religion and war


Devout Theist
Registered Senior Member
Apparently atheists disparage religion as a major cause of war. Are they equally against nationalism?
I also, am against any irrational thought that causes war.
but I'm also against nationlisim, we are all human regardless of race, colour, or creed, we are all of this planet. we should disregard nationalism and become as one. ( an impossible dream, unfortunately. )
Apparently atheists disparage religion as a major cause of war. Are they equally against nationalism?
Heh. Good question. I would say it depends on the atheist.

If I had to make a guess, I would say atheists are suspicious against any transcendent idea or belief, including that of nation, so I would say you'd probably find less patriots among atheists than in the general populace.

I also, am against any irrational thought that causes war.
but I'm also against nationlisim, we are all human regardless of race, colour, or creed, we are all of this planet. we should disregard nationalism and become as one. ( an impossible dream, unfortunately. )

The problem is that the idea of being one (or that everyone is equal) is a transcendental claim, since whatever material method you test everyone on (height, wealth, intelligence etc) will not give a unified result
I did not say equal now did I, what I did say was as one, what you mean as one is not what the majority think. all atheist are like minded (as one) but not equal.

it is an impossible dream, there's far to many loons in the world, as you well know.
I don't think religion is often a single cause for war. However, I think the countries we need to worry about starting wars are those countries who have problems with fundamentalists in religion ie. US and Middle East. And what a surprise... they are the ones that are at it today.
I don't recall suggesting any such thing. I never implied that there wouldn't be rational reasons for going to war. It would seem that you've demonstrated my point, however, by irrationally making assumptions about my words.

Thank you.
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I don't recall suggesting any such thing. I never implied that there wouldn't be irrational reasons for going to war. It would seem that you've demonstrated my point, however, by irrationally making assumptions about my words.

Thank you.

If everyone were logical how would there be irrational reasons for going to war?

The problem is that the idea of being one (or that everyone is equal) is a transcendental claim, since whatever material method you test everyone on (height, wealth, intelligence etc) will not give a unified result

We all have the same basic structure. Religion seems to divide people, at least into the believers, and the non.
If everyone were logical, would that end war? Would there be absolute logic?

I don't recall suggesting any such thing. I never implied that there wouldn't be irrational reasons for going to war. It would seem that you've demonstrated my point, however, by irrationally making assumptions about my words.

Thank you.

I did not make assumptions. Sorry to ask as many questions as I do without making any statements. Maybe logic would end war, I don't know. I doubt it. I guess you would have to do a study whether knowledge increases intelligence. I believe humans would find a reason to fight even if there were no religion. Animals attack one another all the time just to survive. So atheists, not you, claim religion is to blame for unneccessary war. Like religion 'created war'. What is neccessary war? Who defines it?
So take beliefs that cannot be substantiated by science out of the picture and analyse what you have left. Would there still be cause for war? I presume that wars would just become logical. But I have not given the idea much thought. Animals 'war' out of logic, correct? given the theory of evolution? Survival of the fittest? So for an atheist to say "look, religion has caused all this unfathomable misery and death, it is so destructive!"Is that not somehow shirking their responsibility as humans?
Referring to a thread by Roman (I think), atheism, taken to an extreme, would NECESSIATE the killing of retards. It would be logical.
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Referring to a thread by Roman (I think), atheism, taken to an extreme, would NECESSIATE the killing of retards. It would be logical.

Logic isn't atheism, but atheism is logical. What would be the logic in killing retards (assuming the family has no problem caring for them)?
Logic isn't atheism, but atheism is logical. What would be the logic in killing retards (assuming the family has no problem caring for them)?

The idea taken to the extreme, not just as an amusing belief.
Logic isn't atheism, but atheism is logical. What would be the logic in killing retards (assuming the family has no problem caring for them)?

Atheists become obsessed with the notion of perfect societies and/or eugenics, for some reason.
If everyone were logical how would there be irrational reasons for going to war?

Sorry. I had a typo. "irrational" should have been just "rational" in the second sentence. I've no excuse for such a gross error in syntax.