recent sighting - more pics

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Of course (Q), marked and labeled. There is more than meets your "scientific" eye.

It is very narrow minded to mark and label people who see with different eyes than you do. That's cool, it is your opinion. Just an opinion, nothing more.

A cloud is a cloud is a cloud. I've seen elephants and flamingos in the shape of clouds. Is that what you're referring ? Is Chris simply seeing shapes of what he considers alien crafts ? If so, then he can only be labeled as having a vivid imagination.

It only shows your being insecure about unexplained phenomena.

I didn't know Cirrus clouds were unexplained phenomena. You've got me worried now.

Go ahead and be comfortable with what you can control.

I think you're stating the obvious. Who can say they're comfortable with that they cannot control ?


"Now one is calling you a fool." Was that a deliberate "typo"? An attempt to make a "sublime" insult? I think so, until Q scientifically can prove otherwise.

Thanks for pointing out the typo. It was not deliberate.

BTW - could you astral project yourself over for a pool party this weekend ?
Q, are you insulting her or trying to chat her up? :p


Forums are often used for debate, so naturally, I debate.

Clear enough, honey?
Yes honey, but you are debating with arguments that has no value in this particular issue, as I pointed out before. Should I point it out again, or can you press the back button by yourself?

Oh, and don't get jelous now, you know quite well that Q likes me better than you anyway. ;)


Your arguments were inane beyond comparision, which comes as no suprise, as they came from you. :)

As for the Q, he's sort of a mystery, isn't he? Alls we know is that he's exceedingly intelligent and has good taste in cars.

Again, I advise you to either:

A: Learn how to flirt online or

B: Find the attention of males in the mundane world and wallow in it.

Believe me Bebelina, I am no threat to you. Can't we just get along?
Sure, we can get along, if you drop the obnoxious attitude. Which is not likely to happen, since it is the most apparent feature of your online persona. Besides, I have no interest in Q, I only said that to tease you, and see, I succeeded. :D
Sorry Q, you know I'm too good for you, don't you, dearest? ;)

Xev, you seem to assume a little bit too much about who I am, please don't, because you couldn't be further away from the truth.

Instead of saying my arguments were inane( which in itself is a very inane argument) why don't you point out exactly what was inane about them, so we can have an intelligent discussion about the subject? Perhaps without degrading comments, personal attacks and the word "fuck", however decorative you may find that combination of letters? :)

Is it a deal honey?

I thought this was a debate about a "sighting."

Seems to have evolved into two girls fighting over a guy.

*Sits back and enjoys the show*
Hmmm...lemme see, (Q) questions the photos (not the person who posted them, but the evidence itself) as being flimsy and easily explainable by other means. Said person whines and cries about being attacked and having his integrity questioned, then Banshee (a name most appropriate, given the level of wailing) scolds (Q) for attacking chris (which (Q) did not do anyway). Subsequently, chris insults both (Q) and Xev directly, saying "not the two smartest people I have met online". in this instance, Banshee's wailing is noticably absent, as she fails to call chris on his actual, personal, and direct attack.

Banshee, if you cannot separate your own opinions from your duties as a moderator, perhaps you should resign your position or avoid posting in threads which touch you too deeply.
Northwind, I hardly think it insulting to say to a person they are not the smartest. Man, get real. I've been called a lot worse and it is still on the boards. Have a good time finding that particular posts.

From here on it is back ontopic.

Maybe you could change your attitude Northwind...
Originally posted by Banshee
Northwind, I hardly think it insulting to say to a person they are not the smartest. Man, get real. I've been called a lot worse and it is still on the boards. Have a good time finding that particular posts.

From here on it is back ontopic.

Maybe you could change your attitude Northwind...

HAHA. Yes, you fail miserably at every turn to do your job, and that is MY fault. Priceless. :rolleyes:

Oh, and saying someone is "not the smartest people I have met online" is merely a cowardly passive-aggressive way of calling them stupid, which you know perfectly well.

I should love to continue to flirt, fair sir, but I fear the howling of the rabble and the deletion of our posts. ;)
How right you are Xev!

From here on, posts will be deleted, as mentioned in the Announcement!
Of course, the usual selective moderation from our esteemed moderator, singling out the usual round of suspects.

Will any other posts off topic be moderated ? :rolleyes:

EDIT: Yes they will! In fact this is the last post I will leave as it is! Next one will be deleted entirely! ~ BANSHEE

Those websites contain pictures of cirrus clouds. A ciouple of the pictures mentioned at the start of this thread do have similarities to some forms of cirrus clouds. I have seen some odd weather effects now and then, but I am not sure I have an explanation for the intense glowing bits in a couple of those pictures, unless one can modify the brightness/contrast of a photo to produce such effects. However, as I said, there are similarities to some forms of cirrus clouds. That does not make them cirrus clouds. Skepticism is good, but absolute certainty based on vague similarity is useless, especially to those claiming to be rational.

Maybe I'm too much of an idealist, but the entire UFOs/spaceships matter is one more thing going into my Undecided tray.
Here is a picture of a cirrus cloud. I see a lot of simularity.

Marry me, Q

HA! Delete THAT on topic post, Banshee!

Well it ain't as good as the other one, Banshee, but it makes my point.

I win.
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