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I have heard about cases where people say they have memories of their past live. Their are stories of children who remember parts of past peoples lives. Is this credible evidence for reincarnation?
No. I've only read about where people tell "tales" about their so called past lives but in actuality there's no real way to prove they did, other than them saying so. Anyone can dig up facts about the past or even about certain things that actually happened to people but there's no scientific way to determine it is a fact they are telling the truth, its up tp you to "believe". :shrug:
My thing is why does everyone who had a past life was a king or something? Do peasants reincarnate?
My thing is why does everyone who had a past life was a king or something? Do peasants reincarnate?
actually if you investigate the claims of persons who make the claims, you see that on the whole they more or less drew from that class
No. I've only read about where people tell "tales" about their so called past lives but in actuality there's no real way to prove they did, other than them saying so. Anyone can dig up facts about the past or even about certain things that actually happened to people but there's no scientific way to determine it is a fact they are telling the truth, its up tp you to "believe". :shrug:
how do you propose to scientifically determine the truth?
I have heard about cases where people say they have memories of their past live. Their are stories of children who remember parts of past peoples lives. Is this credible evidence for reincarnation?

First of all, it depends on what value do you think that other people's testimony can be given as such (whether it is in matters of reincarnation or anything else).

If you dismiss testimony as such to begin with, then you need to seek a different route to gain certainty about things.
The OP asked if there was a way to find out if there is reincarnation and if its true. I only stated that you can't find out , that's all.

Some cases I've heard about would have been far too muxh trouble to get the insignificant detail that were proven to be correct. For example personal family matters.

Some cases I've heard about would have been far too muxh trouble to get the insignificant detail that were proven to be correct. For example personal family matters.


Hilarious. How do we know they aren't just making it up?

I have heard about cases where people say they have memories of their past live. Their are stories of children who remember parts of past peoples lives. Is this credible evidence for reincarnation?

No it isn't. It amounts to personal testimony, which is not valid evidence. In truth, this kind of thing is a cottage industry in India.
Some cases I've heard about would have been far too muxh trouble to get the insignificant detail that were proven to be correct. For example personal family matters.


Truth about what? Then if you say they are telling the truth then how do you verify that they are and if you can verify it then they also could get that information as well as you did. So you see the proof that you suggest would verify what they say is accurate then ANYONE can get that same information and remember it to say they "were there".:shrug:
How do you know?

Because there's no way anyone can find out if they are saying the truth. Let us say I say that in 200 BC I was at a certain place and time, is there anything you can supply me with to verify that I was really there? :shrug:

Then if you can verify that I was where did you get your information from and couldn't I gave researched that exact same area that you did to verify what I said? That would then give me all the details that you found and make it look as if I were actually there but wasn't only gathered the same information from the same place that you did.

Do you every single person in the history of the world, who expressed this experience, are liars? :D

There was some reincarnation series on, but everyone who went through regression had a previous life of some importance. For example a Roman Soldier, a prince, a gladiator......there was never a story of some fisherman or housemaid.
It's just dreams and imagination.

Of course I can't prove this, but I don't care.

Do you every single person in the history of the world, who expressed this experience, are liars? :D


Since I cannot prove for a fact they are lying, but they can't verify that they are either, it isn't possible.

Do you every single person in the history of the world, who expressed this experience, are liars? :D


Irrelevant. Is there any reliable evidence? That is the only question, not the perceived integrity of the person making the claim.
Logically reincarnation doesn't make sense.

7 billion people are alive now.
When there was only 10 million people on Earth, where were the other 6,990,000,000 'souls' that are in use today?

Obviously they weren't humans. So that implies they were either other animals or that there is a long gap between death and the next rebirth.

And were do you draw the line between when one species becomes another? Do they suddenly become 'able' to reincarnate?