Religion and Art

If you work was meaningful and was a significant portion of your life then I'm sure you'd think about it and appreciate the fact that you used your life wisely and didn't squander it worrying about what some Alien overlord thought about your sins (like eating corn - Xenu doesn't like corn!).

Also, I was under the impression this was a lingering death, at the end of a lifetime, a time for contemplation, not a stab in the gut rush to the ICU! Yeah, if that was the case sure, they probably are in a state of shock regardless. But iif the former well then....
Do you disagree just for the sake of doing so???

Notice how I agreed with you partly. That's called compromise. Try doing it :D
What would happen is that the act of painting would be incorporated into the art form. The movement would be like dance, and there would be artists who belittled the need to take much care about how the paint fell on the canvas. It would be performance art.

In history, there have been cultures that focused on only one form of art.
Not possible. However, I doubt there is anyone who while dying thinks, if only I'd finished that experiment!

Actually, my impression from school was that this sort of state of mind is precisely the one we should have at the end of the day and when dying. This notion that we are supposed to see ourselves as slaves to Science the God, and that we should die for it, that we should spend our lives serving Science the God, not to benefit humanity or to make our lives better, but to please Science the God, for Science must be pleased and if it costs us our lives.
That it doesn't matter if I personally feel I am living a meaningless life and die of cancer. That what really matters is that science works on figuring out the meaning of life and that it works on figuring out the cure for cancer and that what truly matters is the process not the result. Nevermind that in the meantime, billions of people live meaningless lives and die of cancer.

I hated this attitude! :mad:
That what really matters is that science works on figuring out the meaning of life and that it works on figuring out the cure for cancer and that what truly matters is the process not the result.

I'd think the result would matter to those who would benefit from whatever the answers are. Even though those who were trying to find "answers" died without knowing what happened, eventually their input will lead to answers that save millions of lives, perhaps even their own great grand children!
I'd think the result would matter to those who would benefit from whatever the answers are. Even though those who were trying to find "answers" died without knowing what happened, eventually their input will lead to answers that save millions of lives, perhaps even their own great grand children!

I do not care about post-dated rain checques.
Humanity was created, by humans of course, but I don't think it was to worship Gods and Goddesses (which precedes the worship of mono-God [you'd have to give me that one if you read any history]). Humans on the other hand were not "created" we evolved from an earlier primate.
so we were monkeys?
where are the half monkeys half humans then?
and btw:D given that evolution for animals is true(it's immposible for humans) still doesn't mean we weren't created in the first place..
Humans created Humanity.

In the same manner Humans create purpose. I for one am VERY happy with the purpose I have created in my life. I do research I am extremely interested in, I study new phenomenon all the time, I have great colleagues, I enjoy coming to work, I enjoy traveling, my close friends are very close.
told can tickle yourself with a might feel good too..
Let me ask you a direct question.

Compare two people:

Person A:

Dedicates their life to studying the meaning of the Prophet Ron Hubbard's writings. They spend every day thinking about and studying Scientology Dogma, it's underlying principals, it's implied meaning, it's future meaning, what it might mean, did mean, couldn't have meant. Every day is spend praying 5 times to the Intergalactic Alien and Warlord Xenu. Thinking about Xenu, studying Xenu ... etc...

Person B:

Is an atheistic scientist. Spends their days studying cancer. Thinking about Scientific Journal writings. They spend every day thinking about and studying medicine. - it's underlying principals. Every day is spend running 5 experiments to try and find a cure for cancer.

Which person do you think has wisely lived their life? Person A, Person B? Both? Why?
personally.. i'm A+B..:D..there's no contradiction...

it's like studying history and making the contradiction..

but if i HAD to choose..A, with no doubt..i'll know where i'm peacfully without fearing when to fearing that after i die people might start dying in doesn's from some other diseas..rendering my work useless..

atheism holds no futue for you know know that in the long run everything you do IS'll die and it'ss all what is the defensive mechanism you develop?..just forget the futere..and how everything is useless that way..sink your head in the preseant..and lully yourself bu how everything are trying to replace it meaning nothing to you by how much it means to others..and that is an will never be satisfied with save people for what?? so they can die eventually??yes smile and enjoy it a bit..but what's in it for you when you die??nothing..NOTHING..

lol..wake up and smell the coffee.