Religion, Dinosaurs, A.I. and Aliens


Just curious. How does our Christian, Hindu and Muslim bretheren here explain the dinosaurs and when they lived, the possibilty of an A.I. coming into existence in the next 20 years and the possibility of alien life?

The same applies to others you mentioned. I don't understand why hindus would have to explain dinosaurs, A.I., and everything else differently than the academic world. They have no problem with evolution, science, etc.
In general, people of faith do not find any conflict with their religion in the concept of their god working through the mechanism of evolution. After all, their god did create a universe that is orderly and predictable enough for his children to make their way through it without having to stop every ten minutes and beg for guidance in the most prosaic matters. So he built an infrastructure that includes the Four Elementary Forces, relativity, the uncertainty principle... and evolution. "The Cosmic Watchmaker," to use an old term. The pope has commanded his flock to accept evolution and indeed just about every "hard" science. Protestant and Jewish leaders do not command but they urge. I'll let the Hindus and Muslims speak for themselves but I've never met one who had a problem with evolution.

I have no idea how they feel about A.I. But since most of them don't even believe that really intelligent animals like parrots, gorillas and dolphins have souls, I doubt that they'll lose any sleep over a machine cleverly designed by humans to emulate cognition.
I have met plenty religious people that dont believe evolution is true.
Strangely, most DO believe the dinosaurs existed.. :bugeye:
I think Catholicism accepts evolution and descent with modification (although not my wife, seemingly) so dinos shouldn't be a problem.
A lot of people seem to have created something like a private religion. They still belong to a given religion but they are doing away what stuff they dont like and adopt some views that they do like... etc.
You get the picture.
A lot of people seem to have created something like a private religion. They still belong to a given religion but they are doing away what stuff they dont like and adopt some views that they do like... etc.
You get the picture.

I think it's sometimes called: conscience.
I have met plenty religious people that dont believe evolution is true.

Pretty much every straight-forward Christian I know denies evolution. I'm not even 100% sold on it yet.

Strangely, most DO believe the dinosaurs existed.. :bugeye:

Wait, what? You find it strange that people would believe in dinosaurs?

To answer the original question, Christians believe that dinosaurs existed, they're described in the Bible. Now, what happened to them, who knows?

As for A.I., I don't see why that would be an issue.

And Alien life, I think most Christians deny that more or less because they feel that they, as humans on Earth, are unique and therefore the only life in the Universe.
Pretty much every straight-forward Christian I know denies evolution. I'm not even 100% sold on it yet.

Wait, what? You find it strange that people would believe in dinosaurs?

To answer the original question, Christians believe that dinosaurs existed, they're described in the Bible. Now, what happened to them, who knows?

As for A.I., I don't see why that would be an issue.

And Alien life, I think most Christians deny that more or less because they feel that they, as humans on Earth, are unique and therefore the only life in the Universe.

I find it strange that a religious person would believe in dinosaurs but not in evolution.
Hmm i see, they believe the dinosaurs were around together with humans (!)
OOH, that's the angle. I thought you meant they denied the existence of dinosaurs.

Oh, well then. Well, with my experience with Christians, the majority I know don't think they existed at the same time, or they rarely even think about the topic. I think those that think they walked the Earth at the same time are the more hardcore Creationist groups.
OOH, that's the angle. I thought you meant they denied the existence of dinosaurs.

Oh, well then. Well, with my experience with Christians, the majority I know don't think they existed at the same time, or they rarely even think about the topic. I think those that think they walked the Earth at the same time are the more hardcore Creationist groups.

Its still strange to me that they accept that the dinosaurs were around before mankind. According to the bible the dinosaurs shouldnt have existed before mankind, nothing actually did.
Oh well, im not counting the few days the dinosaurs might have had on us according to the 6 days in which God created the haevens & earth and everything on it.
Its still strange to me that they accept that the dinosaurs were around before mankind. According to the bible the dinosaurs shouldnt have existed before mankind, nothing actually did.
Oh well, im not counting the few days the dinosaurs might have had on us according to the 6 days in which God created the haevens & earth and everything on it.

What do you mean? Of course there were animals around before mankind. Evolutionists and Creationist both agree there were animals here first, then man. Just different ways between them.
What are you talking about?! Humans are animals, members of the kingdom animalia.
Just curious. How does our Christian, Hindu and Muslim bretheren here explain the dinosaurs and when they lived, the possibilty of an A.I. coming into existence in the next 20 years and the possibility of alien life?


I'm a Muslim and I believe (hehe) in hard science, no problems here.

Though I have had some interesting chats with Muslims who adopt the anti-evolution stand. :p
What do you mean? Of course there were animals around before mankind. Evolutionists and Creationist both agree there were animals here first, then man. Just different ways between them.

Look, the creationists view and the evolutionists view on this matter are miles apart, you aint gonna call them similar now are you ?
According to the bible God created everything in six days. True, he created the animals before man. But we are talking days here.
Thats hardly reconcilable with the millions of years evolutionists are talking about.

You either belief the bible that says everything was created in 6 days or you go with the scientific explanation (meaning evolution).
You just cant say "dinosaurs existed millions of years ago, but a few thousand years ago God created everything". Where did they dinosaurs come from then ? Created by the previous God ? :p No logic there.
I'm a Muslim and I believe (hehe) in hard science, no problems here.

Though I have had some interesting chats with Muslims who adopt the anti-evolution stand. :p

What is the anti-evolution stand ? Does that involve creationism ?