Refute of the Proof That the Christian God Does Not Exist

Pac man is a video game.

Never the less it is something that is created by intelligence to behave a certain way. The concept of wether or not it has free will is not that different to us and our creator.
pac man responds to the player

man responds to himself.
Well I guess I can only speak for myself then. Since you're not too sure of why u do what u do...

so does that mean, in your theory then, that you're God talking to me vicariously through KennyJC?!?!!

What does God's knowledge have to do with my choice?!
If he knows it before you think you've made it then you aren't free to do anything else. I.e. it wasn't a free choice but a pre-determined requirement.
Truth offends u.

Certainly, the brand of truth that is your religious fantasy offends me, as it would offend anyone who thinks.

this whole conversation is LOL and DUMB.

Agreed. And it will remain so as long as you remain ignorant to reality.
Nisus said:
What does God's knowledge have to do with my choice?!
If something can be predicted with 100% accuracy then it is PREDETERMINED.
An Omniscient God knows WITH 100% ACCURACY what everyone will do at every moment.
Therefore those actions must be predetermined.

Nisus said:
Him knowing something doesn't = compulsion upon my desicions, therefore I am FREE to choose for myself.
I agree with the first part - him merely knowing something doesn't equal the compulsion.
But he obviously knows ALL the things that DO COMPEL YOU.
It is not his knowledge that compels - but he knows with 100% ACCURACY what does compel - and thus can, with 100% accuracy - know your action.

Nisus said:
You limit yourselves way too much. Yes cause/effect but---- the interaction you have and choose to have within the definitions of your environment is your CAUSE. YOUR freedom-- YOUR testament to what YOU ARE<-------------
You've lost me.

Nisus said:
Without the ability to choose for yourself when to REACT and INTERACT-- simply you cannot progress and mature.
Define "progress" and "mature".
I'm not saying you don't have free-will (or at least what I would call the "illusion of free-will" which most people refer to as simply Free-will), but I am saying that free-will is not a compatible concept with the Omniscient God.

Nisus said:
You guys are linking God's knowledge to YOUR decisions---saying that they're NOT YOURS if God knows them. Or that you're not free to decide if he understands your intentions, desires and dispositions that eventually EQUATE what you choose.
The Omniscient God has 100% perfect knowledge of everything that drives our choices - and because he has this knowledge he knows, with 100% accuracy, the outcome of every choice - because they are predetermined.

Imagine a weightless, frictionless environment, with two perfect objects of perfectly equal mass.
With very little information we can determine the outcome of an impact between the two.
This is because we can know ALL the causes - and can thus determine the EFFECT.
The effect, in this perfect example, is predetermined BECAUSE WE KNOW ALL THE CAUSES.

Likewise, the Omniscient God knows ALL THE CAUSES - and can thus predict the EFFECT with 100% accuracy. As such - the outcome MUST BE predetermined.
And as such, free-will does not exist.

What you call "free-will" is relative - i.e. we call it "free-will" because we CAN NOT KNOW all the causes - and thus the outcome is NEVER 100% ACCURATE.
But this is relative - i.e. merely the illusion of free-will.
If you can understand what quantum-gaps are all about then you will need no proof for anything to exist: it will be SELF-evident that gods and their devils cannot exist because they are the nothing, fiction, we call thoughts, words.