock full of inconsistencies, is evidence of anything other than superstition among humanity.

Perhaps there *is* a creator of the universe (which immediately gives rise to the question of who is the creator's creator?, presenting an infinite regression of creators), but that 'creator' left its evidence on a planet of a galaxy far, far away. That might be the correct book about the correct creator, whereas the mythology that you cling to is about one invented by humanity.

If that's the case, then it is the atheists and agnostics who would be in better favor with the true creator, since we didn't fall for a false god.
If not the Bible, is there any other ancient religious book which somewhat speaks to you about what could be the true history of the Earth and Universe?
Why would there be? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Religions don't study the universe, therefore they've little useful knowledge to provide in describing it.
Kettles, pots, and several shades of black. But an answer that doesn't meet your satisfaction doesn't imply that there is no answer.
Ok, three or four deletions later, let's try this one.

How do you "know" that the God of the Bible is not "the true Creator?"

And, finally, you actually create a post with content (the posts are 'soft deleted' by the way, so James R or Plazma can look at their lack of content later).

To answer: I don't 'know.' I just see no good reason to accept the god from your biblical mythology as any more likely to be a creator than any of the other mythologies of humanity. Indeed, I see reason to believe that the god of your mythology is complete delusion, developed by Bronze and Iron Age authors who may or may not have believed their myths themselves. This is something I've discussed elsewhere and may be inclined to discuss again in the future, but would be off-topic in this thread.
What's cool, however, is that your one-liner above was intended as general spam like you usually post (then get mad because it gets deleted), but it actually demonstrates the original point that I made in my first post in this thread: that piety is for selfish reasons not altruistic.

For those that allege to be pious, "I don't know" is rarely in their vocabulary; they're afraid to utter it. Instead, they assign that which they don't know to magical and supernatural causes [insert favorite god(s)]. This is the god of the gaps argument from ignorance, but with the front of piety.

Rather than accept that coincidence and even personal skill might be involved, the allegedly pious attribute all their good-fortunes to [insert favorite god(s)]. Their inabilities are likewise attributed to their god ("god willing....").

So, when you put "I don't know," in quotes, it says much more about you than it does me.
You said it, I didn't.

And actually, Christians do good deeds to please God, to obey His will, because of the great debt which we owe Him, sure it makes us feel good, and it's nice to be thanked, but doing what God wants us to do is the biggest satisfaction.
In my opinion, most do good deeds to give the appearance of piety to their peers. There's evidence, of course, of those that do good because they truly believe in good or because they believe it pleases their superstition. These people do their good anonymously.
in otherwords is it sufficient to talk of the force that moves the universe (in an attempt to define god impersonally or in an unlocalized fashion) when we have no experience of a force or energy that isn't localized - eg light -> sun, electricity -> power house , etc - similarly, universal controlling energy -> the personality of godhead.
I think you are reasonably correct. Such love can be towards GOD not otherwise,unless we consider all beings and things are GOD, considering GOD is considered omni-present.
if you use the sunlight as a gross example of omnipresence of the sun (in the daytime) one can still determine the distinction between the sun and the sunlight as different phenomena - similarly just because god is omnipresent it doesn't mean that everything is god. God has different potencies than his separated energy, just like the sun has different potencies from its separated energy (the light)
in otherwords is it sufficient to talk of the force that moves the universe (in an attempt to define god impersonally or in an unlocalized fashion) when we have no experience of a force or energy that isn't localized - eg light -> sun, electricity -> power house , etc - similarly, universal controlling energy -> the personality of godhead.

There has to be "prime" of everything or being, force, energy, matter etc., which probably we may be beyond our normal capacity to see/understand.

What GOD/Nature may desire, promote and effect? How can we make GOD/Nature happy to us?