Religion and Human Rights

Human rights are the "basic rights and freedoms" geared up and in place to be of benefit to every human. These rights are civil and political rights, such as the right to life and liberty, freedom of expression, and equality before the law; and economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to participate in culture, the right to be treated with respect and dignity, the right to food, the right to work, and the right to education in some countries.

Thus human rights are created by humans and thought to be for the 'benefit to every human'- And you don't think that religious laws are created the same way- for the 'benefit of every human'- now one has to differentiate between 'benefit'- if one law tries to save you from eternal hell fire that indeed is 'benefit' for humans- So for you to say that your 'human rights' are better for humans than religious law is based on the assumption that the religious law actually do not benefit humans at all- which they do if they actually do stop you from going to hell....

So the difference is really in the view of 'benefit'- and it depends on who believes what. (Q) and everyone here seems to present "Human Rights" as some 'gospel-laws' when they are simply a self-creation which are based on a single viewpoint and have no understanding of anything other than secularist ideas.

Peace be unto you ;)

It is a crock of shit. I don't even know why I'm bothering reasoning with someone like 786 who's logical processes are flawed.

Any thought process is flawed if it is maladaptive.

Anyway I'm out of this converstation 786 until the OP has had time to give his thoughts, I dont' want to go off on a tangent when it's not my thread.

Your jumping around is 'crock of shit' and your proposals of unanimous agreements are 'crock of shit' and your so called self-created laws for 'benefit' are crock of shit.

The whole argument of Human Rights against religious laws is based on the ignorance of the fact that each law understands 'benefit' in a different manner and a different understanding of the world- both are valid laws for their respective beliefs....

Peace be unto you ;)
Thus human rights are created by humans and thought to be for the 'benefit to every human'- And you don't think that religious laws are created the same way-
Peace be unto you

After our randomness discussion I lay it out for you so you get your answer. I feel no obligation to continue, if I so choose. Any human saying he wouldn't stand on his human rights before God isn't going to get any respect. The thought is a foolish ass kisser
After our randomness discussion I lay it out for you so you get your answer. Any human saying he wouldn't stand on his human rights before God isn't going to get any respect. The thought is a foolish ass kisser

What randomness discussion?

Also I agree but what human rights? Human rights created by humans or human rights created by God.... because certainly only the rights created by God will end up benefiting humans in the end.... So it seems you are trying to go in circles and forget the reason why humans right were created in the first place...

Peace be unto you ;)
What randomness discussion?

Also I agree but what human rights? Human rights created by humans or human rights created by God.... because certainly only the rights created by God will end up benefiting humans in the end.... So it seems you are trying to go in circles and forget the reason why humans right were created in the first place...

Peace be unto you ;)

you are disillusioned
which is ?

Well there are many beliefs out there and certainly each will have assigned different human rights... My argument is actually quite has nothing in particular to do with any specific religion.

Peace be unto you ;)
What randomness discussion?

Also I agree but what human rights? Human rights created by humans or human rights created by God.... because certainly only the rights created by God will end up benefiting humans in the end.... So it seems you are trying to go in circles and forget the reason why humans right were created in the first place...

Peace be unto you ;)

I advise you use facts when making a stand before God.

Know the facts of the matter including where you obtained the knowlegde of Human Rights.......Human Rights - post #37.
Well there are many beliefs out there and certainly each will have assigned different human rights... My argument is actually quite has nothing in particular to do with any specific religion.

Peace be unto you ;)

so..... continue
I advise you use facts when making a stand before God.

Know the facts of the matter including where you obtained the knowlegde of Human Rights.......Human Rights - post #37.

In other words the only 'human rights' are those created by them... I beg to disagree. Other systems also have assigned human rights. For your assertion that, that is what Human Rights are after claiming that Human rights are for the benefit of humans is stupid. Because these 'human rights' are only looking for the 'benefit' for this world while other systems have developed rights that will benefit for eternity. Choice of which is dependent on the person who has what belief.

I don't understand why this is so hard to swallow.

Peace be unto you ;)
so..... continue

Continue how? I am not here to make the judgment whose human rights are better than the other... just pointing out that there are many differing versions of them... Destroying the argument proposed by the OP. So lets move on and let this thread die? That is the only smart continuation :D

Peace be unto you ;)
Continue how? I am not here to make the judgment whose human rights are better than the other... just pointing out that there are many differing versions of them... Destroying the argument proposed by the OP. So lets move on and let this thread die? That is the only smart continuation :D

Peace be unto you ;)

so is it the gods that are which we should turn too for Human rights ?
so is it the gods that are which we should turn too for Human rights ?

That depends on what people believe... If you don't believe in God then why would you turn to them? If one does believe in God then that would be the more logical place to go for human rights because the 'benefit' can be determined best by God as it would deal with all of eternity and on top God is All-Knowing and All-Wise- much better characteristics than us?

Anyways this is apart from current threads argument... The argument has been sufficiently discredited and I feel no need to continue your sarcastic question and answer session. :D

Peace be unto you ;)